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Everything posted by sateuk

  1. My covoid extension runs out on the 10th February can I go tomorrow the last day of extensions and get another 60 days?
  2. For football shirts from the uk I had to pay 4000 baht tax at the post office before they released it as it got opened at Bangkok, if I didn't pay I couldn't receive the package
  3. you get75% compensation on what the province leader of agriculture says the pigs are worth , then wait 6 months for compensation as it has to get passed by the prime minister, your local head village man will come and bury them for you, you only get paid out for what they bury not what has died beforehand , hope this helps
  4. He must literally have only 1 page left if he worried about room in his passport, the time to worry was months ago
  5. What education if this is there answer close everytime there won't be any education as schools will be closed more often than not
  6. My daughter just went back Tuesday on Wednesday 1 girl in here class tested positive , now the school shut till Monday the 8th, and we are at home not allowed out for a week and if my daughter tests positive getting the result today, it's 2 weeks at home, my son goes to a different school he's got to miss a week of school at least because of this, sateuk buriram this is in , pointless kids having the vaccine if this thing happens
  7. The vaccination stops people from getting severe symptoms, which results in no hospital time, and kids having the vaccine helps , stop trying to make out the vaccine is bad , people like you are delaying the world to open, just get a jab and be done with it
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