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Everything posted by DPKANKAN

  1. What I have said before is that all tourists without travel/health insurance should pay the 300 baht, on arrival, with it going into the health industry to cover the inordinate amount of hospital costs etc. fees that we see people needing regularly!!!!
  2. "His career highlights also include being an adviser to the former Prime Minister, Srettha Thavisin"........ Has something happened we have not been told about????
  3. QUOTE;- "during a pro-Israel protest in November 2026". Oh has 'Doctor Who' gone back in time to today or something???? 😂🤣😂🤣
  4. MyThaiVisa based in Buriram. Everything done through the post and email. Easy.
  5. Why don't they use all those millions being wasted on the 'New Senate' election vote just announced???? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone!!!!5555😏😏😏😏😂🤣😂🤣
  6. Is the Senate going to endorse this????😏😏😏😏😂🤣😂🤣
  7. So they, the Senate, approved themselves as they are totally 'Artificial Intelligence' 5555😂🤣😂🤣
  8. What happened about the land connecting bridge they were going to build????
  9. Rubbish % figures again. A good part of the Thai Populace especially in the boonies and lots of small street vendors only have and use cash. Most of them do not pay tax and don't use bank accounts, therefore their transactions are not recorded.
  10. So there is only 400 foreigners 'coming' to support and play in Songkran?? And that the big majority of them said it was OK not to have alcohol. (as they work for a group of anti-alcoholics in there own Country!!!!)🫢🫢🫢🫢
  11. Many of us live around and are involved with not just the history of the railway, but have still been finding and investigating these sites and relics for years. As mentioned the guy in the Photo from 2010 is full time involved with the railway research department of TBRC and has been for years.
  12. Another update confirming not new and actual dates again
  13. Yesterday allegedly!! In Kanchanaburi
  14. Why don't they borrow it from the 'Lord' Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra!!!!😏😏😏😏
  15. So it has just been discovered???? This photo below allegedly is my mate who works for the Thai Burma Railway Museum here, outside the tunnel in 2010!!!!
  16. 555 Not old news. Current matter. Obviously the septics did not get the same vaccinations that we had. Plus it also depends on each individuals responses too. P.S we are talking about being in Thailand!!
  17. But one important fact they don't even know is that the majority of the 21st century Western world people grew up having preventative inoculations for many diseases which helps build up our bodies immune system. My Thai missus got covid I did not!!!!
  18. Before I retired to Thailand I had 18 months left on my old Passport. I renewed it and got 10 years and 9 months!!!! Gotta new 10 year one now though, not that I have any thoughts on going to Europe anytime soon!!!!5555
  19. Also if a school is registered, but does not have 50 children, they do not get any funding!!
  20. A 'Kwae' and a 'Kwai' together!!!!5555😂🤣😂🤣
  21. They have already!! Chinese, Ruskies, Kasaks, Indians etc free visas!!!!5555😂🤣😂🤣
  22. The idiot PM does not realise that most civilised world tourists from the 21st century can read and understand the pollution problems there anyway and will not go because of nothing being done about curbing it. F..kw.t!!!!
  23. They still have not explained how the most neediest poor people living in the boonies, with no bank accounts, no electric, no mobile phones are going to get their share!!!!
  24. Yes and by Thai grasses who are losing their sales of the same sh.t!!
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