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Road Warrior

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Everything posted by Road Warrior

  1. indeed a stupid idea by the government
  2. maybe !!!! there must a better candite in all of USA ????
  4. u done well !!!!!
  5. hope he has paid tax on this amount !!! he done well to save this amount from his wages ?????
  6. i agree aortal situation to find one in that
  7. think city hall have do a bobo on installing a traffic island .just causes traffic nightmare !!
  8. i agree 100% amaze that so many forang don't use helmet !!!! must have v low IQ as the non-foreigner's !!!!
  9. caution ALWAYS check green book for owners and is says hand written alterations if so may well be GREY book which is another scraped bike dont buy. very common in Thailand as you wont find it easy to sell it on
  10. i agree .not a sensible move by Thailand
  11. not a very good idea to support Russia !!!!as the world say a Putin is a war criminal
  12. true and Mondays is A NO GO!!!
  13. the 14 LADIES in photo at police station look such nice girls !!!
  14. try travel agent such as Caribbean usa
  15. indeed great for the tourist trade !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially for the family tourist with children
  16. good for the tourist trade !!!
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