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owl sees all

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Posts posted by owl sees all

  1. 16 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

    "However, the driver couldn’t make the right turn into the gas station because of traffic cones in the road. "

    Why did she did not go out of the car to do it on the sidewalk? That's what my friend did instead of shitting in car (suffering from diarrheas)  but seems there are people who sees it's perfectly ok to shit in someones car.

    The taxi man had an excuse; yea!! He would say something like that. More likely he was thinking about Thai boxing or chicken fighting or something; not about the poor ladies' condition. Would he have been so uncaring if the lady was about to give birth? Probably he underestimated her urgency! Maybe he couldn't understand her so well.


    All taxi drivers should be semi-fluent in English. "Want shit." "Ok; I know place."


    But the lady was wearing a hat so she should have shat in the hat. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, XGM said:

    Amount of rain in April is a matter of luck. You can count on May.

    Yes!! Any rain during the pre-wet-season is a matter of chance. Although some areas get it quite often while others don't. Hills maybe!?

  3. 15 minutes ago, JulesMad said:


    - 1% chance of TingTong is falling in Thailand.
    - TingTong is how big? Let's be very generous and imagine the whole TingTong thing is falling in ONE piece (which it won't), so let say it is 100m2 (i.e. 10m by 10m)(pieces are smaller obviously)
    -Thailand is 513,120 km2=513,120,000,000 m2


    So the chance that it would crash on YOUR head is about 1% of 1/51,312,000,000; is roughly 1.9489x10(-12)=0.00000000000019489 (I might have missed a couple of decimal places somewhere 555)


    In REAL life the chance that TingTong would fall on YOUR head is roughly about ZERO :smile:

    Like the maths!! But the truth is that if you are under TingTong's flight path there is more chance of it hitting you than if you were 500k away.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Radar501 said:

    Welcome home boys, we're so proud of you.   Here's your ticker tape parade.

    A couple of points here worth considering Radar.


    Will Smith, even though he is averaging over 60 (and could be second to the great Don by the end of his career) be remembered more for this awful, cheating incident. In fact, just like England's Beckham**, who will always be remembered for doing his best to lose us the world cup by being stupid.


    I have found out that the actual tape used was made in China; of all places. It was a highly sticky tape and was being used by the cheaters to remove dust from the ball.


    ** There is still a noose (a-waiting) dangling from a high post in Northumberland Park (North london). All the ones that were on the street lamp-posts have long gone; unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Khun Han said:

    Simoh, the day that remainers actually come up with some real, ground-changing facts is the day that brexiters will start to take serious interest in what they are saying. But we won't be holding our collective breath.

    If there were to be another referendum I reckon the result would be the same but with a bigger margin. Also, Scott (admin), said that the TVForum members who wanted Brexit were in the majority.


    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Actually, both dogs and humans are similar, because both species behave like animals, which both are.

    Ah! But are we? True we are both creatures and of course complex organisms, but we separated from the dogs millions of years ago.


    Speaking about someone or describing someone in animal terms could be a nice compliment; as in "She's an animal in bed" or "animalistic behaviour at the dinner table." On the other hand saying to someone "you are a dog" could be termed derogatory. 


    It is possible that the mangy dog in the nearest soi has elements that were once in our ancestor's body. When we 'go' we return to the universe; in our particular place it's Planet Earth. Might help a mushroom grow or be part of a complex organism; like a dog. Who knows?!

  7. 5 minutes ago, vogie said:

    This post is meant for @owl sees all

    It appears to be my fault, I should have known that 'assasin' should have read 'erratum,' I know I'm good, but not that good. Reading other peoples minds is not my strong point at the moment.

    How can you debate with someone who if you disagree with what he says, keeps on saying "you don't understand" "inform yourself" "try to keep up"

    AirBagWill said a few posts ago that dogs fight. I reckon he has a point there.


    When (if) he gets to be a seasoned poster, like us, he will be more accomodating to others' points of view. 


    TVForum is noted throughout the world for its dynamic banter so let's not be too judgemental.

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    • Haha 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, seeyoujimmy said:

    This is what they do all the time, blame the messenger, they don't realize how stupid they sound, they should confront the problem head on and state what they will do in the future to make sure it will not happen again, like patrol the beaches, they did try that in Pattaya as usual lasted a few weeks like everything else they do,

    Just rip out the waste pipe!

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Oh so its my fault you don't read your own posts before posting, how the hell was I suppose to know what you meant. I am sick of your insults and your arrogant posting, it is you that doesn't "understand", you just think you do. Goodbye.

    Oh come now Vogie!! AirBagWill has kept this thread alive (almost singlehandedely) for yonks. Envy of the big posters; maybe. I like some of his points. Live and let live.

  10. 47 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

    Yes thats about the size of it and with the attitude to feral animals in general not just rabies expect nothing to change except the time of day

    What I'm thinking OL, is can a perfectly well animal get Rabies by means other than from an infected animal? If rabies were to be eradicated; could it reappear under certain circumstances.


    When I first went to Southern Spain it was not a good idea to get close to a stray dogs because of rabies. This would be about 30 years ago. Not heard anything from those parts since.

  11. 35 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

    Would be a good time now for the ICC to stick their necks out and decide on one cricket ball manufacturer for all test matches.The old Compo's we used on cement decks with astro turf would suit all.:smile:

    Something good has to come of this not just in fines and suspensions but to keep the game moving forward without having to resort to this behaviour.The ICC needs to understand why it's happening,the boundary is now bought in with padding around it.Sure makes for better viewing with all the sliding and inside/outside catches but it's made most sides resort to throwing the ball into the pitch to scuff it up or ball tampering as everyone calls it,

    Think ICC think.

    What is ball tampering?


    All fielding sides do their bit to change the ball. Rubbing just one side on their strides. Running fingers through heavilly gelled hair and rubbing the gel into the ball. Lifting the seam with a thumbnail every delivery. Deliberalely throwing the ball into the dirt. Deliberately standing on the ball.


    I think the line is overstepped when an alien object (to the game) is used; sandpaper, pen knife, sand/soil (Atherton) etc,,,...

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