Not Yamaha, after that need to go to Tmax for Yamaha , which is 500+, and very expensive..., in Thailand.
In some countries they sell Xmax 400, but it's not upgraded for years, and small wheels..., not that inspiring, or powerful.
There is Honda Forza 350 and ADV 350 of course, good options, but in similar power/weight ratio of Xmax.
Then there is Suzuki Bergman 400, but it's so heavy and low HP, that it's slower than Xmax.
But Zontes has now come out with maxi scooters with 368cc, supposed to be the fastest cat on the block in this class..., AND cheaper than Forza and Xmax...!
They have it for test drive in Phuket, we will have a go in a few of weeks and see... 🤞🏻😎