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In the jungle

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Posts posted by In the jungle

  1. 3 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    Your lefty, anti May drivel is not welcome on this thread which is a very serious one.


    Grow up or clear off TROLL


    I am by no means a troll.


    Enough is enough has as much meaning as brexit means brexit.


    And longer sentences would hardly have deterred the three terrorists involved.


    Both May and Trump are seeking to make political capital from this.

  2. 9 hours ago, Big Guns said:

     Just like my first CBR 150 in Thailand in 2005. It was a pain to start if you left it a few days. No kick start but a 150 isn't too hard to bum start.


    The first gen CBR 150 was a pain to start if you left it standing a while.


    My diagnosis was that the fuel in the carb evaporated but spinning the engine over with just the starter did not create enough vacuum to open the vacuum fuel tap so the carb would not refill.


    My solution was to pull the vacuum tube off at the manifold and suck on it to open the fuel tap.  Worked every time.


    But giving your bike a blowie to get it fired up is not a good look.  One of the reasons I sold mine.



  3. My wife asked me to help her nephew learn to drive.


    I started exclusively off road and got as far as trying to get him to brake correctly stopping at a defined point from varying speeds.  After an hour of that he had had enough.


    Next day he was on the Bangkok ring road in dad's truck which must have been a baptism of fire given he had never been over 40 kph.

  4. Superb build quality, legendary reliability and a wholly credible alternative to the big German barges in its day.


    But no spare parts in Thailand and parts are very expensive.  I know this for sure as a friend here had this model LS400 when they were fairly new and I hand carried some parts for him from the UK.


    It has done less than 800 km per year which suggests either the mileage is fiddled or, perhaps, reflects how hard it is to keep this relatively complex vehicle up and running without parts and local support. 

  5. On 5/27/2017 at 6:51 PM, bangkokairportlink said:



    Thank you, do you know if it is easier for a Thai who want to hire a Cambodian or Myanmar ? It would be to help working online on computer.






    All my wife's employees are from Cambodia or Burma.  For a new contract she has just started she employed three additional Cambodians.  She did all the paperwork herself to get them legal but it was a lot more work than before.  My guess is it took four days of her time, numerous phone calls, trips back and forth to government offices and a ream of photocopying.


    So it is possible to do this process without an agent but the amount of work involved, much of it seemingly pointless, made me wonder whether it would be better value to employ Thais as we used to do ten years ago.  I have not discussed this point with my wife so far.


    Anyway, to address your question.  Our staff are essentially unskilled manual labour yet my wife had to re-write the job descriptions to remove anything that could be described as skill.


    For that reason I feel that you may have to be creative in your job description.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes.  I did this a few months ago with a long form marriage certificate.


    But be aware that the copies must be original size and on one sheet of paper only.


    I went there with the marriage cert copied onto two A4 sheets (half on each sheet).  My thinking being that I had the original certificate with me so they could easily see that the copy was true.


    They would not accept that and it took quite a bit of running around in Savannakhet to get copies in their required form.

  7. I walked out of my hotel in Hat Yai yesterday and right across the road in Honda Big Wing's window was a Honda RC213V-S.  They want 8.7 million for it.


    The salesman was adamant it was new despite the fact that the slick tyres and discs suggested it had been round a track a few times.


    I don't know enough about the detail spec of this bike to know whether it has the race kit exhaust/ECU etc.  The bodywork seemed to be stock but the paddock stand appeared to be race kit made from unobtainium.  Bodywork was fibre.


    It sure was pretty.  Every single fastener appeared to be titanium, further lightened by machining and cross drilled for lock wiring.  I think it was number 118 or thereabouts from the limited production run.


    Some evidence of Thai involvement in that the rear wheel was fitted way out of alignment.  At least that is easily fixed.


    Certainly worth a look if you are a fan of Honda V4s and are in Hat Yai.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    I assume you were responding to me.

    Do you really think the UK would let a hot potato like Assange slip away because of police budget restraints? Can you imagine the poo storm that would result? He won't move an inch without a few lettered agencies having eyes on him


    Yes I was responding to you based on my interpretation of Met Police comments.


    The onus is on the Americans now if they want to get their hands on Assange.



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