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Posts posted by gguy

  1. A friend is looking at two almost identical condos (same plan and view, one is one floor higher)

    One is in a foreign name and can be sold to anyone without problem.

    The other is owned by a company owned by a foreigner.

    The condo limit is maxed out (49 or 50% of building is foreigner)

    My friend likes the company condo but is afraid of the legal problems of owning and transferring.

    Is there a cost differential for taking the company risk?

    I suggested he might offer 60 to 70% of the foreign name price for the company condo?

    Anyone has any experience in this area?

  2. I had a wart removed with a CO2 laser at the skin clinic on the second floor at Big C Center on Second Road.

    Total cost 1200 Baht including numbing cream, pain injection, CO2 laser, and dressing and cream.

    The service was very good. Just walk in for service.

    I think the cost at Bangkok Pattaya would probably be about 6000 to 8000 baht according to a neighbor who had a wart removed about 3 months ago.

    Primarily a Thai place, I was the only farang.

  3. If I had a Thai partner with a loss, I would be watching my back.

    What a scumbag lowlife you are for posting crap like this making veiled threats!

    Since you imply first hand knowledge of Thai businessman and how they react to business losses, why don’t you inform us of how your Thai partners kick your ass and let you live to talk about here?

    Or are you saying that all Thai’s become violate when confronted with losing money in a business venture?

    Or are you one of Bob’s former partner’s that put up a little bit of money that did not realize that businesses often absorb loses at first and take time to gain popularity and become profitable.

    Please note, I have NO affiliation with Bob what-so-ever. I have eaten at his restaurant maybe 5 times in the 3 years I have been here. But, if there is anybody that ever should be kicked off this site it is you. <snip>

    Just expressing my opinion.

    I would suggest you seek help for your SEVERE mental problems.

    Have a nice day.

  4. The completion of VT6 on Pattaya Beach Road should be interesting. VT6 is scheduled in Dec. or Jan.

    The buyers (speculators?????????) will have to come up with the money.

    VT6 is sold as a shell. Therefore, any buyer will have to spend additional sums to be able to rent.

    It should be interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I have noticed many more apartments for rent in my condo.

    When I moved in the building two years ago, I had to wait for three months for a vacancy to occur. Now, based solely on the signs posted in the laundry and food shop over 10 units are available. I have no idea the number of units available through agents.

    An interesting test of market strength will the finalization of VT6 on Beach Road. It is set for completion in Dec or January. The buyers will have to come up with the cash to purchase. In addition, still they are being sold as shells, the speculators will have to also pay to outfit the apartments if they want to rent them. It should be interesting.

  6. My time with True Mobile is about to expire. It is time to buy a new card.

    What carrier is offering the best deal? True is 3 bht for local and 5 bht for international calls.

    I use about 15 minutes per month. You can purchase 1000 bht from True and it is good for 6 months.

    Any better deals currently being offered?


  7. Hi,

    I installed Frostwire yesterday on my Mac and it worked great. I downloaded over 100 files.

    Today, at about 2:00 PM the connection stopped. My internet connection is working but Frostwire can not connect.

    I am using True Internet.

    Does anyone know what is going on?


  8. I find this situation very interesting. The thai company scheme is basically a sham. If the thai authorities ever examine the corporation, the truth comes out.

    However, this might open an interesting investment opportunity. I have contacted my former employer in NYC about finding investors that would be willing to purchase thai corporation properties for a very substantial discount.

    If a number of properties become available, we would negotiate with the locals for preferencial treatment of our corporations. The property would become unsaleable. We would use it as rental property for at least five to ten years until the law changes.

    If enough properties are located, the properties could be rolled in one Thai corporation and stock could be issued to the public. Then the original investors could sell their stock or let the corporation liquidate and pay dividends. The dividend should be fairly substantial just from rental income.

    Another alternative would be set up a thai corporation to purchase the properties. If stock were offered to the right banking authorities, I would image a fairly sizable proportion of the property would be bank financed. Leverage would increase risk and profitability.

    However, property values would have to fall at least 30%, a 50% fall would be optimal. A fall of more than 50% would indicate instability within the Thai system and would be to risky.

  9. Hi,

    I have been reading about bittorents on the internet.

    Is it possible to use bittorents on True Adsl? I have a 1024k line but international connections seem to range in the 400 to 600K range.

    If possible, does anyone have knowledge of the best way to set up on an Intel Apple Imac? What is the best software? Is there an internet site that gives step by step instructions on set up and use for beginners?


  10. Hi,

    My apt. is infested with little black ants.

    I keep all food in the ref. I never leave food out. Yet I am attacked. The ants are all over the bldg.

    How do I control these pesty ants?????????????


  11. Another stupid question.

    Which phone company is best for internet? If you get a TOT line can you use non-TOT ISPs? Or reverse, can you use TOT ISP on a TTT line?

    If you have a bad ISP, do you need to change phone company?

    I would like to avoid the situation where you have change phone company if you decide to change ISP.

  12. Many of the people in my building are having trouble with True Internet.

    I have heard many good things are TOT Cybergold. I realize they have the same problems common to all ISPs in Thailand.

    Has anyone had any major problems with TOT?

    About 39 True hostages in my building would appreciate your help.

  13. UPDATE

    The server when down again today. It was up for 12 hours.

    The repairman finally fixed after three hours. The repairman came right away.

    It seems that 10 to 12 unhappy customers call immediately after each outage now. It seems to be tying up the True Internet Customer Service Lines. The customers call every 15 minutes to complain. I get the impression that some of the customers are very "rude" and just keep talking and complaining until they are cut off by True. It is my understanding the customers then recall to complain. I think True logged over 100 calls on the last outage.

    I personally think this practice of complaining to be outrageous to our friends at True. They collect 1500B per month for over 39 customers for no service. Don't the farangs recognize that True has expenses and people should settle for the service True gives them. One hour per day is enough for the farang. I think True should double prices and reduce service further to teach the farang a lesson.

  14. After reflexatiion, I think in many ways True symbolizes the current state of business in Thailand.

    The basic business model is Thailand is maximize the profit on the first sale. Customer service does not matter.

    Building a model based on repeat business is not necessary.

    Since there is no real competition in Thailand except in the export industry, companies can do whatever they want.

    True realizes that it costs the customer money to change internet providers, you may have to install a new telephone line, installation, modems, and long term contracts. You really do not know if the service with the new provider is any better. In the West, monopolies are regulated on price and service quality and there are real government consumer agencies that offer protection. There is no protection in Thailand.

    I think lieing is part of the Thai culture. When you go into a retail store, the staff will lie to you if they do not know the answer. Since you can not return products in Thailand, there is no downside to lieing to the customer. If you made a major purchase in Thailand, it takes at least double the time as in the West. You must verify the facts with numerous sources because in Thailand you can not trust anyone.

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