Indeed they do, but cannabis is stronger and, to many, worse. It is all about recognising and respecting the rights and conditions of others.
I had an incident a few years ago with a neighbour who smoked (cigarettes) with his door and patio door open. The smell permeated into the hallway so I asked him to keep his door closed "But I don't want my condo full of smoke" was the reply! don't smoke it it then! But to inflict his residue on others for his own comfort...sorry not on.
Before that ,we had a guy who liked to cook a lot of deep fried food - again keeping condo door and patio open...result, smell into hallway. Asked to stop by several then reported to Juristic who told him to stop iaw Condo regulations.
Enjoy your own condo by all means, and do whatever you wish inside those walls...but as soon as whatever you do impacts on others, you are affecting their enjoyment of their own condo. If you want to create smells, make loud noise, or anything else that impacts others, then go buy a big house where your actions will be contained.