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Paul Laycock1

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock1

  1. Didn't need the math lesson. Plain and simple I don't like Chang in bottles.

    I drank Stella In the U.K. always cans, never bottled, Sure was a difference in taste. Being partially disabled small cans are light and more easily transported from my kitchen to living room.

    Have a nice day.

     My questions were why the vast price hike and how many cases of Beer Lao can I bring back from my annual trip on Monday - don't want to break the law ha ha.



  2. Today I purchased 4 cases of small cans of tha above, no problem 708.00 baht per case of 24. As of 1st September I was informed this would increase to 750.00. Why? Slightly different but how many cases of Beer Lao can I bring back from my annual trip which will be on September 4th?



  3. Not worth the paper there written on. I told them I wasn't paying for a service they couldn't provide. Apart from the guy at the shop insisting I owed them a couple of thousand Bart (I just walked away) and haven't heard from them since. I didn't owe them money as payments were in advance of the service they couldn't provide.


  4. I recently purchased puff pastry from makro, it was chilled and not frozen.

    My question is how long will this keep in a refrigerator. I have googled the same question and the reply/opinion is it will keep for two or three days.

    This seems odd because how long it's been in the store is anyone's guess.

    Any pastry chefs/experts who can give me a better idea.

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