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Everything posted by kingkenny

  1. Thankfully my insurance have now agreed to cover me as OPD and the hospital have agreed to refund the 10k, not sure when I will get it back but at least it's a start, also they have accepted that my quarantine will finish tomorrow. Anyone sent for home quarantine with no symptoms push your insurance xompany tomorrow it as OPD then the asymptomatic does not negate the insurance.
  2. I can confirm this, here is my ongoing story. Myself and my two sons went to the UK for a month, tested positive with ATK in UK, two weeks later we all tested negative by PCR for fit to fly back to Bangkok. We arrived in Bangkok evening 24th and straight to hotel for PCR tests, Eventually get the results at 3pm on 25th. I showed as positive, eldest son showed as Equivocal, youngest son negative. I eventually get them to accept home quarantine but before they send the transport I must deposit 20,000 Baht to the hospital, I contacted my insurance who said they will not cover me as I have no symptoms. I get the 20k down to 10 and transfer and they send a van to send me home. In the mean time I talk on the phone with the hospital and ask what the money is for, I am told for medicine to cure my covid (yes this is what she said) and for a Dr to call me daily to check my symptoms. Anyway a Dr called on 26th, asked how I am, I told her the same as the previous day, nothing wrong with me, she agreed that I am not infectious (never met me or examined me) and said she will release me from home quarantine on 31st, and she would send medicines and food, I refused meds, she sent a thermometer, an oxy reader, some masks and bin bags, also food has arrived that I reject as I wouldn't feed it to my dog. I have had no more calls, they chat to me via Line app. Long story short for my 10k I have a thermometer, oxy reader, masks and bin bags and one Dr call, and a van home (10km), Thankfully my insurance have now agreed that as I am home quarantine they will class it as an OPD every day and will cover, so fingers crossed I get my 10k back, or what could have been 20k if I hadn't stood firm. Imagine being a tourist, strange country/language, no home to do house quarantine, an insurance company that decides they wont cover asymptomatic. Absolute joke.
  3. The guy was happy to trade punches with her male friend so I wouldnt say his balls shrunk, he decided against hitting her despite her best Powerpuff Girls impression. The whole this was ugly.
  4. I have been given date of 26th June 2022 for Driving Licence renewal for my licence that finished 21st Feb 2021. In Thailand this is accepted as ok as all are aware, my issue though is I have an emergency trip back the the UK, I have been away long enough for my UK licence to have ended some time ago and at a point where I would probably need to do the UK test again. My questions: 1. is there any way to speed this process? 2. Has anyone driven in UK on a Thai licence that is still valid in Thailand despite it being past the end date of the licence? 3. Would the Uk recognise it as being valid if Thailand still consider it valid? thanks.
  5. Bit of a munter with temper issues. The guy in ue was hardly a coward and refrained from hitting her back but was happy to get a few digs in on the guy in the hat. Much ado about nothing.
  6. I'm flabbergasted to see that still, find the need (sic) that people miss the obvious p!ss take.
  7. A silly generalization, Samut Prakarn is a large area, consisting of areas with houses in the region of 100 million to 200 million baht, down to government housing.
  8. Thankfully not all hotels follow this immature practice.
  9. walk in, take passport and previous vaccine certificate. You get a new certificate once jabbed showing all 3 and the Mhor Prom App is updated straight away.
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