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Everything posted by GregTN

  1. I would always get a new KR 22 each year but this year at Chiang Mai I was told that it was no longer required to have a new one each year. When I asked at what time a new one was required I never really received a tangibly answer. I will probably still get a new one each year just in case they change their minds.
  2. R.I.P. sir, your advice and wisdom will remain on this forum for others for many years to come.
  3. Try putting food coloring in the tank and let it sit for awhile and see if the color appears in the bowl. If it does then the flapper valve or one of its components has failed.
  4. We have a mid priced stainless steel sprayer that the pressure changes the more you squeeze the trigger. Purchased at Home Pro if I remember correctly.
  5. Some automatic oiling saws require thicker oil to work properly and might be more prone to leaking when not in use with a thinner oil. I would recommend using normal bar and chain oil it is a little more expensive but not enough to break the bank.
  6. Sadly I missed out on that 600 baht/200ah battery deal and have been watching the market for the last six months. I am using this system as a UPS for a couple of TV’s, fan, and a few lights and normally draw less than 175 watts unless the MIL has her old CRT TV running. I do agree that it is a waste of money to purchase these used batteries for a solar setup that has to cycle every day.
  7. I found these 200ah CALB lifepo4 on Lazada for 6000 baht including a BMS and active balancer during their September 9th sale. I actually only wanted an additional 100ah but I felt buying these would insure I would get at least that amount.
  8. Thank you for the replies.
  9. I currently have a 12 volt UPS unit that uses 4 100ah LiFePO4 batteries. Can I add a 4 cell 200ah LiFePO4 pack in parallel to increase the power/storage to 300ah or do the additional batteries need to match the current 100ah batteries for a total of 200ah?
  10. I bought this product at Do Home last year and it works great.
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