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Posts posted by BigKahuna

  1. Just now, whiteman said:

    money hasn't run out same lady for over 13 years living well and with in my means got 30 years least on the house and land but I will be long gone b4 then.


    Pick the right lady and life is bliss it also  helps if she speaks good English and has no debts and only a step father and step brother, she earns her own money and she has never asked me for any $$$$ in 13 years.


    She bought my old mazda 3 off me for cash 600,000 and it is still in my name today.


    So they are out there if you are a good person you will get a good person back so my partner tells me

    Correct. Good attracts good. Trash attracts trash.



  2. 36 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    I'd say stay in a tourist area. Life in the boondocks will bore you blind. I've known several expats who moved out of Pattaya with their ladyloves only to regret ever having done so. There are lots of expats in Pattaya and it's easy to make friends there. 


    Who wants to retire to some out of the way, boring dump where you'll have no one to talk to, no English language TV or newspapers, quite often no internet and everyone goes to bed at 10pm. 


    I agree 100% about the GF's village, she'll be the governor. In Pattaya, Phuket etc you'll be your own boss.

    Thai is the local language. Stay in the UK if you want to watch English TV and talk to poms.

  3. On 2017-4-21 at 10:25 PM, Genericnic said:

    Guess it has been longer since I used the ATM than I thought. Still a nice example of greed though.




    What banks dont like profits?

  4. 22 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

    Japan and Korea the same. I no longer understand why defecation and urination has been sexualized anyway.

    The recent trans people in a bathroom rubbish debate proves toilets should all be unisex.

    So you want 14yo girls in toilets with 50yo men?



  5. 1 minute ago, smotherb said:

    You need to travel more; Thailand is not the only place where attendants clean while you dirty. In some places an attendant will come up and massage your back while you're at the urinal.


    Many years ago in Bangkok, I had both hands bandaged from a motorcycle accident; the nice lady attendant helped me use the toilet.


    I think you need to open your horizons.

    Lucky she had a pair of tweezers handy

  6. 36 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

    It's called science. The bs is what you base your life on. And you don't need to get out of your comfort zone now and then but always. That's the point. Go back to sleep sir.

    Always? So have you climbed k2 and everest and hiked to both poles?


    Mumbo jumbo bs

  7. 13 hours ago, tonray said:

    He is actually not a 'top neuroscientist'  !  He is actually a chiropractor and talks a lot about neuroscience.



    I am not taking away from whatever he says but important to set the record straight and not give his words more credibility because of his neuroscience background/

    Thousands of people have been crippled or killed by chiros

  8. On 2017-4-24 at 11:06 AM, themerg said:

    Many showers. I go to malls, let them pay for air conditioning. Pools. I have 6 fans and 2 air conditioners in my 50 square meter home. Shade. Walk on the shady side of the street. Lots of cold liquids. Fruit. No big meals. Ice cream. Hibernate for a day, just eat, and shower.

    Thats why shopping centres are popular. Not a lot of goods are being purchased. In Bangkok the heat, smog and humidity is terrible from 11am to 2pm. Simple solution is a movie, a cold drink, an icecream and a slow walk around in aircon. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, rott said:

    If you mean 1 litre of beer  plus 1 litre of sprite/whatever is weaker than 2 litres of beer, that is self-evident and does not require stating. 


    Your statement that "People drink until they are full" is at best ambiguous and certainly inaccurate.


    "Full" meaning inebriated, as in Scotland or Ireland.? People do not always drink until inebriated.

    "Full" meaning no room for more.? I have no experience of everybody drinking until bloated.

    Where does thirst come from? Lack of liquid. More liquid means thirst dies down. Alcohol also warms the body so consuming lower amounts makes sense in hot climates. Getting drunk at midday in 35 degrees is an awful feeling.



  10. 2 hours ago, anotheruser said:

    Yeah I bought a house and know where I am going. As far as people staying that are miserable, your guess is as good as mine. There does seem to be a high concentration of them on TV you aren't wrong. 

    You wonder whether they are just letting off steam or desperate for conversation given a lot can barely speak Thai.

  11. 8 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    We can go on further down this road.


    Nobody forces muslims to live in Europe.

    Nobody forces blacks to live in South Africa.

    Nobody forces LOSO to stay in Thailand.

    Nobody forces intelligent people to stay in Trumpland.


    A rather silly way of thinking, no? As compared to believing in universal non culturally defined human rights. 



    Why is it silly? You want a UN led one world rule? You want countries to give up their culture and rules to please whining foreigners?


    Given Trump is worth $5bn why do you think he's not intelligent? Are broke expats in Toyland smart?


    Most hippies grow out of nonsense 1960s thinking.

  12. On 2017-4-22 at 2:06 PM, xylophone said:

    I understand where you're coming from and I wasn't being dismissive of your post, and what I was trying to say was that if you were looking for a good Aussie Shiraz, then they would certainly be up in the 600 baht plus range, whereas there are some for under 500 baht (Gossips for example) and although not stunning, are good everyday drinkers.


    Some of the South American offerings these days can come in at around 450 baht a bottle and are worth trying. However if you are just drinking the odd glass of wine every day, then cask wines can fit the bill, my pick being Berri Estates.

    Gossips is terrible. Cheap shiraz is awful. Only quality shiraz is worth drinking and that would be 1000 baht up but shiraz is a cold climate drink.

  13. Just now, anotheruser said:

    I will go out on a limb and guess that marriages that are not based upon love and subsequent children resulting from them are a big reason that many stay on. 


    Many westerners will rightfully feel obligated to take care of their families even in times of hardship. Many Thai guys would simply just abandon the family and move on. Maybe some westerners just don't have that mai pen rai attitude towards marriage and children hard wired in. 


    So for those people where this is the case I have a lot of respect that situation must be tough. 

    70yo dudes with 10yo kids and 40yo wives. 


    What could go wrong?

  14. Just now, bkkcanuck8 said:

    There are different food courts for different purposes.  Food courts (like Siam Paragon, Terminal 21) in major malls are typically a nice day out (and not a place to dine regularly) -- since most people don't go to those malls to do anything more than window shop.   Food courts at places like Tesco or Big C tend to be more for convenience.

    Been to Siam. Food was cold. Looked good. Tasted ordinary.


    I go to shopping centres for aircon and a cold drink.

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