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Everything posted by Daithi85

  1. They didn't say anything about 365 days,all they said was because I've spent more than 180 days here that I wouldnt be able to go along with them on the visa run.
  2. Is the 180 day rule been enforced in Vientiane? I've been told by 1 visa run company that it's not possible for me to apply for a TV in savannaket as I've stayed in Thailand longer than 180 days. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Jesus Christ what a bunch of miserable gits on this forum. The members on this forum certainly live up to there reputation. Unbelievable.
  4. Why is being stupid? It's a valid question. Do you even know the correct answer? Do you even actually know what he's talking about?
  5. Good morning. If you read through the comments their talking about the warning stamp that states that the user of the passport has been in Thailand many times and may face refusal in the future.
  6. Yes you can still enter. Its a warning stamp which makes getting another tourist visa very difficult. But your visa with the stamp is still valid.
  7. Sounds like your better off hiding in the wardrobe until the sun goes down.
  8. I don't think the Russians will be leaving any time soon.
  9. You could always go and arrive early instead of arriving late and having to join in the big que. I'm no fan of immigration offices but the staff at jomtien have always been friendly and polite.
  10. Who are you to tell anyone how long they can stay here?
  11. Good write up. Any one using this border crossing should definitely carry the 20,000 cash because sometimes they do ask to see it.
  12. Absaloute nonsense. Visa runs are still going strong. I've done more visa runs than I've had birthdays and never once had any trouble.
  13. According to another news outlet today no decision has been made yet,wont know until the start of April.
  14. True. It might get confusing for some people looking to come to Thailand as a quick Google search will show many news outlets running the 45day exempt will be extended until the years end story.
  15. Calm down buddy don't get yourself all worked up.
  16. Only retired people can? Not true.
  17. Is there a reason why they can't do visa runs? Are Russian passport holders under different rules than the rest? Serious question as I'm seeing alot of how can they stay here comments.
  18. It's a good experience too. Definitely the most interesting border run I've ever done.
  19. Little bit of a difference between a murderer and someone who uses a visa agent I think.
  20. Iast loopholes closing? Nothing has changed. No mention of anything changing either. Some people on this forum seem to make things up in there head and run with it as of if it's facts. Nothing is changing and if you think that there going to crackdown on these agents your delusional..
  21. I highly doubt it . He seems to be making it up as he goes along .
  22. Looks like many more foreigners will be blacklisted? Where does it say this is going happen? I must of missed that part in the article.
  23. Get over yourself buddy. Your going to be be very disappointed because ain't nothing going to change.
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