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About Phulublub

  • Birthday 10/06/1960

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  1. And while we are caught up in this change, we are not the targets. There is a huge difference and I truly wish tax resident expats would realise that they are actually not that high on the agenda of the Thai authorities. We are incidental to the scheme of things. PH
  2. How many times will this falsehood be trotted out? It is NOT targetted at expats. PH
  3. What do the US call those who are living in the country (legally) but are not US citizens? PH
  4. What is a "proud" military history? One where a Country invades, subjugates then pillages the natives and the natural resources of the invaded country, perhaps? PH
  5. To add to oldcpu's reply - look at the hoops any foreigner needs to go through to gain permanent residence in UK, then try taking the UK permanent residence written test and see how you get on. Pretty sure most UK expats would fail. PH
  6. The requirements to gain a long term visa to live in Vietnam are, I believe, much more onerous than here. PH
  7. Or to do your due diligence before buying to make sure that the estate is well run. PH
  8. Please remind us which president increased the US national debt by the most. Ever. PH
  9. Indeed they do, but cannabis is stronger and, to many, worse. It is all about recognising and respecting the rights and conditions of others. I had an incident a few years ago with a neighbour who smoked (cigarettes) with his door and patio door open. The smell permeated into the hallway so I asked him to keep his door closed "But I don't want my condo full of smoke" was the reply! Er........so don't smoke it it then! But to inflict his residue on others for his own comfort...sorry not on. Before that ,we had a guy who liked to cook a lot of deep fried food - again keeping condo door and patio open...result, smell into hallway. Asked to stop by several then reported to Juristic who told him to stop iaw Condo regulations. Enjoy your own condo by all means, and do whatever you wish inside those walls...but as soon as whatever you do impacts on others, you are affecting their enjoyment of their own condo. If you want to create smells, make loud noise, or anything else that impacts others, then go buy a big house where your actions will be contained. PH
  10. Pople do indeed have the right to enjoy the space within their condos...those who do not like the smell of other people's weed will be very happy that those who do cannot do so where it will impact that enjoyment. My condo commitee/Juristic has banned the smoking (not possesson - that would be silly) of cannabis on the estate; I commend their stance. PH
  11. Questions for you: 1..If you are going to keep them on death row for 20 years before execution, what is the point of executing them at all? 2..Given he was found guilty of murder, would you be happy for Derek Chauvin to be executred? PH
  12. I think we are in agreement but misunderstandings occur with being recognised as living in ones' own condo by different organisations. I pay property tax as I don't have a yellow book - but as City Hall sends the invoice to me, by name, at my condo, I (incorrectly) assumed that meant I was registered as living here per, as you say, TM47 and TM30.....I guess not as on reflection, I could actually be living pretty much anywhere and they would still send the invoice to me as the owner. PH
  13. She must, therefore have a UK NI Number - she should register on the HMRC website where she will be able to see her entitlement PH
  14. Maybe, I dunno. As far as I am aware, I am registered as living in my condo, but I have a Blue Book as I am told getting a yelow one at Pattaya City Hall is nigh on impossible....am I not registered? PH

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