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Posts posted by swissmaninthailand

  1. 6 years ago the beach was very dirty, but now the beach is clean. No perfect, but Pattaya has improved because many tourist started to complain. It was really dirty with condoms everywhere too .... . Some of you are new here in this area, but years ago there was no safe place to swim and people were hit by jet ski. Pattaya has really improved the situation on the beach generally so I tell them good job and I hope they continue to make these beaches a welcome place for all.

  2. The problem with these smart TV is that the software they use is made by the tv company and maybe not always updated. Samsung use a samsung operative system. It s not Android. The only application I was really using on a smart TV is YouTube.
    Another problem on a smart TV is it takes longer to switch on and off. Take longer to update the TV. I have one at my parent house, and it s a pain to type on the fake keyboard. I must use the arrow of the remote Controll to type each letter. Just a pain.

    I know that lg use the remote Controll by pointing it at a keyboard on the TV screen. Like a laser. And you can select the letters. Probably faster. I didn't try.

    If you want an android TV you can buy a chromecast TV that you plug on your TV. Then you should have YouTube, and the Android market. Your TV become like a tablet except you can not save files. But I think you can plug a USB memory stick and record on it.

    This TV in the video(first post) is my first LG TV and after 1 month of use I really like it. At the beginning we got shocked by the size(my TV was a small Thai TV that went broke) , and we wanted to return it, but as you know Thailand is not like the USA where you can return something you don't like( no satisfied or money back here, eh there is not Wal mart here! ) . But after a few weeks of use we really like this tv and the ability to play many files from a USB stick and watch Thai box is nicer when screen is bigger.

    These chromecast keys cost around 30 dollar for the older model. I have seen a new rounded model. Any feedback?

  3. Thank you "Swissmaninthailand" for enriching the Pattaya forum with these interesting posts and subjects. A breeze of fresh air.  :-( MS>

    Are you making fun of me. Seriously I see something good, and I make a video. Do you think I have the skill to make a movie like avatar 2? Tomorrow I have a very cool video coming. Fasten your seat belts.... :)
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