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Posts posted by swissmaninthailand

  1. My crooked step grand father will take all the money of my dead grand mother. If not he want sue me in court and I have no much money and courage for that.

    What kind of mention should I write under my signature.? My idea is when he dies (he is 79) it will will let me maybe an opportunity to sue him. I m in Thailand. Should I go sign in front of a notary?

  2. Hawkins said humanity will disappear in 1000 years. World will survive but will be very polluted.
    What these governments need to do is to limit the growth of the population and pollution but with Trump it won't happen. We always need more and more energy and super suns are not ready before 10 years or even 20 years. It s to the people to learn to live differently like live in mini houses on wheels and limit energy and water consumption. I would say go solar if you can. Solar panels become cheaper and cheaper.
    Our parents want us to have kids, wife, house, car, good job, holidays... But these babyboomers were killing eachother in worldwars so they should shut up instead to give lesson to the youngs . many have udge debt now and just shit jobs.

    They have been to war for years and of course it s easy to rebuild a new world and have a good life for 20 or 30 years because everything must be rebuilt but does it worth ? Yes it worth for the baby boomers but not for their little children or the one who have been killed by bombs. These baby boomers were just lucky. Enjoy your pension while it lasts.

  3. Lawyer say to take what he offers and finish with this story. If I go to court I would have to pay maybe more than what I will receive because lawyer is very very expensive . In Switzerland if you get married only 1 day you can take all pretty much . No law protect family like In Italy. This story put lot of fight in my family as well. Financially I m ok in Thailand. I got money from my father allready. My sister said the same "move on with our life". Anyway this fake husband will die soon and money is useless in hell. He can not take it. I will pee on his tomb. My father and my grandmother were 2 very greedy persons. My grandfather was greedy too and died in pain. My father died in pain few years ago, he was never happy with his money, he wanted more.always more. They all always wanted to get more and more, money is like a decease . I explained to people to look what we have in life and not always wishing to have more.money is good to be comfortable, money become a poison for many people . Anyway...

  4. Hello,


    I have a problem and as I am in Thailand (Pattaya) I think I will have a faster answer here.

    here is my problem: I have a deceased grand mother who died 2 years ago in march 2015 at the age of 101.5.

    During the funeral, we( my sister, mother and I) learned she was married to a  Swiss man who is soon 79 years old.(secret marriage)

    My grandmother has around 2,8 or 3 millions dollars blocked in a Swiss bank.(in fact it's in Swiss franc but same same)

    The testament said nothing about me and my sister. my father is deceased in 2010.the 3 pages testament came out from the pocket of this husband. nothing notarized.

    About  the law, if we understand it correctly, its 25% for me and my sister. (12.5% each) and he get 50% plus the 25% that my grand mother can give to who she wanted(total 75% for him ).


    The problem is that this husband want  give us only 150'000 dollars each.(sister and I)

    The notary has calculated 25% and subtracted 500'000 for each of us. I have  called the  notary and she said she follow the number given by the husband. that's all.after this we hired a lawyer.

    My grand mother did an insurance life for my father 20 years ago , he received 1 million but at the end, when he died we inherit only 75'000$ each (sister and I)because my father was receiving and spending money every month and at the end,no much was  left..

    Now he claimed some other money we received from my father and from my grand mother years ago (before he was married to my grand mother) and he threats us to go to court if we don't accept the 150'000 dollars each.

    Our lawyer asked me yesterday if I accept the offer or take the risk to go to court.he has threaten us 2 times  already.

    My sister and my mother are freaking out.This man is stuck on this 150000$ offer  and he believes we should get nothing more from our grand mother  . This is already 14 months we are trying to deal with him, and there is no way to change his mind. at a certain point he said he will let us 50'000$ so now I should be very thanks-full if I get 150'000$.

    I am in Thailand and I don't understand  why the notary only listen to him.

    We have discovered as well that my grand mother stole the inheritance from her fist husband  in 1945 (half of his money should have been given to my father when he turn 18 yo).We claimed some of her money should have been the money of my father and this fake husband  has no right on it. Notary said nothing is valid.

    Every time we come with something,notary said it's not valid.

    Last day the notary asked us if all accounts of my father were closed before the death of my grand mother  , the bank confirmed it was.and then he  came with same offer, take 150'000 and go away.



    What would you do, what you would answer ?

    I m not trolling here, I can post pictures later.





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