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Everything posted by digger70

  1. I worry that my aging brain is making me feel crazy. (You too?) Nah ,not me at 78 But you must be crazy for real , Posting all the Garbage here on A N Avery Day .
  2. Restrict Street Vending to Low-Income That's a bit of a Laugh , that means that most likely more then 50% will have to go. Not going to happen I think. As for Space and Road and Footpath Clearing I am all for that.
  3. Clothes Do not make the person .Male or Female , It's what they can do for their country that's what makes them a real person. 🙏
  4. First of all one never should buy from FB , Tik tok , It's still the peoples fault they are Gullible, Same as with Loan Sharks, that's a Giant Scam and that cost people Everything that they have and more. Not much get done about the Thousands of Small Sharks. the Buyers Bank doesn't know if they pay a scammer or a Legit Person they only can know if the Buyer or the police informs the buyers Bank but saying that the Banks could help if they wanted but that's too much trouble for most of them.
  5. Trying very hard to drum up Black Votes. What is in the past Leave it there , By stirring the pot only cause more trouble. Did see that happen in Aus with the Aborigines and Whiteys ,Always a Racial Clash for Power and Compensation for what happen in the past generations Leave it be .
  6. Don't some say that size doesn't matter? 😜
  7. The Banks are responsible to keep their costumers account Safe from Hackers. The Banks should Not be Responsible for people who are scammed into transferring their cash. If the gullible people get Scammed to transfer their money that is Not the banks fault.
  8. President Kamala Harris No, she's not up to it, DT got the B@lls
  9. Thailand banks could be forced to share hacking costs, Yes they should If they can't keep their costumer accounts Safe from hackers It's the banks responsibility. This only should be for the accounts . Not if people get scammed into something and then transfer their cash, or make mistakes on their transactions online and apps.
  10. Just like Any politician in the world , They are all Liars and cheats I will say DT is not the Worst, his now opponents are worse. You just pick a side what you think is the best out of the Bad bunch.
  11. Is that why they say LGBTQ, Lets Go Bash The Queers,, 😇
  12. Fruitcake sounds good. 🙏
  13. You mean more fruit cakes like that ? you go join them than your one too and can be put in Jail.
  14. Breaking an Engagement to a Thai woman, does she keep the ring? Who cares , Why worry you bought it and gave it to her . Up to her I would say, If you brake up with her she maybe pretty mad at ya and want to sell it if it was Expensive and want some money instead of you If she knows what you've paid for it and it was a cheap one she may trow it At you. 🙏
  15. Why in Satans name would the greedy sods want us Expats to pay tax on money that's Not earned in Thailand they can do what they like with the Thais that Earn an Living in a Foreign country. Just Greed. we as foreigners don't use money from Thailand we Spend money that's been earned in our home country or receive from our Pension. As for the double tax agreement that only gives people more more Pain , Have to get an TFN and than trying to claim your tax back, Do it yourself that causing a Headache or Pay to get this done by tax professionals.
  16. Maybe they forgot to include that this only suppose to be a payment for Legal registered Migrants if they want to leave .😇
  17. Totally Over the top , Look at the normal extensions x THB. 2,000 works out THB 40,000 for 20 years ,slightly different than the THB 900K up to 2 Mill. One can't tell me that the So called Perks cost that much. (if one can call them perks) Just a big Laugh.
  18. Nah keep him here and trow him in a Thai Hell hole Prison for Life .
  19. Get real, get your priorities sorted . It's wasting time talking to you. Amen
  20. So you would rather have people being bitten by disease spreading Vermin than make the country safe and trouble Free. Wha is more important People or those Vermin .
  21. Wouldn't be better if Thailand did the same as what Turkey did to make life better for many Thai people and tourists by eliminating the Vermin.
  22. That's Karma for what the did when they were Young to the Boys being Sex Magnets. and playing Hard to Get/Give in. 😜
  23. Bangkok’s flood defences on high alert: I think that they need the Floods to Flush out the canals and all the dirt an rubbish what comes with that.. I think that they can't make Bangkok Flood proof even if they call in the Help fro the Dutch. Dikes along the river banks stops the water from flooding the land , I seen that when I went bak to The Netherlands . We were driving on the roads on top of the dikes for many Kilometers all along the rivers. Some river water levels there are Higher than the land outside the dikes . But Thailand would say I will do this My way. But they forget that there are Two ways of doing things ; The Thai way and the Right way.
  24. Don't tell me that people are expected to believe that drivel.
  25. Do you believe that true love exists? This is generally a matter of opinion. That can mean that some people Believe that true love exists and some people Do no believe that true love exists same as with Religion.
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