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CG1 Blue

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  • Birthday July 20

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  1. Farage is trying to put a stop to all the political cover ups. He should be applauded for that. We (the UK / West) have a fast growing community of immigrants from countries and cultures that have a high number of young males full of hate for us, and in particular a loathing/disdain for young white girls. Not many politicians are brave enough to talk about it. And those on the left are just like lobsters in a pot of warming water. By the time they realise what's truly happening it'll be too late.
  2. But life would be made hell for any woman who went against a Sharia court ruling
  3. What has been done? Young Muslim men are still crossing the Channel in small boats in record numbers. If Labour stop the boat crossings they'll deserve praise. And if they start immediately deporting the ones who already made it across, then they'll deserve praise. Sending a few Brazillian visa overstayers back home is not going to excite the British public.
  4. It doesn't really matter how you frame it. What most people in the UK want is an end to the thousands of young fighting age men of a certain faith coming over in boats to milk the UK asylum system. Call them legal , call them illegal, call them whatever you like. It needs to stop. Ireland have managed to start sending them back to the UK. What have Labour done so far about those economic migrants? Cancelled the only plan that may have discouraged the channel crossings. Unsurprisingly the numbers coming over are rising again.
  5. Easy targets. Nobody in the UK is bothered about Brazillian overstayers. If Labour start returning the thousands of young men of a certain faith who come over in boats, then it'll be time to praise them.
  6. A lot of people in the centre / centre right of politics are sick of the left shoving all the woke cr4p down their throats. Getting the Dems out to avoid another 4 years of wokery was more important than worrying about Trump. Blame the loony left for this result. I'm a Brit and I'd vote for anyone if it got Labour out.
  7. We're talking specifically about sports here, and trans women having an unfair advantage in women's sports. Do you agree that a man who now identifies as a woman has an advantage over born women in sports? If you do agree then surely you don't need to be defending the trans side of the argument. If you don't agree, then please explain why trans men don't make it to the top level of men's sports.
  8. Can't help wondering if the people supporting men in dresses entering female bathrooms have a hidden agenda (or a hidden gender?)
  9. It's fine until you venture into the ghettos, places like Tower Hamlets. You wouldn't want to be white and walking alone around that sh hole. The Bangladeshi 'community' there gave me a very warm welcome about 15 years ago when I was walking back to my Isle of Dogs room alone. 6 kind young men relieved me of all my possessions at knifepoint. Maybe Khan can take Trump for a wander around Tower Hamlets after 9pm.
  10. We all speculate. Some people (no names mentioned) even speculated that Kamala would win
  11. I'm the opposite, I always like to read the early comments and if I get bored I'll jump to the later ones. But maybe I'm in the minority
  12. I find it really irritating too. I thought it must be an issue with my computer / browser, or that I was going mad.
  13. Right to Buy was introduced almost 45 years ago. What have Labour (and Mirror readers) done to fix the issue since then? Also I thought local authorities could retain a large percentage of the sale proceeds. They were not banned from using those funds to build new social housing.
  14. And some families who can't afford the IHT tax bill may give in and sell the land to a developer. You make some decent points, but surely you must agree that we need more farms to secure our future food supply, and that this new policy will likely result in fewer farms not more farms.
  15. There's a very good reason why farmers have 'benefitted' from IHT exemptions. The farm land handed on to the next generation isn't the same as someone inheriting their parent's house. It's a legacy to continue the hard work of producing the UK's food and crops. We need more agricultural producers, not fewer. So the argument that this will only put a handful of farms out of business doesn't hold water. It's a step in the wrong direction! Why didn't Labour have a long consultation period to figure out how to do this without putting farms out of business? They could've worked out a way to only penalise those who immediately sell the land after inheriting it, and protect those who will carry on the family business.

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