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Paul Laycock1

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock1

  1. I am disabled after two strokes and a hip replacement operation.

    A letter from your doctor along with a photograph in your bed or even hospital bed should help with your predicament.

    I do the 90 day runs with the help of my sister in law, same for shopping and anywhere else I need to go.


    My next trip into the unknown will be to renew my passport in Bangkok, before anyone suggests it I’m not going to use a. Agent.


    Good luck.

  2. I have seen a large black rat in my kitchen over the last couple of weeks.

    A few day’s ago purchased some Bayer Racumin Ricebait. The problem I have now is the strong smell of gas, is anyone familiar with this product? Does the product work and is the smell normal, or worse the rat has gnawed through my gas pipe


    Any food spillage in the kitchen is immediately cleared up so I’m not leaving food out for it.

    The smell is giving me headaches.

  3. As I was trying to say, perhaps not to clearly I go to Savannaket every 90 day’s.

    I remember the Amnat experience as not being good although that’s my opinion.

    Change the address in the yellow book and start again, 60 day’s from Amnat or 90 from Savannaket, choice is yours.


  4. I always know what I want. I have a multiple entry based on marriage which I always get in Savannaket. My address is registered in Loengnoktha and my yellow book shows this. Loengnoktha comes under the province of Yasothon, never had a problem and never go to Yasothon, just pass through, rarely.

  5. Screw Amnat, found them difficult to deal with and after climbing a mountain of stairs to get in, not a happy bunny. Probably only get a 60 dat stamp.

     Go to Mukdahan get a multiple entry and report back every 90 day’s much easier and better for shopping.

  6. In November my passport will need to be replaced. I’m wondering what help if any is available for disabled applicants. From memory I seem to remember a turn stile and plenty of steps to gain access to the building, have things changed or is it still the same.

    My wife who lives in Bangkok I’m sure will accompany me if allowed. Also I will fly from Ubon Ratchathani and was wondering what help I can expect if any.

    My sister in law will drive me to Ubon but not sure if she will accompany me to Bangkok.

  7. Sheryl, thanks for your time and reply.

    I was taking Warfarin/orfarin 3mg for my blood clot or thrombosis, I stopped about 18 months ago. Bowl movements are non existent at the moment, apetite zero. Pain has been 24/7 although not as extreme after the morphine patches.

    My current patch is my last so in two day’s it will be back to agony.

    The pain is sharp and severe, any movement is painful, a sharp stabbing pain.

    Advice on any alternatives would be appreciated.

    My sister in law does try her best to care for me but I need to move on.

    I can’t drive and she is my lifeline to getting to hospital for medication.


  8. My history as best I can remember. No medical issues or problems in the UK.

    Two years after I moved here I started feeling nauseous with headaches, went to my local hospital and diagnosed hypertension due to very high blood pressure.

    They decided that my best bet was to go to another hospital, chose a private hospital in Mukdahan and admitted same day. 


    Next day had had two strokes in quick succession, rushed for a head scan which confirmed this. On further inspection I was told I had DVT.


    came home a few day’s later with medications. Nothing else happened for a few years until I had a fall over a plastic garden chair.


    Went to several hospitals but ended up in Ubon Ratchathani where I had hip replacement surgery. I never been the same since and resigned to the fact I will be disabled for the rest of my day’s.


    Thats about all but if you have further questions please ask.

    Many thanks.

  9. I have been to several hospitals in Mukdahan, I have ended up with Morphine patches, each patch lasts for three day’s. The doctor would only give me three.

    His thoughts are it’s my spine after X-rays and  CT Scan, had a ultra sound scan as well that shows everything as normal. He recommended going to Bangkok for surgery which I don’t want to do.

    What other strong non addictive medicines are available that don’t make you scratch yourself to the point of bleeding. Today I will use my last patch so three more day’s with a little pain relief. Anyone any ideas.

  10. Sheryl, thanks for the reply. The pain is constant 24 hours, so it looks like a trip back to the hospital in Mukdahan. I have tried all the drugs you list so I feel surgery is my only/last option.

    Many thanks


  11. I have extreme pain in my stomach. After going to my local hospital I ended up going to Mukdahan where I was diagnosed with a problem with my Gal Bladder.

    Given Paracetamol then Pethadine this treatment didn’t work for me so checked out and came home. My question is are patches available that give off slow pain relief.

    My understanding is surgery is probably my only option but need something now.

  12. I have an unwanted night time visitor. The problem starts about 8pm every night, I will call it a Gekko for description rightly or wrong.

    I’m early to bed early to rise so this is incredibly annoying, starts with a rasping sound and then five or six loud bursts of what sounds like the cry gekko, shuts up for twenty minutes then repeats this until first light.

    My sister in law has tried finding it at night but no luck, I have seen it creeping across a window illuminated by a light at night.

    The beast must be in the region of 12 to 18 inches in length, I also understand that this is a delicacy to Vietnamese people. Tried Google for information but no luck, any idea what it is and how to rid it from my garden. This all happens outside my bedroom window so really disturbing my sleep.

  13. 31 minutes ago, sambum said:

    "After that she moved out because she didn't feel safe with the drugged up youth in the area believing it was only a matter of time before they stole the money she made selling nuts to buy Ya Ba."


    I think I'm probably reading it wrong, but she was selling nuts to buy Ya Ba"? :cheesy:

    I must be like you a non reader as it’s the same to me. Who cares, not a great story anyway.

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  14. My wife used to call them speedy ants, if we are talking about the same thing they are smaller than a red spider mite and fast moving.

    I occasionally spray one of the readily available pesticides around the base of my kitchen work top, this seems to keep them away.


  15. Moo71, just back from town, got new photographs passport size and a brand new handicapped parking sticker (laminated) all from the same photographic shop.

    Thanks for your idea. Saved a trip and grief at the driving center.


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