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  • Birthday 04/07/1952

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  1. wow, never seen a Raja ferry looking like that only seen rustbuckets covered in oil and smoke
  2. and what about the people who already have an existing account for their agent to use ? is this just for new accounts or ALL accounts ?
  3. just go to the immigration offices on the island, they deal with them there but can be busy so get there early if possible
  4. no problem taking bikes on seatran. but book in advance if possible ferries are in great demand and get full quickly i had to wait 8 days to get my car back to Koh Phangan
  5. Thanks need to stock up on bottles then, cos cans are awful So closure of waste site then ? Wonder if this is the reason for the build up of rubbish all over the island now, unable to clear it fast enough
  6. anyone have the details on why these bottles have been banned and replaced by tinned beers ? still see some bottles for sale, was told we had another couple of weeks to buy, then a couple of weeks to stop selling anyone know the facts on this thanks
  7. maybe should carry a brick while crossing, let them see it no stop,then a brick through the windscreen, 555
  8. hi there anyone got information of how to renew my 5 year driving licence on koh Phangan? do i have to travel to Samui to do this? i know i need copies.etc but do i also need medical certificate? if so where do i get this as i assume it has to be the same day? Do i need to do the online thing too before going ? do i need to book an appointment or can i just turn up? Thanks
  9. yup, they can afford to live if they hold out the begging bowl for all the benefits now tell me how a pensioner on state pension can afford to live while renting, without going begging fpr government handouts ? yet a pensioner on state pension can live reasonably well in Thailand , if he doesn't drink all day and eat western food all the time and live in expensive condos try getting an appointment at your doctors quickly, or getting to see a specialist at the hospital look at the basic bills in the uk. Water, gas, electric, rates, cost of motoring, train fares, parking fees, etx, etc yes food can be cheaper, as with beer, but that applies to Thailand too , if you eat local. Try eating in Thai restaurants and see how much a simple Pad Thai will cost you i have family in Uk, but neither want to, or afford to move back, just driving around is a nightmare of fines and restrictions, so much more easier and relaxing to live here in Thailand, apart from the visa problems, but that's only once a year anyway
  10. is this deaths of people found to have covid after death by other causes, or healthy people dying because of covid only ? Remember how they inflated the number of covid deaths, even from people with heart attack's, cancer, etc
  11. where is this place ? Lived in Nakhon Phanom for 6 years, never heard of it Left 2 years ago, so a new place ?
  12. Water Shortages ??? On Koh Phangan here we get water, if lucky. 1 hour every second day ! 6 am till 7 am, my washer takes 56 minutes to do a load, so impossible to do it been on the cold showers and water tubs for the toilets for a while
  13. so where is the load bearing on a small 4x4 extension ? Two side walls will be tied to the existing building , with only two corners to form the front wall the only load onto the new walls would be on the front wall, which would have a wll plate fixed to fasten the lightweight steel mono pitch roof to , with the high point of the roof fixed to the existing building, so no load on the side walls from the roof are you saying 100mm oe 125mm blocks are not strong enough to stnd up and the bonded corners are not sufficient ? Surely the bonded corners ar as strong as the clip or nails the use to tie the blocks in with ?
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