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Everything posted by DPKANKAN

  1. Incorrect. He was a physcho Thai guy who lived 20 yards away who was given cigarettes and alcohol often by them and others as his aunties who were supposed to be taken care of him did not. Because of his issues he was probably jealous and not been invited. He did not talk to them just attacked from behind.
  2. Let me explain to you again. Do you understand English firstly? Did you read my 'factual quote' that the murdered man's girlfriend is my Thai wife's niece? She was in the adjacent house at the time of the attack not 90 miles away. Fact!! She, his girlfriend, called us shortly after the murder to tell us what happened. Fact! If you would rather listen to and believe fabricated media information that is up to you. However, have some feelings for the people left traumatised by this event and accept you faults and stay out of it
  3. The Thai police etc went to the Embassy etc. to downplay what happened and pass over their 'facts' for the case. I know as the other one attacked is also a friend. Do you think he was allowed to just state the facts??
  4. Probably a small Soi area there with about 20 odd units with 90% ferrang who know each other there. If you have never been to Kanchanaburi you will not know that nearly all ferrangs who socialise know each because of the community in the town and local areas. And of course family and close friends connection.
  5. Unfortunately, I will state again that the media notes are not facts as usual. You should be more sympathetic to the case where untruths prevailed from the start. So you stop whining because you were wrong!! End of.
  6. His neighbours, my friends. His girlfiend my wife's cousin. A friend ex UK consul from the Bangkok Embassy. etc.
  7. Wassana Mueanchit was not his girlfriend from 90 miles away. His girlfriend Koi, came out from the adjacent house after hearing the screams. Koi is my wife's cousin. We had a phone call a short while after to be told what happened. If he was not going back to work the next day he would have been on holiday with us and not there. Fact!! We were 120 kilometers away Unfortunately, Thai media cover ups do not disclose facts!! If you cannot handle truth don't read sensitive 'stories'
  8. Yes. Unfortunately, this 'story' misses out 90% of other facts and truths that make the murdered man sound responsible. It misses main points about the murderers phsycho problems, lack of care and medicines from his supporting family and especially how the attacked guys and other local 'ferrangs' took care of him before. Jealousy probably. ????????????????
  9. Unfortunately, this 'story' misses out 90% of other facts and truths that make the murdered man sound responsible. It misses main points about the murderers phsycho problems, lack of care and medicines from his supporting family and especially how the attacked guys and other local 'ferrangs' took care of him before. Jealousy probably. ????????????????
  10. The TV was on. It was probably jealousy as he had not been invited to have a drink as he had caused problems!!
  11. Unfortunately, this 'story' misses out 90% of other facts and truths that make the murdered man sound responsible. It misses main points about the murderers phsycho problems, lack of care and medicines from his supporting family and especially how the attacked guys and other local 'ferrangs' took care of him before. Jealousy probably. ????????????????
  12. They have to employ them as the Thai's are too lazy to do real manual work!! ????????????????
  13. I never take mine out ever. I have a credit card size copy of main passport page, with a copy of my visa date stamp on the back. Never been a problem showing that!!
  14. You're lucky. We had Hannibal Lecter in our bar the other evening. Really scary!!!!5555
  15. Not the only area in Thailand been bad.
  16. Ferrang doing job reserved for Thais only of course!!!!????????????????
  17. I just hope it can translate Thai to English better than Google Translate does!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????
  18. Happened to a friend of mine here. Took a month for the letter to arrive, leaving a month to sort it out. He's in his 80's and ill so could not fly home. Fortunately, I managed to help set him up with a TWise Bank Account in London which we then arranged for his pensions to be paid into!! I took the case up with the Banking Ombudsman but his Bank lied about 2 certain letters which were not sent and the Ombudsmans's 'investigator' believed them. No surprise there!!!????????????????????????????????
  19. Probably were dobbed in by jealous Thai competitors as they were taking away their business moneys!!!!????????????????????????????????
  20. Think he was being called up as a 'Tank' 5555????????????????????????????????
  21. They dont mention Kanchanaburi again!! I wonder why!!!????????????????
  22. It is more probably just a % based on people paying tax! A huge portion of Thais work day to day, hand to mouth, with cash from small food stalls etc.????????????????
  23. Debit card you cannot get. I have opened many Twise accounts for friends here for UK and Aussies and even one an actual Bank Account too with them for one friend at their London Headquarters.
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