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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Not a single drop here Garry. It's disgraceful. But to be expected. The rain don't like coming north of the Sakon Nakon highway. Will be pimping water into pond six again this week end.
  2. Talking the other day about Ms Niniwan. I was asking if anyone had seen her perform at The Roost. My favourite action starts at 11-40 Enjoy. And and absolute stonking duet at 11-00. Can't wait for her to come to Ban Dung.
  3. Owl Log 06-03-2022 - Sunday afternoon It didn't take long for March to chuck out the cold weather. 31C as I type. The warmer weather has also woken up the ants. Everywhere they are bursting from their hide-outs and coming to the surface. This eruption is just outside the gate next to the avocado plantation. New plants doing well. In the rice-store at the farm we have a small problem; that has not yet been sorted. I reckon there are a bag or two up against the wire cage, and the rats have found out. Have to sort it this week. Bought some dog-biscuit for 'Happy' at the farm. We don't always have any meat scraps for him when we go, so he will have to get used to eating biscuit sometimes. Also have some for the ginger cat. Have not seen 'Ginger' for a couple of day though.. No more fish for Mildred's pond. Keeping quiet and patient. The traits of a top angler. She was moaning that the new net didn't have a handle. I'm sorting that for next week. Back at the village I was trying to make out what water pipe went where. The twins were out and about with their cousin. Grandpa (left) has built a prison for them. To stop them getting out? Poo taking great interest in something. Much improved after that nasty wound. Just across the soi from us there is some interesting action. I had to investigate. Who let the cows loose? I think it's gonna be a frog farm. I asked Mrs Owl; "I think they are doing a commercial frog farm, across the road teerak." "What you saying bad farang. You like lady feed frog?" The really bad road leading down to the farms had its second dollop of material. This time sand. Keeping tabs on this stretch of road with curiosity. Found a new handbag stall. Fortunately Mrs Owl wasn't with me, or that would have been the end of my 2k 'escape' fund. Not just handbags. Leather goods; belts and wallets. The guy told me he is there every Wednesday. Have to remember that. Also in Ban Dung, the wall is making steady progress. No mercy for the trees. The form-work has a pretty sign built in. Gives a nice feature. Obviously will be painted in West Ham United colours. Also, I simply had to drive down the side street that was being warned about on the main drag. Seems like an over-kill to me. Thousands of baht being spent. The side street has no mention of ''''Major road ahead - beware''''. Or similar. Not even a sign. Early days yet though. The village has a couple of herds of buffs. This one about 50 metres from us. If there is no-one policing them, they can wander off. They often do. Dogs at it again. Unlike a few of the other houses; our rubbish gets picked up. So much conflicting imagery and narrative on this Russia, Ukraine conflict. Examples of war-planes on recckies that were taken from a video game. Casualties that were recognised from a couple of years back when there was a gas explosion. What media can we trust to tell the truth? And there has been a change in the pronunciation of Kiev. No longer is it Kee-evv; but Keev. As Bob sang; 'The times, they are a'changing'. Lucky Liverpool march on. The Irons should have got a draw yesterday. And The Owl's came unstuck at Lincoln. Fulham march on. Mildred has bought a new phone; 'Infinix 11'. 4k baht. Said she will reimburse me when she withdraws her bank money. I'll be interested to see if I can wheedle the pics off this new mobile onto the comp. Has 16mpix resolution. Union Bank of Thailand. Don't know if there is a branch in Ban Dung. She has three years of savings in there. Anyway; I;m informed the phone is great. I think we must go back to twice a week Owl Logs. Just so many pics. And it wipes out a good few hours on a week-end getting the pics ready. Might start off with two hundred and whittle them down to 20/30 publishable ones. Then putting then into GIMP to downsize and crop. RIP Shane Warne. A true cricketing great. Big debate last week about which school Mildred is gonna go to when she leaves later this month. Her mum says the 'Swimming Pool School' (south-east Ban Dung) but Mildred wants to go to the school next to the one she is at now. Gonna go into that school and have a mooch around. I know they have a major build project progressing right now. Be interesting to see how clean it is. The hall-mark of a good schools is its positive focus on trash. I want her to have a happy school experience. Unlike my own, many moons ago. Mrs Owl has just bought a bag of snails for 20 baht from a street seller. I had to tell her that it's not good to eat them. "They eat all the debris from the bottom of ponds and rivers. teerak. Any insecticide or herbicide that finds its way into the pond, gets into the snail and goes into you. Don't want you to get sick." "You just want scare me. Throw snails into your pond. I sell you; 1000 baht." "I give you 200 baht teerak." "OK. Give me now. Or I will cook." Blackmail! I'm never gonna get rich here in Isaan. Clouded over big time in the last 30 minutes. Is that rain a'coming? Keeping 'em crossed. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  4. Well! If it goes to zero; I'll sell all my gold and buy a shed load.
  5. Not wrong there CL. Talking about music. Has anyone out there seen 'Niniwan' perform at 'The Roost' in southern Thailand? Bladdy fantastic!!!!
  6. Too often the case that these clubs - after a run of a few bad results - panic, and dump the manager. Or what seems to have happened; undermine the coach's confidence and cause him to depart of his own accord. I'm sure Leeds will not or wouldn't have gone down. A bit of practice, in kicking the ball straight, during the coming close season, would have set them pretty for 2022/23. As any regular viewer will know, I've got fond memories of Elland Road; for non-footy reasons. Just as a side thought. I think they should return to their blue and yellow halved strip. Look at it like this. Blue and yellow halved strip at home, and the choice of blue with gold trim, or yellow shirts away. What can you do with all white? If they must wear white. save it for the Ch Lg like Spurs.
  7. Thanks for that Kokesaat. Now you have got me thinking that there could be one on the 2022 near Ban sat-at. I'll go along and get some pics.
  8. Thanks for that Andy. Wot! Nuttin in der Ski-jump? Come back Eddie; all is forgiven.
  9. Owl Log - 27-02-2022 - Sunday afternoon Cold spell seems to be behind us now. Was sunbathing on Thursday, Friday and yesterday. Not today though, as it was a bit cloudy. Bright sun now. Temperature at noon today 23/24C. Saw the delivery wagon in the week. Guessed he did a drop for the Buddha on his rounds. Went in the Buddha compound to see what was occurring. Shuttering in place. Waiting for concrete. I'll keep looking in. It's all happening in the village. No sooner did I say the road leading down to the farms was a disgrace, than they fixed it with a couple of trucks of soil. Is that the finished job? Could be! The ginger cat is making itself comfortable in the farm It's very shy. Put some cat biscuit out a couple of times. Takes ages to get a cat's confidence. That other four legged creature made a right mess of the soi. But which one? There are so many. At least 10. Cleaned it all up in 10 minutes. No sweat. Went and had a butchers at Pook's second pond. It's a good size; about a quarter of a rai.. Her hubby said it was nearly four meters deep. They want to sell it. Interesting! Been wearing my latest Ting hat each time I go out. Wore it to bed during the cold spell. She would be proud to know that. Have to tell her; next time. The pond is only twenty metres away from the river, so there is no problem keeping it full. As long as the river has water. A little low but still plenty of flow when we were there. Checked on progress with the build on our bit of village land. The dog wasn't pleased to see me. Guy's wife had to hold it back. As soon as Guy starts to make some dosh; he will pay us. Guy's wife is not a local lass. From Khon Kaen. On Friday we pumped water into pond seven for over three hours. And on Saturday, it was pond six's turn. Nearly four hours. Raised the level about 6 inches. I look after the pump and Mildred sorts out the pipes. Pond four has a great growth of small pond plants. There are only a few fish in pond three and four. Stopped commercially rearing pla-nin a few years back when it was obvious that the rain just wasn't there. It's OK to moan about the lack of rainfall, as I do, but when there are 20,000 nin relying on it; that's a different ball game. In Ban Dung I found a nice pretty thing to stop and snap. No idea what is is. Our avocadoes are blossoming. I reckon a couple are ready to be transferred to the farm. Looking great! What I did, was to wait until roots started to show - with the water-tooth-pick method - and then planted them. Seem to have got it just about right. Noticed a few cable posts had been dropped along our farm super-highway. Does this mean leccy later this year? Had a look at the Amazon Coffee pond. I had some fish food and got them rising for a lovely vid. vid - amazon koi.mp4 That's the Amazon in Ban Dung south. The northern one's fish cannot be seen; maybe gone. Mildred is doing a couple of paintings a month now. Nothing up with her imagination. Her buildings are very two-dimensional. Early days yet. Couldn't get her interested in the guitar or chess or HTML; but the art has hit a chord. Is she ready to move to canvas? At the mo' she draws/paints on artist's paper. Still getting those little oranges. Bought 10 kilos yesterday. Mrs Owl has a squeezing tool that extracts the juice. I just peel them and pop them in. Can eat up to 7/8 for tea. However! I have been counting the pips, and one - no bigger than a large golf ball - that I ate this morning, had 25 pips. I'm so silly. I told the Mrs, and she jumped up saying 'lucky lottery number'. I must learn to shut it. Another 500 baht wasted. Mildred had that covid test three weeks ago. On Wednesday, when I picked her up from school, she gave me the good news. School closed 'til Monday (tomorrow). Two positive tests last time around. A teacher and a student evidently. Did say I was listening to Russian marching music a couple of weeks ago while I typed the latest Owl Log, Any Russian viewers of the thread, or indeed anyone just wanting the link, please PM me ????. What has happen to Leeds? Everyone's favourite second team last year. Now falling down the table; fast! But will they go down? Don't think so. How did we do in the Winter Olympics? I've no idea if we (England and Thailand) won all the golds; or didn't win any. Can't be bothered to even find out. Sad I am. Mrs Owl sent away for two leather handbags on Lazada. Just under 1200 baht. Cannot I find the words to say to her 'stop'. With Europe perhaps on the brink, and the pound/baht rate dropping, must think 'conservation'. Keeping my eye on the fuel prices. Got three big diesel containers at the ready. A pick-up came around selling ducks. I wanted to get 4/5 for the farm. the Mrs wouldn't here of it. I had to back-peddle. Not for the first time, but getting more frequent. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  10. 22-00 Time to turn in. Just checked the temperature; 11C. Chilly!
  11. Owl Log 20-02-2022 - Sunday afternoon The temperature has dropped significantly. The thermometer read 14C at eight this morning. We have an oil heater and it's been put on for the first time in over a year. Considering that March often rivals April for hotness, this spell is due to finish very soon. There have been some showers too. I expect the trees will love it. We had a hole in the roof of the rice-store at the farm. I didn't feel good about getting up on the roof, so enlisted Guy. Bought some silver waterproof tape. Didn't want any water falling in on the bags of rice, Soon sorted, The rain and the water pumping has saved the lilies in pond seven. It was on a sorry state last week. Much better. Spotted a truck in Ban Dung that was worth a pic. Just how many mirrors does the driver need? That new array of water-filled barriers on the 2022 began to make sense. On Friday we had a new sign. Beware of the side street. Better to warn the people coming out of the side street that there is a main road ahead. I'll keep an eye out to see if anything else is erected. Are they going to leave the barriers? Must have been an accident hot spot. Poo got a really nasty wound on her upper leg. It was full of puss. I squeezed out as much as I could. As I type, she seems to be almost fully recovered. Jumping all over. No idea how she got it. That footballer hasn't been around has he? Back in Ban Dung. I found a walkway that was; unwalkable. What's going on? Ban Dung is such a nice town. Don't like to see this. Found a couple of unusual pipes close by the village, on the main drag. This one is in the wrong place; it seems to me. Should be much further down the slope. Still can't suss this one out. where is all this water gonna come from? Two three foot wide pipes. Mildred at it again. Another small common carp for pond six. vid put back small carp.mp4 Although the Buddha pond has been emptied there is no sign of action. Expect a man to visit all the village houses soon with those white envelopes. The road outside the Buddha is awful. By far the worst section of road we have. And it's quite heavily used, as it leads down to most of the village farms. And looking towards the village from down the slope. Snapped the twins one morning after escorting Mildred to her school bus. They were with their cousin 'Pun'. His grandma - the big mango lady - was supervising the three of them. And what do we do when it's too cold to sit outside? Relax in the corner. The 20 baht ear-pieces in place. Spurs like playing against Man City. They have rolled them over a couple of times recently. Same score (2-3) in 2018. And I think they knocked them out of the Ch Lg too. Went right off Spurs in 1964. Went along for the first game of the season, and they had put a flood-light pylon right where I used to stand. Anyone taking any notice of the Winter Olympics? Can't find out if any Thais are competing. Asked Mrs Owl. "Any Thai sports people in China teerak. Doing the curling or half-pipeing?" Think she understood. "What you say? You look Chinese lady on internet? You bad farang. Money! Give me." Plenty of tears and drama at the games; evidently. Must take more interest. Had a lot of little jobs to do last week. The toilet chain broke. Hole in the roof (rice-store). Put a battery in one of the clocks. Fixed the glass door on the shelf above the TV. Sewed up my favourite shorts; that had suddenly got a ripped pocket (must have been the wife looking for money). Pumped water from one pond into another. Ordered beauty stuff from Lazada. Played some chess on-line. Took pics for the diary. It's a busy life here in upper Isaan. Went to visit Ting - the hat lady - on Thursday afternoon. She was looking scrummie. Bought some packs of reishi strips and a new hat. Tried on the orange one, but it was a tad small. From behind the counter Ting brought out a lovely peach coloured one. Fitted perfectly. "I save for you. Hansum man." Said she, as it was placed on my head and adjusted to make me look good. It's two thirty and it's just like it was after sunset. So dark! Mildred has just finished her latest painting. Can view them on: http://www.numbervillage.com/art/artmain Not had the nod from Sotheby yet. Might send them a sample of reishi wine to get them interested. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  12. Interesting. Thanks for the Bannork. Cheered me up. Just checked on the world weather - south east Asia area - and they say there could/will/might be heavy rain in the early hours of Saturday morning. It does speak of another big cloud coming towards Ban Dung from Vietnam north. should be here later this month. Reminds me of a 'special forces' pal of mine way back."The drinks are on me tonight Owl." Somehow I always finished up paying. We will see. Sunny at the mo'.
  13. On Monday, we pumped water into pond seven for three hours. Since then the sun has hardly been seen. Very dull. Plenty of cloud. A little rain. The temperature has dropped as you say Bannork. If it is not raining tomorrow Mildred wants to pump water into number six. If we run the pump for three hours, it will raise the water level by about four/six inches. That could be enough pumping, as the rain will gradually become more frequent as we get into March and April. If not then it's the pump again. Thanks to the big rain on October 22nd, we have plenty of water in ponds one, two and three. The cost of pumping is not too great. A litre of benzine/petrol gives two hours of pumping. Then there is Mrs Owl's garden to water. All in all quite cheap.
  14. Good honest assessment of your team/club in the last few posts Rick, Thanks.
  15. You never mentioned Pogba Rick. For me, there is something up here. No doubting his talent, but in the time he has been at OT, the number of games where he has had a 'great game' are few Didn't a former manager describe him as a 'virus'? Do you think there will be major changes at United? idn't a former manager describe him as a 'virus'?
  16. Yes! Cavani hasn't played too much. But there is Greenwood and Rashford also. It all seems strange to me. As Paul Scholes said the other day. We are Manchester United. We should just go out and get these people. To be fair to him, he was talking about getting a top manager. But where is that attitude gone? Ok! So that might not be so realistic but are there no back ups? No youth policy? Or did that go when Sir Alex relinquished the reins? You have your finger on the Man U button. Spill the beans please Rick. Sad to see United in the 'also-ran' list.
  17. Just what is wrong with United? Ronaldo has had chance after chance to score. Is he past it? A younger forward would have feasted on them. Where is Cavani? Is this poor spell really a blessing in disguise. Needs a rebuild.
  18. Poor old Kurt got jelly legs before the game at Leicester. He is gonna get stick all season; especially at away games.
  19. You are right there Dave; a lovely ground. When I started watching the 'O's one end was cinder. Don't know the year they concreted it over.
  20. Owl Log - 13-02-2022- Sunday mid-dayish It rained on Friday evening, and although not heavy, was very welcome. So that's well over 100 dry days. Don't want that again this year. The plants, trees and ponds were all overjoyed. Pond seven especially needed the water. Went to the farm, after picking up Mildred from school on Friday. There were a number of big white birds wading in the pond, pecking at the fishes. We decided to pump in some water. vid pump water into 7.mp4 Going to pump six inches in today too (Sunday). Before pumping we had to connect up some more 2 inch pipes and sort out any leaks. There was a tree that had to be sorted out. Mildred caught an absolutely stonking koi. Orange, with golden orange scales. Mildred believes that this fish actually hatched in the pond. I'll go with that. Hope she is right on that. What a beautiful creature. Released into pond six. vid take back koi.mp4 Pond 3 is looking good. It is smothered with a small plant. And although water level is low, it should have enough to see it through to when the showers start in 6 weeks or so. Hopefully!!? This is a very fertile pond. No fish of note in there. Back at the village; we had visitors. Very lucky to get them. Mrs Owl says. Snapped one of the twins in the week. Nadene I think. With mum. Still in her jim-jams. Other twin Nadia, was nowhere around. Not very often see them apart. The Buddha had a bit of concreting done. Keeping my eye on the imminent work over the pond. Will it attract visitors from far and wide? We will see. Two trees along the 2022, at the next cross-raods from us, have been mutilated. But at least they are still standing. They will never recover their former glory though. There is also another scheme further along. This one seems to be because of a small dirt farm road. Just a monumental waste of dosh and time, in my opinion. Certainly not gonna stop the motorbike riding when tanked up with Lao Khow. Better to sort out the road; which is disgraceful. In Ban Dung, work is still continuing to widen the road parallel to the main drag. Also seen in Ban Dung. I like the green ones. Mildred like the orange. The posts were put in along the quiet road at the end of the super-highway that runs by our farm. Then the painters came around. All for a road that sees a pick-up once an hour., and truck once a day. Eucas are being cut, and transported to the whole-seller. vid takelogs.mp4 Me and Mildred messing about at sunset. Mildred had her national exams on Saturday. Four one hour tests. Maths, Science, English and Thai. She reckoned she done good, except for a couple of the Math's questions. Showed me one that she got stuck on. Can't say I even understood what was being asked. Mildred is a bit upset 'cause her best friend is going to boarding school near Loei for the next school year. I had an idea, and told her. It was to do a two x one hour teach on a Saturday. One hour English and one Maths. All they - any of her friends - have to do is turn up on a Saturday Morning. We will see. Another death in the village. Sharong was only 46. Liver problems I as told. Just 50 metres from our house. Party tonight. Send him to the moon. The footy cat-abuser is playing at Leicester later today. Think he will have to put in ear plugs. Moved him into my fantasy football team. Reckon he will run his nuts off - if the cat lovers don't get to him first - for the Irons. Kurt has to get the WHU fans onside. What better way than play well. Interesting, his brother, who is just as despicable, plays for Dagenham and Redbridge. My local club for 40 years. Never supported them; for personal reasons. Had two people ask us about our euca trees. Want to be the ones to cut them next year. Liz Truss did a speech in Parliament in the week. Evidently any entity fraternisng with the enemy (Russia) will be subject to sanctions. That's the end of cheap Chinese take-a-ways then! What will they eat in Dagenham, seeing that the 'pie n mash' shop at the Merry Fiddlers has gone. The last couple of days have definitely has got warmer. Not really been a cold winter up here. Just dry. Only one thing left to say; thank you, and bye.
  21. The cat saga is intensifying. There was a phone-in on an English radio show a couple of days ago, where the general view was that castration might be the appropriate cure for such wanton disrespect for cats. That's not for the cat I must add. That's a tad drastic I reckon, but I think a good 'booing' for the rest of the season will be in order. Let's see what he is made off. Now this guy Kurt Zouma - who arrived from Chelsea by the way - is probably going to run his nuts off for the Irons, just to get the fans back onside. So I'm gonna put him in my fantasy footy team and see how it goes until the dust settles.
  22. Absolute disgrace. If I had a season ticket, I would give it away. I'm ashamed to see this. Gonna support Leyton Orient until this guy is got rid of.
  23. Who lives in the cottage? I'm sure it must belong to the club. If it's still there now it will be there forever I reckon. Fulham are not interested in the FA Cup. Just an inconvenience getting in the way of their promotion drive.
  24. Been there many times. Is the cottage still in the corner? Johnny Haynes! One of the true greats of English footy.
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