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Everything posted by owl sees all
Thanks for the best wishes HP. The MinL went to the hospital for a routine visit in the morning on Thursday morning, and whilst trying to get from the car to the wheel-chair; fell. She stayed in hospital for one night. Came home yesterday. Seems OK now. My cunning plan!? Like a game of chess. Must plan ahead and move carefully before executing the 'Check Mate'. Or agreeing a draw, or, resigning in defeat of course. Started my urine therapy yesterday. Went OK; but so far only executing Amandha's phase two. Will report on progress.
You are on the money there Sterling. But the snails they eat in froggy-land are different. Called Cargoes or something like that. Mrs Owl and her sister have already had a few away. I challenged her and she said "no", But I saw the shells in the bin. Think Mildred might have eaten one or two also. Gonna put them into the pond today. Crabs seem OK. Couldn't get to the farm yesterday. The M in L had a fall and bashed her head. Had to sort that out.
Make you right there HP. But she was Welsh, and liked 'lava bread' (sea weed),. She was a lovely lady. Fatima had some strange habits; but maybe it was me for not understanding them. And my dear Caribbean wife saw things on par with me; except religion. These GALS are big. As in a football. Could hand feed them lettuce.
Not so sure about these ones HP. But my daughter had a GALS; a Giant African Land Snail for five or six years back in Dagenham many moons ago. So, I reckon at least five years.
That's good of you to say HP. Thank you so much. I find that life in Isaan can be exciting, often challenging, but never boring. When I go to the farm today, I'll probably spend half an hour watching the mekongs cruise about in pond 4. I find it hard to tell them apart - unlike the kois - so I can't name them individually. There is a noise coming from outside. I think Poo - no it's Ginger - is jumping on the crab bag. Don't think he can harm them. Maybe just stress them a little. Gone to check on the snails. Water is gone. Hole in plastic bag. Start again.
Mrs Owl has well gone so I can really cut loose. Couldn't find a bowl so filled a large plastic bag and put the sack into it. That will keep the snails happy for a while. I'll give it half hour then take out the snail sack and swap with the crab one. She hasn't taken the pick-up, so I'll shoot off to the farm while she's away. If the crabs and snails are still in their sacks when she returns; who knows what will happen to them. There is also a new pond just over the back of us. I'll get some pics of it, while she's in Ban Dung.
Mrs Owl has gone to Ban Dung with her sister. So I'm free to do whatever I want. So first thing is to inspect the contents of the two sacks. Had to tie the one with the crabs. They will climb up and escape. Not too many big ones this time. Very pleased with the snails. Some lovely ones. Gonna get a bowl of water for them. Want them to be happy with their new owner. That's if you can ever 'own' snails; or crabs even. I just want them to have a happy life. So they will go into two of the ponds later.
Saw her last week. Wow! A beauty if ever there is one. Second only to that Sawang Dan Ding lady of a few years back. And she's also a mind reader. Just what any red-blooded man would want in a lady. She is faultless. But alas! I don't think my dreams will come true. Mrs Owl has spotted the crabs and snails that I bought this morning. She has threatened to kill them. I'm sad.
I'm sure to keep well clear of the 'lunatic fringe' HP. But Amandha is a cute cookie. Not a grey hair on her body.
Worst Joke Ever 2025
owl sees all replied to warfie's topic in Jokes - Puzzles and Riddles - Make My Day!
All that messing about in the shed, and when he gets back the tea is cold. -
Just as an addendum to the post about urine. Had a good look at Amandha's page yummy.doctor, and I see that one shouldn't mix up the urine with the sexes. In other words men should keep to men's urine and ladies to ladies. So, if any posters are thinking of taking up the urine challenge - as I am - then don't ask the wife to save hers for your use.
I'll ask about for the fish. Strange diet some of these wives have. I'm sure Mrs Owl did the baby rats (last Owl Log).
Is Guppy the tiny colourful fish that eats the mozzie lava? A had a few hundred 10 years back. I'll ask around. That cow pee does not appeal to me. Marko was enthusiastic about it. I'm sure there are posters that remember the thread.
I watched an exorcism in the Caribbean many moons ago. Found it interesting to see ladies writhing on the floor, in the mud naked, to the sound of the big drum. Plenty of rum about that evening.
Just watched a discussion on health that I had to share with you. https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/46-dr-amandha-vollmer Dr Cowan I'm very familiar with; but not so Amandha Vollmer. She is big into urine therapy. Previously I had dismissed stuff like this as being; well 'whacky'. I had posted on the Diary thread about Dr Gundry some years ago. Also Max Gerson; who has a therapy named after him. I would have put their investigations unto the same category as Amandha's. But then something switched on in my mind. I seem to recall a poster - Marco kok Prong - saying that drinking a litre a day of cow urine worked wonders . Anyway, after watching the vid', I spoke to the wife who was watching TV. I told her what I had watched and she - to my great surprise - told me that in a near-by village, everyone did it. To press her for more info' would have risked a verbal, or physical, lashing. Didn't dare ask her if she had ever indulged in it herself! So I left it there. Is urine therapy common here in Isaan? I know 'snail slime' is used, and also crocodile blood; but urine therapy is a new one on me. Evidently it is especially effective at nullifying hornet/wasp stings. Wish I'd known all about this a few weeks back, when I was attacked by a load of them.
The Irons should at the very least got a point. We were much the better team; although a bit toothless up front. What about the Leicester and WHU managers swapping clubs? Both under pressure it seems. I'll go with that. Apart from the Orient continuing on their unstoppable march, the w/e footy highlight for me was; St Mirren 2 - Celtic 0 Love to see the biggies brought down. Even if it is just for one match.
Been listening to Alex Belfield for a long while. He was certainly obsessed with the BBC. His place got raided by the police some time ago. Plenty more to come out yet.
How low will the £ go?
owl sees all replied to brewsterbudgen's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
The £ can do one of three things. But there has to be a bench mark. Let's say the dollar US. It can either go up. Go down. Or stay the same. -
Owl Log - September 18th - Sunday morning Fixed the PVC water pipe that Mrs Owl chopped. That'll do 'til I get a 3/4 inch straight. Who half-inched the pineapple from the front wall? Not been solved; yet. But I have my strong suspicions. Anyway! The bit that wasn't taken has been placed into water and!!?? Out with the old; in with the new. Roots! Lots of them. One of out cats has developed a bird-catching skill. It's a natural thing for cats to catch animals and take them home. Jack-the-first caught any number of small snakes. And New Jack likes a rat. But Poo has a passion for birds. This was the third bird so far. One was let go immediately and the other was found dead with hardly ant feathers under the table. Fortunately Mildred rescued the poor thing before the cat had totally mutilated it. I'm sure Bradbury Blue would know what variety it is, Popped it in with the budgies for a few days to recover. Let it fly away Saturday morning. Hope we don't see it again. Loaded up the pick-up with 29 sacks of rice last Sunday. BeeApp got the sacks out and I loaded. Mrs Owl shouted instructions to me on how to best load up. Then it was off to the whole-seller in Ban Dung. The place was empty. In about six weeks time the place will be packed out with farmers selling and trucks loading up to take to the mills. Had to go onto the weigh-bridge to kick things off. Then the guys began unloading. Finished up with just under 9k baht. Two of the sacks were mixed and we got 8.2 baht a kilo. 13 sacks were Isaan, or sticky rice, at 9.2 baht, and 14 sacks of Thai rice at 13.7. Not too bad. Although 8k disappeared for a future gold bracelet investment! Was having a tidy up at the farm. I moved a sack and a rat jumped out. Mrs Owl was quickly on the scene and rescued three babies. For a moment I thought she was gonna eat them. Perhaps she would if I hadn't have been watching. She said she would put them somewhere safe. "Why you look me farang? Go away and let me put them safe." Looney's onions are just beginning to show. More crabs! This time I kept them secret from the wife. She would have had them away for sure. Next day put a dozen in number one pond and the rest in number seven. Transferred them into a bucket before releasing them I had the pleasure of watching them crawl to freedom. The village Buddha has had its first paint job. I thought it was a bit premature. But maybe they wanted to take the scaffolding down. Yesterday (Saturday), just after three there was a darkness. Lights on in the house. We thought there was gonna be a storm coming, as there was thunder rumbling in the distance. I had to go to the farm to feed the chickens, Happy the dog and the fish. No storm! No rain! In fact this month has been a huge disappointment. Last year September was rubbish, and the biggest rain of the year was on 22nd October. Plenty of time yet then. Footy round-up. Orient continue their march towards the Champions League. 25 points from a possible 27. Looking good. Spurs hit the Foxes for six. Easy win for Man City. Top four all played each other in Div' one. Both games 2-2 draws. What a mess the footy fixtures are. No games last week end and postponements all over the place since. Had a visit from one of the posters in the week. spent a few hours having a natter before he had to get off. He like Mildred's artwork. Have gradually changed my diet in the last few weeks. In the mornings I eat a muesli based meal, with some extra dried fruit, and some cornflakes in the mix. Afternoons, a variety of meals, but finished off with fruit. Early evening; chicken-foot soup. Poor Alex Belfield. Five years for stressing out BBC people by excessive texting. One of those victims was Jeremy Vine. Sensitive soul he is. The list is out for those fortunates invited to the late queen's funeral. No President Putin? Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.