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Posts posted by anon789561

  1. 5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


    And here they come!

    here who comes, people with an opinion. there are girls out there that accuse people of stuff they didn't do. whether you like it or not, that's a fact. and they should be held accountable. 

    i gave my opinions earlier on no fact just what the guy told tv. your comments are just basically attacking anyone who says a guy might be innocent then calling them misogynists. whatever mate. lets hope it never happens to you eh.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, fakename said:

    Why dont they give the locations, Before,  the event, not after. I have several stray cats I would like to get treated, and cant afford to take all the cats, on the soi, to a vet. 

    i have several stray cats? well they aren't your cats then are they. want to call them yours then pay for them. they gave a number, call them

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

    A lot of the teachers don't even know of WW2, certainly not the dates ,which is odd, given that Thailand was most certainly affected by the war, mainly by the Japanese invasion and occupation, which has largely been forgotten.  However, NAZI memorabilia is not illegal here, and it isn't in the UK either. I remember when I was at school in the 70's, one of the boys collected genuine NAZI items, including flags , belts and buckles, SS  caps, tunics etc. After school he set up as an advisor on war movies, and was/is very successful , working on Saving private Ryan and many other blockbusters.

    There are also many reenactment societies in the UK and France, that dress up as NAZI and American and British troops to commemorate the Normandy landings, Dunkirk, and so on. Driving around northern France in full regalia. This complaining Frenchman is presumably ignorant of such events.

    thailand has never been invaded or occupied by anyone 5555

    it's the most powerful country in the world. got subs and everything

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    Whether he raped her or was an accessory to rape, putting together a false accusation story to take back with him to Cameroon a move to consider. PS If he was holding her down or assisting his friend in any way then presence of DNA not necessary.

    maybe mate. no one knows. no police reports or anything. maybe more will come out on the story. would be interesting to hear, but thats up to tv to pursue

  5. 3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    What you want to believe more like it. How about one of the guys held her down while the other one raped her.

    well there is that. and that couldve happened. but then why when he's out of jail already would he draw attention to what happened to him. and why didn't they find his dna on her. not what i want to believe, more an opinion based on the how the story came about

    **if he raped her you'd think he'd shut up and keep a low profile since he's already out of jail?

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ulic said:

    The question I have with this "too drunk to consent" is what about the guy. If she is drunk

    chances are he is as well. Should the women not also be charged. How many have brought

    a girl home after a few too many pints and regretted it in the morning? The beer goggles

    firmly in place. She was a 9 last night and a three now. Worse, failing to realize she was a

    lady-boy, and not a good looking one at that. 555 (to be clear, this has never happened to me)

    it has hasn't it 555

  7. 2 minutes ago, BigT73 said:

    not a question of naiveity, if you were with a overly drunk girl would you take advantage of that or be a gentleman and take her home? None of us were there its just his word....

    there isn't evidence of anything, just a guy who called TV to tell his story. if what he says is true his mate had sex with her and the police only found his mates dna on her. whether that's true or not i don't know. no need to bring my morals into mate. you wouldn't find me taking any girl home. it's called marriage

  8. 1 minute ago, BigT73 said:

    Doesnt make sense, why would she go on holidays then go through a rape case if it was 100 percent consensul?  Maybe different cultures yes and no may have a gray line. Back home you can be done for rape if she is overly drunk and has sex with you, so its in your best interest to stay away.   The cameroon prob couldnt let this opportunity slip past, lesson learnt.

    if you read the article the guy is saying he didn't even touch her but his mate did but he still got banged up. i'd say there's a chance the guy is telling the truth and his mate had sex with her whilst she was kind of out of it. she took them back to her friends condo. i mean come on. she has to bear responsibility for that. doesn't matter what country you come from or which you're in. take back 2 strangers after a night on the lash in kao sarn and expect something to happen or be very naive

  9. 6 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Why should the woman be jailed?  Who said that what this Cameroonian claims, who is apparently here illegally (got a student visa "with the help of a Thai school" and can't speak any Thai?), is actually the truth?  Are Cameroonian tourists (?) extending their holiday via student visas renowned for their honesty here?

    his visa status and reasons for being in thailand are irrelevant to the charges he faced. if he was illegal they would have kicked him out. maybe he has money, who knows

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