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About Jen65

  • Birthday 03/21/1961

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    Na Jomtien

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  1. hope the truck driver gets done for jumping a red light ! ????
  2. much depends on where you are in the Philippines and also if you have Filipino wife / partner and involved in the family /community . Filipinos are very family orientated and having worked with them for many years I have found the majority sincere, friendly and welcoming . NEVER raise your voice , even when angry , or you loose face !!!
  3. Big son of croc that ! Imagine bumping to that on dark night ????
  4. I see adds about "Generali " global health insurance here in Thailand . Anybody use them or experience of them??
  5. All these Russians trying to escape Russia !! Many will have figured out they can use an agent or other unlawful means to stay here ( ED visa ? study? medical ? other?) " I pay lots of money - you get me visa !! " . Looks like in todays news the Immigration has woke up to the fact that the use of these illegitimate means of staying in Thailand are being used by many .
  6. Totally agree , it will be virtually impossible to get rid of a Military controlled government in Thailand ;they are so entrenched with golden handshakes,pensions etc . It will be a "fake" democracy " controlled by a behind the scenes military . Having said that , I'm sure Thailand is very aware of what happened next door !!
  7. Time to leave !! Philippines looking attractive AND one gets the index linked pension !!
  8. Of course the aircraft will stay here , for a service of course !! Since most commercial aircraft leased or owned in Russia can't get the parts/service there they will just ask to get it done here and of course it's one military to another so business as usual !! Hope those companies / banks holding the lease agreements are ready to impound any planes who have not honoured their agreements !!
  9. Thank you for that . So 3M baht total if using Thai bank/Medical Insurance Policies OR certified foreign insurance . Good to know that Thai Insurance Companies do not have a monopoly on the medical insurance requirements .
  10. that's where I bought mine ! Make sure you check what material the dye is for !! some for synthetic /some for cotton .
  11. You got a visa and you don't know why you got an O rather than O-A ????? Your lack of knowledge is astonishing
  12. said it before and say it again !! Why can't they adopt the same principle as in Germany (Hamburg) and other European cities where ONE street is zoned / made available for such activities ! Soi 6 comes to mind ,where it could be closed off / restricted access with a notice displaying that this is an Adult only controlled zone . Entry can then be controlled .It can be managed and policed .Those sex workers can then legally operate in a safe / clean/controlled environment to the enjoyment of those whom wish to frequent the area . Sex workers are currently marginalized on the edge of society , unrecognised , unprotected . Most are just trying to make money for their poor families back home . They also don't want a future working in the rice fields !! Come on Thailand , do something worthwhile not only to improve the lives of sex workers but also the image of Pattaya .
  13. The requirement to obtain a certified letter showing the refusal of an Insurance Company seems to be a bit "one sided" in favour of the Insurance companies . An Insurance Company can take into account pre-existing conditions or it may be that the insured has received a large payout under his/her current policy and the Insurance Company no longer wish to insure the ember so they Wack up the premium due to an exorbitant level . The insurance company then don't have to say they refused insurance as it then puts the burden on the applicant to accept or reject an exorbitant premium and in most cases such premium cannot be afforded by the applicant/member. Premiums paid whether reasonable or exhorbitant go in the Insurers pocket and are non refundable / lost capital if unused . Why can the authorities / Immigration not just accept the permanent deposit in a Thai Bank of say 2 or 3M baht for medical insurance purposes ?? They can set a minimum !! At least the money remains yours to be kept, moved on or left to heirs if unused . This issue seems like a bit of a rip-off for O-A visa holders who , in all due respect , are trying to help the Thai social security / hospitals/ medical system by HAVING adequate due medical care funds to pay Hospital bills unlike those on "O" visas . If I get to the situation of refusal of continued medical insurance OR unreasonable /exhorbitant premiums , it will force me down the route of exiting the country and returning to obtain an "O" visa , which realistically is not in the governments/immigration/Thailands interest .
  14. You can forget about the traffic stopping at red lights ( notably Thais ) as they don't give a damn about red lights, traffic law, pedestrian rights etc etc ! There is NIL / Nada/Zero policing and bringing offenders to justice ( the guy in the white pickup will likely blame the brakes !!) The new driving license points system will not deter stupid ! I have seen someone mown down on 2nd road in Jomtien near the Immigration soi ! Traffic was speeding through there at a minimum 80kh with not a care in the world for what the pedestrian traffic lights show. Yesterday I sat at Chaiyapruk crossroads on 2nd road waiting the lights to turn green . A white Fortuner whizzed by going in the lane to turn right but actually went straight on with a red light ! It's on my dashcam !! Motorbikes just ignore the red lights . Best advice for tourists /pedestrians - forget about lights/zebra marked crossings - use the simple rule " look right , look left , look right again and if IF clear , go ahead , cross !!! ( this is NOT Europe or the West , but the "Wild West" of Thailand !!)
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