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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I agree HP. Cutting down trees because guys get fuelled up on Lao khow and drive motor bikes carelessly is not my idea of progress.
  2. As an addition to the Last Owl Log, these are the beautiful trees that have been cut down. Looks terrible. What's up with these people?
  3. Owl Log - 06-02-2022 - Sunday mid-dayish Took Mildred to school for the mass testing last Monday. it seems that it wasn't the PCR test (as last time), but an ATK. Waited 1 minutes and then left. The system was different also. Have to keep a look out for that number on the lottery next time round. And quite logically, the girl in front had the next number. Then it was up to the first station for something. Into the hall. And the actual swab job. I took an interest in the drinks. I happened to notice that the smaller ones were strangely labelled. Strange, I thought. The school had their own drinks. But I was more interested in the contents. Or to be more precise the amount of water that was actually in the bottle. I took the empty back home and the best I could do was 345ml. Now I've got to make a decision. Do I inform the school that the water bottles are incorrectly labelled, or do I just forget it? I'll consult Mildred. All that tree felling at the top of our road was for lights. It's not just our junction (with the 2022), it's all along. And in Ban Dung too. Someone has has a brainwave. The next crossroads has had the same treatment. Beautiful trees cut down. Cut down for what? To be replaced with a line of lights!? If I thought it would do any good I'd complain. A moan will have to suffice. I said to Mrs Owl; "Teerak, they are cutting down lovely trees all along the road." "Cut down trees. Stop people die; motorbikes." Can't argue with that. I've got some pics of the trees as it was from last year. I'll post and show the devastation next Owl Log. A sad sight in Ban Dung. A once beautiful house has been neglected. . Looked as though it was restrorable from the front. But obviously beyond repair as I discovered when i walked round the back. Sad to see. Another visit to the best shop in town; the 20 baht shop. Bought a clock and a small colouring pack. I'll give that to a friend's niece when I next visit him. And for me a few head-phone sets. The two i got for Lazada have gone kaput. The 20 baht ones are great; so far. Have a pair on right now as I type the Owl Log. Listening to Rosa Ponselle's beautiful voice. Made six litres of reishi drink in the week. Ginger, onion, limes and reishi strips. Into the pot. Get the fire ready. When the brew has cooled, half will go towards the wine. The rest is swigged neat as I feel the need. Been pumping water again. Have to keep a certain amount in pond six for the fish. There was a news report about a tragic incident on a crossing last week when a doctor was hurt. I do think that crossings should be well maintained and better respected. Outside Mildred's school. video_25650202_161127.mp4 If i stop in the pick-up for people to cross, I often get 'tooted' from the vehicles behind. I'd like to see crossings made from black and white block tiles. The painted ones just don't look good after a few months in the sun. The avocadoes seem to like being in that pot. Get watered every day. And not in the sun for hours. Sent away for a holder for Mildred's artwork. Mildred is now using oil paints. The ones i sent away for do a nice job. Can't say i understand the themes. Or why her girls have those funny pointed feet. She seems to be sticking with it. Keeps her off the 'tippy tappy'. FA Cup week end. The Irons came withing a minute or two of being eliminated by Kidderminister. Close shave. Harsh on the Harriers though. The Owls go from strength to strength, with another good win. Fulham firmly in place for a quick return to the EPL. Mildred back at school; full time. Asked if any students got a positive covid test result. Evidently all 1500 of them were clear. Day 106 since that rain on 22nd of October. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  4. It is on the back burner for now. But good you ask. Looked as though we had it cracked and then a small problem or two emerged. First was a small air leak. When it was running a tiny whistling sound could be heard. I patched that up with a dollop of mastic. That done, we ran it again, but this time the holding tank buckled. I am looking for a container that will not capsize in on itself. And it would also have to be able to have pipes fitted onto it. I'll have it sorted soon, but for now, what with all the other things going on, it'll have to wait. Owls for promotion? What you think Owl?
  5. Owl Log - 30-01-2022 - Sunday afternoon Is it good news or is it bad? Mildred tells me that she is back to school this week. Tuesday is the day. But she has to go in on Monday (tomorrow) for a school mass covid test. Now I'm thinking that if just one of these tests go positive - whether the person has the dreaded lurgy or not - then the whole school is off for another week or so. I'd rather she forgave school for this school year and start at the new school in April. Report on the school progress or otherwise later this week. There is work in Ban Dung down the road parallel to the main drag. I've a feeling that they (don't know who 'they' are though) are going to relieve some of the traffic congestion. Had to take the Ma-in-law to the hospital in Udon in the week. Got there for eight. It turned out to be very easy. While she was in the hospital with Mrs Owl looking after her, I took the opportunity to do what all red-blooded farang do when set loose; went shopping. Not for silly stuff like food and clothes. No! PVC pipes and tools. First stop; Do Home. Big rubber hammer and a few PVC parts. Didn't think their hose-pipes were cheap enough, so it was on to Home Hub. They are just along the N2 road. What a difference between the two stores. Do Home had maybe fifty customers, although the place is so big there could have been many more lurking somewhere. Home hub had just me and just one other; that I could see. Bought a 100m roll of 1 inch clear water pipe. They make such a fuss of you in there. Pretty girls come from everywhere to give a wai and greeting in English. Then on to VP. Cheapest place in town. Dozens of customers. Bought two chairs for 100 baht each. Shopping completed, I was free to pursue that other thing that we like to do. Taking pics of things of interest. Only managed one pic before the mobile rang to say the ladies were ready to be picked up. Everything OK. Back at the village before twelve. Unusual for a Thailand city. Quiet and clean. Sorted out both sets of pipe back at the farm. Two inch PVC for pumping water into Mildred's sorry pond, and the hose-pipe for the Mrs to do her watering. The new pipe has doubled the flow rate. She was wearing my hat. Is she secretly saying something to me? Go away from me farang, unless you want to get soaked. The fittings from Do home were used fixing up the big pipe. Me and Mildred soon had it sorted. Water in; and not before time. The shallow end was so low. Mildred put a stick in the mud to measure progress. There were three tiny drops of rain a week or so ago. Together would not have measured half a millimetre. So today is 100 days since a decent bit. vid pump water.mp4 Mildred caught a beautiful common carp. Put it in her pond. Only just enough water for it to swim away. vid mildredletscarp go.mp4 Wouldn't be a proper Owl Log without a lovely tree pic. This one is just 30 metres from number three farm. Sent away for some oil sticks for Mildred's art. At the village, there must be plans to do work on the building, that will eventually be over the pond. They pumped the water into the ponds next door. Never seen them so full. The leaning tree is actually a Tamarind. Collected some fruit in the week. Saying they are bitter is an understatement. Horrible! Sunset over the palms. Palm oil nuts are ten baht a kilo at the mo'. Mildred loves animals. Especially Poo. Since the last Owl Log the avocados outside have gone crazy. Have five trees now. There are more seeds in the pot too. Everyone stops to admire them. Guy has done great with the build on our land. Although he hasn't parted with any dosh as yet. Soon though!? As soon as the dosh starts rolling in from the shop. I'll do a special log on the build soon. Why was the footy - well only the EPL - postponed this week. Absolutely outrageous. So it's Nadal and Medvedev in the tennis today. All seems a waste of time now. Who won the ladies? Can't even be bothered to look. After all my sorry head-phone episodes, where they were all breaking, I found a new supplier. the 20 baht shop. Yes! I jest you not fellow farangsters. Twenty baht for a super set. I've got them on now listening to some Russian Military marching music as I type. Anyway I'm off to ban Dung tomorrow, and I'll get a few sets as spares. If they have any left! Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  6. Great to get a post from a fellow Owl. Last time I saw Ting (hat lady), she twisted my arm to buy one of her hats. Physical contact; very nice too. I picked out a nice white one. She placed it, adjusted it, and said I was most hansum man with the hat on. More physical contact. Mrs Owl accidentally tore it, putting it into the wash. Not to worry though. Soon fixed it up as good as new. Ting had a bright orange one at the shop last time. Might get it if it's still there on Monday when I go to Ban Dung. Also bought some strips of reishi. Yes, the conundrum, I'll ask her about that. She has - with my help - been busy working on ways to determine square roots. We have two new solutions. One utilises Pi. The other a quadratic. Very interesting. Not seen either solution on the www. Owls v Tractor boys tonight. Rooting for the Owls.
  7. Farmer Fred was sick. The doctor arrived and was examining him. The wife was concerned. Two chickens were observing at the open door with interest. "What the verdict doctor?" Asked Fred's wife. "It's covid19 I'm afraid." One chicken says to the other. "Thank ---- for that Chunky. For a moment there, I thought he was gonna say 'Asian Bird Flu'.
  8. Dull and dry. There is a dwarf papaya that is being grown in a garden near us. The trees never more than 1-5 metres high, and the yield is very good. We have just got hold of one, and are hoping for a good result. Where do they grow the little oranges Bannork? I'm sure they originate from Thailand. The are great eaters. Eat half-a-dozen for dinner sometimes.
  9. Owl Log - 21-01-2022 - Friday morning As I type rain has started. First since October 22nd, 91 days ago. It's all about trees today. First the avocado grown from seed 18 months ago. Planted at the same time was this mango tree, also grown from seed. The leaning tree has not been featured much lately. Two pics. First one from the far end of the pond. Don't look to be leaning much in that pic. Next is the view from the house end. We had excess eucas from the planting in June 2020. The last lot were moved in the week. They are not really worth keeping as they will never be any good, but Mildred likes to tend to them, and that's good enough to keep 'em.. Mildred and I decided to leave the bigger one, as the root was firmly in the stony ground, and would have died if we had snapped the root. Have to make sure it grows straight up or Mrs Owl will surely sort it out; with her chopper. We saw three fires on the go yesterday afternoon. It wouldn't be good if the fires moved over to the eucas and the palms. Did have a problem in number three farm some years ago. Twenty or so trees got burnt through one of the farms burning rice stubble next to us. Took a year, but all the palms recovered. It's the burning season for the next two months, so have to watch out. When the fires hit a bamboo copse, the 'cracking' can be heard for miles around. The rain, drizzle we call it in England, has stopped. Couldn't even call it a shower. Not enough to stop a game of cricket. Sun is about to come out. A full Owl Log next week.
  10. Mrs Owl has been buying those little oranges from the market. The ones that are as big as a snooker ball or a conker shell. Very sweet. I'd like a few of those growing at the farm. The leaning tree is still leaning; more than ever. This is the year for it to fall I fear. I'll post a pic later this week.
  11. My avocado tree at the farm is doing great. I'll take a pic later this week and post. From what I've seen of avoes being grown from seed, they can give fruit on their fifth year. My big one is 18 month old and gets watered virtually every day, or at the latest once every three days. I have also had to trim the top. I've been plucking off any discoloured leaves straight away. That seems to work.
  12. I'd definitely get a Leeds one, especially if it was in their old colours, or even the stripes they started off with. Well as long as it was only 99 baht. I've bought a few of the 99 footy baht shirts since I've been here. The two best ones were AC Milan and the Italian national shirt. Both had this sweat-cloth as a lining. Not that I sweat; a bit like the Duke of York in that regard. Also a Spurs and Man City shirt. Don't really care what it says as long as it fits.
  13. After a spell where they couldn't string wins together, they are scoring for fun. Can they score six or more against Stoke on Saturday? They will do something special if they can. It's been eighty years since even three sixes have been scored in successful matches. Now the big question is! Can they break up the big seven next season? A bit premature to speak of winning the EPL, or even top four, but you Cottagers are allowed to dream. Just as an addendum to the above; Johnny Haynes was one of the finest English players in my lifetime of watching footy. And Tosh (Trevor) Chamberlain also. Had the longest throw-in I've ever seen. Could take a throw-in and get it past the far post.
  14. You are bang on the money there Champers. But really it's all a distant memory now days. Just need to get another hat.
  15. Owl Log - 19-01-2022 - Wednesday afternoon Mildred was due to go back to school yesterday (Tuesday), but on Monday afternoon she was told that it's now next Monday. so I have the pleasure of her daytime company for another week. Still no sign of rain. That's 89 days. There is some hope for the week end. Evidently it is wet Chiang Mai way. and coming towards us. Had two days on the lilly move. The first I was on my own. I just couldn't get the root up. Did get a few bits out and put them into number six next door. Pleased to see that we have a fresh flower already. Needed help for the big one. Beapp and E obliged. Took it round to number five. Tipped it in. Then it was left to me. vidmovelilly00.mp4 Managed to get out OK. Very sharp stones by the edge; sticky mud in the middle. vidmovelilly01.mp4 Pushed the huge root-ball into the mud and held it in place with a couple of bamboos. Dismayed to see yesterday that it had floated up to the surface. I'll get it out and chop it into four manageable bits next week. The twins, Nadia and Nadine are getting about. Exploring the property next door with their cousin. Mrs Owl bought a couple of chop-chop boards. Fixed a handle on both. Hose pipe has multi uses. Couple of events at the top of our road, where it joins with the 2022. Work is continuing on the road-widening scheme. Getting rid of the last few trees. You are next to go. The build on our old land is steaming ahead. Base in place and blocks ready. The other thing that I didn't know about - or I'd been there with the camera - was a newly erected communication tower. Went to the 'General store' for some screws for the Mrs chop-chop boards at , and there it was. Since last Owl Log another avocado has started growing. Avacadoes for brekkies, lunch and dinner soon. Gonna water the trees and plants in Mrs Owl's farm garden this afternoon. I reckon that 30/40 litres a tree once a week, will keep them happy until it starts raining in July or August. Will not be seeing Novak, or is it No=vax Djokovic, at the tennis this year. Fell foul of the Ozzie covid rules. Can be a bit petty those Oz officials. Can recall when they banned Dawn Fraser from competing; and she was one of their own. There is this rumour going round that the only citizens of Australia are the Aboriginals. Everyone else is contracted to a private company based in Nolfolk Island. Have to check that one. I'll ask my uncle Kelly; lives in Woy Woy. Kangaroo whisperer par excellence. say what yer like bout those down-under guys, they know how to knock those stumps down. We, the English and Welsh cricket team, were humbled good and proper. And there's a thought. If Wales becomes an Independent Country, will they have to get their own National Cricket Team? The Irons came a cropper at the week end. Losing at home to Leeds. Had a lovely girlfriend from those parts many moons ago. If I kneeled on her bed I could see Elland Road's main stand. Can't remember how I remember that. Those were the days. Got my new white had very dirty, messing about with those lilies. Went into the wash, and somehow got ripped. "How did my hat get torn teerak?" "I not know. Why you ask me?" "Well Mrs Owl! You are in charge of the washing machine?" No answer. Best that I didn't pursue the point any further. Gives me an excuse to go see Ting next week. See if she has one for me. Only one Ting left to say; bye y'all.
  16. I think it was a mistake getting Lukaku. Waste of time, waste of space and waste of money. Can do without him. Never scored in his earlier spell with the Blues. All the other clubs were pleased to see the back of him; especially the Devils. Get rid; and take a loss.
  17. Great pic. Interesting road markings. We have more wires than you though.
  18. Owl Log - 12-01-2022 - Wednesday early afternoon Last post was sad, with a village member being killed on his bike at the top of the road. Suddenly it's all action in that area. Twenty or so workers, machinery and tree cutting. The junction of our road with the 2022 was OK, IMO. But there is obviously money sloshing around for road schemes. The junction is no different to thousands in our area. Don't know why it's being singled out; except that tragic accident. Poor nude tree. Meanwhile at the other side of the village the road's been resurfaced and the posts are ready. Can't always see the logic in some of these works. There are holes in the 2022 road - the mainest road by far in the area - that are big enough for a farang to hide in, and millions of baht are being spent in areas that are best left alone and just need the occasional maintenance. The new headphones arrived. Two sets; one for me and one for Mrs Owl. Both the same colour. Thinking of painting mine so we don't get them mixed up. Let's see if they last longer than the last pair. Very light. Not as good for as Mildred's. At 99 baht a piece can't expect perfect sound. Poo is growing up. She just loves this spot. And Jack has recovered from his recent paw-e-cuffs; highlighted in the last Owl Log. Although I haven't seen him today and it's just after 12 o'clock. Do worry about our pets. The farm that has the water supply has started growing beans. Not found out yet where they get their leccy from. Certainly not our side. Had a look but can't see any clues. We will pass on day, when there is someone on-site and I'll get Mildred to inquire. Can't ask Mrs Owl. Guy is racing ahead with the new house/shop on our old land. Got the water running yesterday. There was some shouting. And whacking sounds outside. By the time I'd got the camera ready, it was almost too late. vid cows outside.mp4 I encourage Mildred to paint a pic once a week. Last two efforts. I pointed out to her, that the chap on the left looks as though he's been naughty, and is getting his comeuppance.. Both framed, ready for her web site. Couldn't resist a glorious sun returning from the farm yesterday. It seems like Mildred's school is gonna have a mass covid-test next Tuesday. Then I reckon she will be off for another week due to the positives. Called in to see Ting, the hat lady, at the week end. Picked out a nice white hat for me. She adjusted it and turned me to look in the mirror. Fitted me good. "Now you are hansum farang." Went all weak at the knees. Also bought two packs of reishi strips for my wine brew. Mrs Owl saw the new hat when I got home. "What you buy another new hat for ding dong farang?" What could I say? Best to say nothing. She wouldn't understand. For a little while at the week end the mighty Liverpool and Spurs were losing at home in the FA Cup. Alas, it wasn't to be. Shame that. Well done the other smaller clubs; although Forest are a sleeping giant. Did anyone see the doctor questioning the minister in the hospital in London? That wasn't in the script. Did the reporters job for them. The 'Stop Tony Blair getting the Garter' campaign has well over one million signatures, and they are all going to show in June at Windsor Castle to stop him going through the gates. Think he will arrive by chopper. Nice day out by the Thames in those parts though. Gonna try to move some of the lilies from number seven pond to number six this afternoon. Take a change of clothes and get stuck in. Get Mildred to record the event. Should be a whole lot of fun. Very quiet in Ban Dung yesterday. As quiet as I've known it. Don't know why. Certainly the children all being off is a factor. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  19. Thanks for that IL. In the early days of the Internet it was far more basic and maybe 'pure' than what it has grown into today. As for languages; I've been researching Python. Reminds me a bit like BASIC. At Uni I looked at BASIC, COBOL and FORTRAN. Actually wrote a few games; Trail (the forerunner to snake), Hitman and Marathon Man were all my creations. That was back in about 81/82/83. The website www.numbervillage.com is indeed a throwback to the early days of HTML. Glad you enjoyed it. Have you read any of the stories? Try Digger Dog! Thanks again.
  20. I think also that three tablespoons might be nearer to what you are after. The pack that contains the anti-fungus powder might be a clue.
  21. Many facets to this one Bannork. Given that we are right into the 'dry-season' one would expect it not to rain. But in the not to distant past, it has rained; quite heavily at times, during the dry season. According to the statistics, there should be at least one shower every month from early November through to late March. But stats can be misleading, as they are based on an accumulation of data over some considerable time; usually 25 years. When I first came to Thailand to make it my home - rather than on 30 day visits - it was a lot wetter that what it has been in recent years. For the first few years - that would be 2008 to 2013 - I kept a record of temperature, rainfall and wind etc. It fitted the expected data trends. Considerably over 100 cm of rain for the whole year. And it started in mid March; gradually reaching a peak in August/Sept, and usually tailing off in October. The result would usually be 100 - 120cm annually. The last three years have been very different. Not any year has the season rainfall exceeded 90cm. In fact 2021 saw only 55cm for the year. A good deal of that falling in late October (22nd) . In 2020 most of the rain fell in September. For my money, there is a dramatic shift in rain pattern. What does this mean for the two main crops in these parts (upper Isaan); rice and sugar? Firstly sugar; yields this time (last quarter 2021, until now), have been so poor that some farmers have not even cut. The tonnage per rai is not half of what would be expected in years past. Those that have cut, have replanted, into - for want of a better phrase soil-dust. Rain is desperately needed if the sugar is going to be even a decent crop. Sure it will grow, but get a plant off to a bad start and it might never properly mature. Rice is somewhat different.There are a number of planting methods used. But they all need water early on. Because the rain has not arrived as was expected - and indeed as it should have - during the last tree years, yields have been extremely low. There are farmers that have saved/stored water, and for those the two-stage is the method to be adopted. Most use 'casting', onto a damp soil. This is a good - and cheapest - method if rain is then forthcoming. The last few years have seen farmers re-planting as the rice has not shown early. Grass and weeds then predominate and the rice is stunted, due to lack of water, and the undesirables robbing it of nutrients.. What can be done? Well praying might do the trick, but a more practical solution would be either to ensure a when-needed water supply, or a change of crop. Not always easy for farmers who have repeated the same annual growing patterns all their lives; and that of their fathers.
  22. I'll check that out Owl thanks. I think it's nonsense. I'm rooting for Derby to stay up. I've been trying all evening to get on that petition to stop Blair getting the garter. Nearly a million on it now. If you are right about Phillip, I'll raise a glass of reishi wine to him. Gonna make a brew tomorrow.
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