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Posts posted by BigKahuna

  1. 2 minutes ago, JackScarlett said:

    A message to all Remainers:   Forget party loyalties and vote Liberal Democrat.   With Tim as leader we can change the direction that the UK is being taken by the hardliners in the Toffs Party.   We can tell Mrs Mayhem that she is wrong and that she should be careful what she wishes for.  By voting Liberal Democrat and giving Saint Theresa a bloody nose, maybe she will go back to her walking holidays and leave the real politics to the brilliant leader that Tim is,

    Yes telling people how to vote on here is going to make a difference. Difference somewhere between 0 and 1.

  2. Just now, aslimversgwm said:

    Well I served for 10 years in the RAF so please don't lecture me about patriotism but your nationalistic, 'little Englander' rant sounds like something that belongs to the 19th Century let alone the 20th or 21st centuries. Belonging to the EU the UK could and did shape the course of its future ensuring the peace of us all, its political, economic and social development for the benefit of all of us true patriots and players on the European world stage - not the bigoted, xenophobic, quasi-racist underbelly that voted to leave in that stupid, unnecessary referendum called by Cameron in order to toady up to his rich, upper-class toffs in the Tory party.  There - that's my rant - a quid pro quo perhaps and please don't feel embarrassed for me because I'm not for you and your ilk, just thoroughly ashamed.

    Yes be a euro slave. That's a good little marxist.

  3. 10 minutes ago, starky said:

    Well we're not at war so there are no tactics. Surely you can do better than that. So who was he trying to fool with his brilliant strategical mind? North Korea or the Aussies? As stated anyone with half a brain and the navy AIS would be able to tell they weren't headed for Korea. Think you may be giving the Trump to much credit.

    Tactics are used outside of war and it's his military advises not Trump developing tactics.


    Anyone with more than half a brain would know that.

  4. Just now, yogavnture said:

    again I repeat . if interested in fish pants go to facebook. look up batik design.  a shop will appear in bkk. at weekend market. worldclass shop with world class fish pants. ignore all the others here. 

    If interested in fishing there are fishing shops and sporting goods stores with real fishing pants.


    If interested in massage pants or pjs they are sold in lots of markets and shops.



  5. Just now, yogavnture said:

    any one who wants fish pants go to section 23 weekend market. ask for batik design .........best fish pants made. ignore the nasty comments here about them.  enjoy!

    Nasty? They are good pjs. Only some poor fisherman who cant afford real pants would wear them. Totally impractical for fishing.


    Most fishermen wear shorts or protective long pants.


    Marketing people would love you.

  6. Just now, yogavnture said:

    listen I only wear fisherman pants. exclusively.  they are fisherman pants for a reason . they are roomy . pretty offensive stuff written here about them.  who are the fashion police? i wear what I please!  IF ANYBODY WANTS THE BEST FISH PANT MADE GO TO THE WEEKEND MARKET IN BANGKOK.  GO TO SECTION 23..........ASK FOR batik design>>>>>>>>>>>or go to facebook and look up batik design.   this guy makes the best fish pant in the world hands down.  240 baht but worth every penny.  stonewashed cotton


    They are pjs not fishing pants. You've been fooled by the name.

  7. Just now, RuamRudy said:

    It's interesting that she has ruled out a TV debate. Arguably, she is not the most convincing of communicators, so could it be a fear at ConHQ that she, personally, will come across badly, or could it be that they do not want to expose her to possibly awkward and potentially damaging questions?

    Only worth holding debates if you are behind. Trump smashed the Clintons in no 2. While fake news nn failed to report it anyone who saw it could see the writing was on the wall and internet polls gave it. He ripped both Hillary and Bill apart.

  8. 44 minutes ago, morrobay said:

    The point is best to be objective. Seems up country foreigners have different experiences than city. There is resentment against foreigners. See post #40 Pattaya news. Topic, police nowhere to be found...  And also/again complaing about certain things and being happy here are not mutually exclusive. 

    Each city is different. A lot of bad stuff happens in Pattaya.

  9. Just now, bkk6060 said:

    I agree life is great and for some of us time is dwindling so enjoy what you have.  The problem is many guys can not enjoy it because they have never done much in life and are broke. They have a negative and depressive state  of mind and it reflects on others.  Then they come to Thailand looking for something, but they are the same people.

    True. Different scenary but they still think the same negative thoughts and its the fault of Thais or other farangs why they are unhappy.

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