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Everything posted by Daithi85

  1. Can always rely on a Thaivisa commentator to turn a positive into a negative.
  2. When I first arrived in Thailand everywhere I went the place was full of backpackers, bus stations ,train stations backpackers everywhere. Like u say it has changed unfortunately.I for one miss the old Thailand.
  3. I wouldn't be too sure about your comment on Bali not complaining, do a quick Google Search and u will see the headlines from a few months ago, no more backpackers only quality tourists wanted.
  4. Don't be silly, absaloutly no reason to avoid Thailand.life is great here .????
  5. With Europe about to raise interest rates I wonder will make any difference. Like u say russia is a huge problem.
  6. I wonder how that will effect a country like cambodia,the strength of the dollar will surely put alot of Europeans off going anywhere where dollar is used I would think.
  7. Euros getting smashed and will continue to do so I think. Some experts are predicting 1 euro to 90 cents USD.
  8. Great song, before I clicked on the link I thought it was going to be, Don't worry be happy.
  9. Like what? What's not to like? Foreigners living here have a great life, even the ones who complain about absaloutly everything can't bring themselves to leave,theres no where else like Thailand buddy ????????
  10. Really? I think of many, life is Great here.
  11. Plenty of visa options for those of us lucky enough to be under 50 and choose to live here. You don't have to wait until your 50 to live here you know.
  12. They haven't woken up yet, but u can bet they'll be along soon.
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