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Everything posted by Joinaman

  1. ok maybe the wrong word so what are they supposed to do and how long is it supposed to do it ?
  2. so am i missing something here if i have had my jabs and boosters, i can, and have caught the covid since i caught it before the jabs, and twice more since the jabs, all without ill effects even if i have had my jabs, i can still catch and pass on this covid to other jabbed, and non jabbed people ?
  3. I'm 71, had my 2 jabs and a booster , that's more than enough for me iv had covid 3 times now, all of which were like a mild flu only if they are supposed to give you immunity, why the need to keep getting them ?
  4. have a few friends coming over in the next couple of months and they sent me a thing from Pattaya 103 Radios stating that covid checks are being brought back for tourists is this correct ? i thought they were talking about the Chinese only before ?
  5. but how often do you go to these ? once, twice, then you have seen it, so what then ?
  6. im on Koh Phanagn, and all i see are idiot tourists flying down the roads without helmets, wrong side of the road, trying to overtake on bends, etc I see so may that have crashed on the sandy corners that they take too fast, A few times have had them fly past me, only to find them picking up the bike a few corners later i live on a junction, and never go more than a couple of nights without some biker crashing had 2 last night within 15 minutes, , but it keeps the clinic in business dealing with what we call the Phanagn tattoos and the bike rentals rich
  7. thanks guys, but was looking for a tree with built in LED lights, so avoiding having to mess about with string lights got one a few years ago from bangkok, but no idea who sold and shipped it but thanks will keep looking, and if not might have to buy basic tree
  8. Hi there looking for a decent size artificial Christmas tree with led lights anyone know where i can buy one, or where i can order one for delivery to Koh Phangan ?
  9. I believe the daughter and boyfriend dont work, amd are long time unemployed, which he always says the try and get any money off him when he goes to visist, so im pretty certain there would be no loan forthcoming Seems he thinking of selling his car, which he hardly uses anyway, but worth about 60 to 100,000 baht ? its an old Vios 1500 manual . Im told someone is going to look at it today, so will se Hes also thinking of leaving to go back to the UK, to sell the car and maybe the bike, ;eave the house to his gf, But not sure how this will wok for him, cos he still thinks he can just walk into benefits and housing One of the reasons he wnt back to UK was because he has a hernia, and he thought they would let him just walk into hospital and get it sorted. That didnt work out either I recommended that he get the money together, save what he can, and waits till next spring before going back. if thats what he wants to do He hates the cold season here, so no idea how he will cope on a UK winter
  10. ahh then he has no chance of getting this Non 0 at an embassy then hes used an agent due to lack of funds in the bank, so either try and talk to the agent again, see if local immigration can help, or just be stuck on 30 day visas i know an agent can renew the 30 day visa without doing a border run, for a fee, which in the case of Laos, is a bit cheaper and easier Thanks for your help
  11. can this fine only be paid at the borders? or can he pay at the local immigration office > if so, can the same office get him a Non 0 visa too Thanks Jo just trying to see if there is any easier way to pay and get the visa, due to the [problems of him crossing an unknown border and all the paperwork
  12. he does, but he finds it hard to listen or take things in so we just walk away and leave a vulnerable old man to suffer, when we could at least try and help him know what to do? If given the correct information from most of the helpful people on here, we cant force him to act on it, but there is much more chance he will do so, we are all getting older, and sometimes we all need a bit of help
  13. he only has a daughter left in the uk, who lives with boyfriend in a 1 bed flat he sleeps on the sofa when he goes back to visit, but thats only for a few days before he returns if they send him back, how would that work ? put up in a hostel or something? or is he just left homeless ? not sure his daughter could cope with him for too long, especially if hes going senile or getting dementia
  14. what cost is a new non0 visa from lao embassy? i know he will have to pay crossing and the visa to enter Lao, plus tuk tuk and hotel, but thats not too bad if he can get the Non 0 visa which would buy him time ?
  15. unfortunately i think he is and the bad thing is im down on Koh Phangan, while he is up north east in Nakhon Phanom, so not easy im going though another guy in the next village, who has no clue about visas, because my old mate cant use the internet, hardly uses his simple phone and cant use messaging or e mail much either
  16. not sure about this he not far from the Lao border, but its the paperwork to get the non 0 visa that would be the problem, plus finding embassy and hotel im down south now, so not able to help him, and it seems his Gf and her sisters dont really ant to know maybe they are hoping he gets kicked out, so they can claim his house and car ? Hes definitely struggling wit the mental things, he didnt even know he was talking to me on the phone, and ive known him 7 years now Thanks for everyone help. seems the best way is to go to the friendship bridge/border, pay the fine and then go to the embassy and try and get a non 0 visa
  17. thanks its not the annual cost that hurts him its the big cost to get back to a retirement visa
  18. his visa exempt stamp ran out on the 14th. so on overstay any recommendations for a visa agent that might be cheaper? hes living in Isaan, but used an agent in Pattaya for many years does 27,000 baht sound about right to get this retirement visa back, or could it be done cheaper , because living on the old uk pension means money is tight for him Thanks
  19. i have to agree with you, i think he has at least half the money, but he hates paying for anything and keeps going on about how he only paid 10.000 before hes even talking about not paying and living on overstay, saying what can they do to an old man
  20. seems he wasnt too bothered and wants around 27,000 baht before he will help, plus overstay fee
  21. Hi there hoping someone can help an old friend of mine with some advice friend is 77 yeas old, been on retirement visa for many years, using agent he went to the uk for holiday, but didn't get a re entry permit before leaving , so when he arrived back, he was given a 30 day tourist visa he didn't look to check any stamp till a friend saw his passport. It seems his visa ran out on the 14th September , which puts hi on maximum overstay, at 20,000 baht ? he now has to pay the fine , maybe get another 30 days visa and then apply for another retirement visa? he was going to go to the ;local immigration offices and see what they say, but not sure if they will just let him pay and extend visa, or if they will lock him up he has very little money available , living on his state uk pension, the oid lower rate any advice would be welcome , for the easiest and cheapest way to remain here his other option is to do border runs, but at his age its not easy, and hes starting to lose some of his marbles too thanks
  22. 2.000 baht ? you get discount for being Hansum man ? 3.000 seems to be the rate around here , so m told
  23. i have both UK and thai licences, I often used to offer my UK licence when pulled at road stops, not once was it refused most dont even know what an ID or UK licence looks like, cant read it, so just say ok and let you through Even when i first came with ID licence, mist had no idea what it was
  24. koh Phangan ? 8 to 10,000 gets your a small house for the month never more than a dew minutes from a beach can party somewhere almost every night if wanted, but mostly bars are fairly quiet and relaxed
  25. Gf has put post on FB showing these men you want me to post on here ? is it safe to do so ? i videoed it all, but didn't put that on FB in case it caused trouble for me being a falang not rural area, the main town on the island not sure what it is, pawn or gold, just going by what she called a gold shop. I have never been there so no idea saw a photo on guys phone showing GF on camera outside shop, so not sure if that's how they found her , she was wearing the shirt with our bar logo on it . But she sold this almost a month ago, seems the only find it fake when they melt it down As far as i know this was the 2nd time using this shop, once to buy, once to sell the same item we both kept telling him we had the receipt with the gold weight and item on it showing the sale, which to me meant anything after that is their fault , not ours. They check and weigh before buying i assume ?
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