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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Breaking the Law, Landlords Will do/ Charge what they want . Legal or not.
  2. And wearing sunglasses at night, to stop the glare from oncoming Headlights .
  3. Maybe they they don't need cheap labour to survive but they do use illegal cheap labour because they are Greedy/Money Hungry.
  4. Bangkok to quicken the process of removing illegal structures from canals How insanely stupid are they? Why did they let the people encroach and build over the canals in the first place. Too many donations I presume.
  5. Six Vietnamese Found Dead in Bangkok Hotel Room Whatever they done or had /Taken/ inhaled must've been good that they All died at about the same time otherwise someone would've /could've called for Help.
  6. That's Bad news ,same for me . I stopped taking amlodipine a few months ago and got some different ones now ,But No change in the man boobs they are there to stay I would say as most of the BP pills have the same side effect. There are many others besides BP meds that have the same side effect as well , only some more then others.
  7. Well you can check this list for starters. 🙏 Medications that may cause gynecomastia Gynecomastia may be a side effect of certain medications, including: Cimetidine (for heartburn and acid reflux). Digoxin (for certain heart issues). Finasteride (for enlarged prostate or alopecia). Ketoconazole (for fungal or yeast infections). Spironolactone (for high blood pressure and heart failure). Thiazides (a class of diuretics). Phenothiazines (a class of first-generation antipsychotic medications). Theophylline (for asthma and COPD). Methotrexate (for rheumatoid arthritis and cancer). Imatinib (chemotherapy drug). Substances, including amphetamines, marijuana and heroin, may also cause gynecomastia. Misusing anabolic steroids can, as well.
  8. Fair enough if one can get one but not fro Russia. Time to move on and forget about the apology one can't keep on dwelling over it .
  9. Looks like a Real Tosser doesn't he.
  10. That just shows how stupid Dangerous Religions are , Brainwashing from day one what doesn't exist and making people do what they want them to do.
  11. Financial Management My Foot I call that thieving Corruption for the Greedy deep pocket thieves. Amornvivat, announced at a Government House meeting that two unidentified groups would be ineligible for the project. This sounds Fishy ,they are looking how they can stop some people from getting this money and how much they can put in their own pockets. Maybe they are looking at people who are not registered and the ones that don't pay Tax . That would be Most day workers in the building industry/farms /all the Food/clothes Vendors/Markets . They can save Billions if they look for that.
  12. Thai-German man jailed 25 years for abusing daughter, sharing child porn What a Maggot. Good that he goes to jail .with some luck someone will stop him from Breathing our Precious Oxygen soon.
  13. HE he, same here , Mine are from my Meds,I told Lady Digger if she want Bigger Ones maybe she can take some of my Meds and see if that works for her. 🙏
  14. Forms for concrete piers question Yes you can rent them for the Posts and same for the Forms for the foundation Walls if you need them. I've seen them using lenghts of Timber/Planks to make the forms for the Tall Posts so they can pour them in one pore.
  15. Nah no need for a Go fund Me. Khun Bob will do that just for Fun for sure. 😇
  16. Thaksin Shinawatra to Receive Certificate of Innocence in August. What in Satans Name is happening? Certificate of Innocence My Foot He's a Convicted Crim ,Ones a Crim Always a Crim
  17. This isn't good that one can't even know if the cops are real or not , Or that it makes no difference they are All Bend.
  18. 2 men & 1 women wanted by cops for sex on Patong beach . Why are there so many people that just are out to capture anything on there stupid phone . Must be a lot of Voyeurs around . Normal people would just move on and not worry about what Other people are doing.
  19. 2 men & 1 women wanted by cops for sex on Patong beach. Wow ,are they going to have a Orgy? What age? Who's going ? 🙏
  20. Scum, Take there License and Crush the M Bike and Jail them for 12 months that should teach them . This is a good time for the government to get there Act together and Do something about those Mafia thugs. But Nah nothing is going to change, Pigs might Fly sooner than a change here.
  21. 14-Year-Old Motorcyclist Strikes and Kills Homeless Man Sitting by a Pattaya Roadside What in Satans Name is wrong with this country? 14 yrs old no licensee too young to ride a motorbike , Claimed the victim was sitting in the dark by the roadside. Like they where saying that it was the Victims Fault for sitting in the dark By the roadside They don't say that the victim was On the road . What about The Lights on the bike Hey. Not looking at the road just mucking about and not Looking where they are riding.
  22. disrupting over 2.4 billion baht ($66 million) in illegal gambling flows. All those Arrests , They don't say how Much Money/Cash/Bank accounts they confiscated . I suppose that's only on a need to know basis, I presume that we don't need to know.
  23. Well Someone Did put DT in the Bullseye but missed and got killed . DT will come back and Win ,No Doubt.
  24. Massive Loan Shark Ring Busted in Chon Buri Nice Little earner. There are millions like that and bigger than that here in the village. The cops know them but they do nothing they must be on the donation List.
  25. You are Sending the money to your wife so You are bringing the money into Thailand . You have to put that on the Tax form then you can claim back what you Gift your wife Is gift taxable in Thailand? The concept of gift taxation in Thailand is relatively new, having been implemented alongside the Inheritance Tax Act. The law mandates that any transfer of property or assets, whether money, real estate, or valuable goods, can be subject to gift tax if the value exceeds certain thresholds. Here's a good one for ya Gift tax rates in Thailand are structured to favor transfers to direct relatives. For gifts to ascendants, descendants, or spouses, the tax-free threshold is 20 million baht per year to a single recipient, with a tax rate of 5% applied to amounts exceeding this threshold.Apr 11, 2567 BE
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