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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Twenty five years ago, I remember a story (I think it was Goodyear) which had just built an entirely new factory. Six months later it was sold and literally dismantled and sent to China. This has been going on for some time. Corporate greed combined with fantastical socio-economic political theories that China would "transform" into a modern, democratic state.
  2. Who would that be exactly? Not the United States, which never colonized, brutalized, or murdered Indians. That would be the British. And the British are a very junior member of relatively small clout in the so-called Quad. The treachery to which I refer is Indian actions against the United States, siding with Russia and China to displace the dollar as the reserve currency, siding with Russia and China against Ukraine, and siding with Russia in weapons procurement, and all the while flooding the US with their citizens and demanding the right to monopolize entire categories of visas.
  3. One thing is for certain and that is Fuentes has been in the country since Biden has been president, and the child rape occurred during Biden's presidency. All the time, Biden had it as his responsibility to enforce US immigration law and deport illegal aliens. How many illegals has Biden deported from the US interior and Ohio, for instance? Why didn't Fuentes fear getting deported more than carrying out a child rape? Why are hundreds and thousands of illegals pouring across the border even as I write this?
  4. India has sided with the Russian-Chinese plan to remove the US dollar as the reserve currency and replace it with a Yuan/Ruble global reserve. India is treacherous, a long time ally of the Soviet Union/Russia, and willing to back China against the West in order to leverage an advantage. India has its own big dreams. And its immigrants to the US are much more loyal to India overall than Chinese immigrants are to China. The spigot of Indian immigration into the US needs to be turned off and Indians made to feel better about returning home.
  5. Covid. The gift that keeps on giving, if you're a totalitarian minded dictator or political party that wants to control everybody's actions.
  6. And what a mistake it was for the US and Europe to give away their industry to China and import Indians to take over entire sectors of the economy. They literally emptied their cash bank accounts and intellectual property ownership in order to get things on the cheap for a couple of decades.
  7. Yes, sent mine today. Paid 320 baht (don't know why the difference). Picked it up at my PO Box and filled it out right there, and sent it registered.
  8. Hah. A lot of your "younger outlook on life" types are on Twitter. Aside from posting pictures of their bottles of beer, which seems to be their main activity, you should read the complaints. They complain about the people sitting next to them, roads being wet when it rains, their work--they really hate their work and let everyone know. Collectively, they're the most miserable people I've ever seen in Thailand.
  9. I used to see their advertisements pop up and the expats they had in their photos for meet ups were the exact sort of people I came to Thailand to avoid.
  10. Thailand knows this. During the 1950s, when China threatened to sweep down through Laos into Thailand, the US made emergency preparations for certain important individuals to evacuated from Thailand. And one other thing, the Mekong water card is not something China can play against Thailand. If it did so, China would hurt its Lao and Cambodian satellites more than Thailand.
  11. I can't imagine why anybody would waste time and money on sportsball, especially when you're over 65 and have a limited amount of both left. What sort of an adult human being wears another person's team jersey and number and pays for the "privilege"?
  12. Checked weather forecast and it seems lows will be in the 60s and 50, with the highest low 71 next Monday. Silly complaining. Can't take 90 degrees for a few hours before cooling off.
  13. Make extensions for free, too!
  14. And a few weeks ago, the Chinese met with the same Thai Foreign Minister with both sides proclaiming to be "one family." Compare picture below with one above. Somewhere Michelangelo is cringing. https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/kjgzbdfyyq/202204/t20220403_10664402.html
  15. Please identify Michael Bridge in the headline listing when posting these stories so I'll know to give them a miss.
  16. Not much background information in this story. More here: https://www.naijaprey.com/nigerian-man-flees-thailand-after-murdering-a-jeweler/
  17. How much did the Markles win in their last lawsuit against the Mail? Wasn't it something like 1 pound?
  18. A number of "tweets" are done in a thread format that unrolls as many messages as the author needs to make his point. Personally, I like Twitter because it is the fastest breaking news outlet available. The Abe killing was a perfect example. Traditional media sources were flatfooted for hours, while Twitter accounts brought the news within minutes of the murder. Compare breaking news on Twitter to Aseannow, for example. A half day or more might go by on AN before important stories get noticed. It's not that AN is particularly slow. It's just like a lot of other traditional outlets that take their time to get things sorted. Obituaries of the famous are another example. Twitter is valuable, I think, although I think Musk is on firm ground about all the fake accounts. Some blue checks on Twitter have a million or more followers but never get more than a hundred or so likes, retweets, or comments. Clearly, something is amiss there.
  19. Chinese celebrating Abe's killing. https://www.newsweek.com/shinzo-abes-death-celebrated-china-1723012
  20. Back to online learning? Not just useless but damaging.
  21. It's July 8th already. Doesn't anybody know? Wonder if this means Immigration will want more than 10 baht of stamps now on the 90 Day mailed return of receipt?
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