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About Phulublub

  • Birthday 10/06/1960

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  1. Agree, CAn he use Skype or similar through a VPN to access the Pension freephone helpline on 0800 731 0469? PH
  2. Perhaps try the online enquiry form, thought the website currently does say "It is taking longer than usual to reply to online queries." but if that is due to staff shortages, perhaps explains why the phone is not being answered. PH
  3. Indeed...my post with his email address has been removed already!! PM bigstar, or me, for info or see my edit above with his phone number, if that survives the bot removal tool... PH
  4. Was imn an email their marketing guy, Gavin Wadell. Send him an email and ask for the pakages *Removed email per rules, please provide alternate contact information* Maybe mobile humber allowed? 089 750 - 0293 (Gavin's direct mobile)
  5. Try Pyathai Hospital Sriracha ...a bit of a drive up the 3, but often have good packages available...this one runs throughout December
  6. Didn't realise we needed an invite to join the discussion . I will refrain from stooping to your childish name calling but, you see, I have both Clarity and WISE cards and Google Pay so the subject was of interest to me and I thought I might learn whether these would be a viable option for future use. Since you only use cash, the subject is of no relevence to you whatsoever; I wonder why you even clicked on the header, let alone posted multiple times on the thread - not once, by the way, with any bearing at all on whether any or all of the stores accept Google Pay. PH
  7. That's rich coming from the man calling others imbeciles, idiots, and several other derogatory names just because thye choose to use a different payment system than him and are a little sow in doing so! PH
  8. So you knowingly and deliberately break the law, and think that saying "oh, sorry officer" will have Plod moving along. They do say that most criminals are not the sharpest pencils.... PH
  9. If it is assessable then it is potentialy taxable. The OP appears to think that ONLY money earned in Thailand is taxable, which is 100% incorrect. PH
  10. Incorrect statement highlighted. If you bring money into the Country it may very well be taxable income. See numerous other threads for details. PH
  11. And when the bank closes your account...what will you do then?
  12. The Caspian Fleet only has two frigtaes in it. So BOTH were hit? and damaged? Good shootign! The design of the Tatarstan is nearly 30 years old, though the more modern Degetsam is some ten years younger so may have some improved technology. But still... PH
  13. Maybe ask those who try to buy homes in whcih to live in places like Cornwall, the Lake District (and I am sure England is not unique in this) whether others buying as holiday lets is good for them. The UK is trying to discourage such activity; maybe they should take a leaf out of Thailand's book? PH
  14. Indeed I do not, in common with 99% of others. Those who do own properties in multiple countries are unlikely to be worried about whether they can own something here in any capacity. PH

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