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Posts posted by 0815

  1. 7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    This brake failure, or malfunction, seems to be used by most drivers who cause carnage on the roads, and we never seem to hear of any severity in punishments meted out.

    If, which seems highly probable, his substance abuse is proved to be the cause of this horrendous tragedy, he should be given the absolute maximum time of incarceration. Any severe punishment should also be massively publicised for the whole nation to see, to, hopefully, act as a deterrent to other drivers with the same mentality as this <deleted>.  

    As I said yesterday. Brake failure !
    Or was it brain failure ???

  2. 8 hours ago, Ossy said:

    What, like being held down, mouth wedged open, whilst booze was poured in? Being forced to drink is a lot different from being persuaded to drink. If you don't want to drink, don't drink and if that means choosing new friends, do that.


    Right girls . . . let's try to be 100% honest and truthful. If your drinking contributed to your being groped, it has to be more your own fault than that of the boozy boys that you could, if you'd made the effort, have avoided. You don't have to walk within arms length of these cretins and most sensible folk would simply make sure they didn't. There's keeping out of trouble and there's asking for trouble . . . the choice is yours, more than Thailand's boozy New Year.

    Some naughty girls forced me to drink alcohol ! 

    • Haha 1
  3. 10 hours ago, z42 said:

    It's become a complete monster imo. Alcohol and the general chaotic nature of it makes a whole heap of already not very bright people do even more crazy / reckless things than they normally would.

    A couple of hours of it around midday when i can take my little girl out is actually quite good fun for me and her because people are sober still and it has a more peaceful / happy feel.

    In the late afternoon big groups are totally wasted and are quite menacing (like what is described in the OP).

    It is what it is though, any measures that are effective in making it a little mord family friendly am all for

    cowards + alcohol = heroes

  4. 35 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Even when i wear a bright yellow shirt on my motocy they still won't stop for me...it's just thai mentality that a motocydriver MUST be a poor idiot and they have all the right to not wait/stop for him/her.


    When there's a soidog sleeping on the road they will ALL drive around it, no problems at all but a motocy MUST be of a lower caste than themselves and they can just act like they didn't see him/her.


    I should make helmetcam video's and put them online, almost every 5 minutes i'm in situations where they act like they didn't see the motocy...It just shows how selfish Thai drivers are..very small minded people.


    Sorry mate. You seem to be a real friend of the locals...

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    why do people who don't like something always start yelling "ban it!"?


    th truth is we need public transport on roads and statistically it is WAY< WAY safer than private passenger vehicles.

    What is needed is regulation to improve the safety of these vehicles, construction, drivers hours etc etc - put a digital tacho in and test all the4 vehicles.

    You may be right, but as long as they can buy the safety tests...

  6. 6 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I know there has been a loss of life here, and that is genuinely sad.


    However, I’m waiting for the all-too-often-made calls to begin about banning double-decker buses as they’re dangerous.

    I’ll get in first: If only they would think, and look at accident rates involving double-decker buses in other countries. I’m sure it must be the UK where there are more (and taller) double-decker buses than anywhere else, yet accidents there are very, very, rare.


    It’s the drivers here that need banning. They need to be responsible and concentrate on their driving, not trying to get down hills with sharp bends at break-neck speed (no pun intended), or perform dangerous overtaking manoeuvres.


    As soon as this particular incident is out the news, it will be forgotten again until the next accident.


    Brakes failed again! Clear reason...

  7. 51 minutes ago, ianf said:

    Two evenings ago we noticed a number of fires burning around the mountains of Chiang Mai. The Ban is ignored. A few weeks ago there was extensive burning of the verges near Mae Tha. That's the local Government burning. Guess what? The posters that had been erected all along that stretch of road to warn people NOT to burn were being burnt. When approached the supervisor (?) of the workers said the law only applies to inside the forest and not the verges.

    And off course when they burn the verges they burn all the plastics that send unscrubbed and dangerous toxins into the air.

    The Government knows this but they do nothing.

    At the sports stadium there is an incinerator that burns plastic all the year around + other rubbish. They use wood as the fuel. Wood cannot create the 1000 degree heat needed to destroy the toxic emissions from the plastic. So all this stuff gets thrown into the air through a chimney stack that has no scrubbers. This poisonous air goes right into a sports stadium and the local school where people need clean air.

    Stupid? Ignorant? Careless? Don't Care? Money talks? Lies? Denial? We could go on .....Thailand! That's it!

    And ever since I've been here they blame the Burmese, the Hill Tribes etc ....anyone but themselves.

    Ride the Samoeng loop or road 1001 to Phrao.
    Every year the strips left and right of the road get burnt down regularly instead of cutting the gras or bushes.
    In my opinion just the easy, quick and careless way for a "clean up".
    Then blame hilltribes, burmese aso. for burning their fields.

  8. 5 hours ago, manhood said:

    Well for me as living now couple of years in Thailand i found out that thais always turns aggressive if you catch them by the wrongdoing...and they do it every day at every place at any time!


    I hate this idea if smiling thailand. It is not excisting anymore because most of the are selfished : me always first"

    So Thailand is not a great tourist place to go!

    Really depends on where you live, how you show up.
    Living here since 8 years now, have a quite different experience.

  9. 4 hours ago, Badbanker said:

    I see sad problems happen almost every day with many westerners coming to Thailand  and starting to ride a motorcycle for their very first time.


    We have all lost count of the number of times this has happened with regular tragic results.


    Most people also don't have a legal driving license for a motorcycle in Thailand and as such void the mandatory 3rd party insurance that all cars must have, that would normally help them with medical expenses!


    All foreigners that rent motorcycles in Thailand are not sufficiently proficient in riding and  even more not aware of the driving style and frantic habits of many Thai drivers.


    Tourists who visit  Thailand think that because they don't speak the language or understand the law, there are no rules that apply to them and they can just do it!


    This ends all too often in a body bag or worse, as in this case life long injuries and disabilities.

    ...and enjoy riding in shorts and sandals, no helmet needed coz only 400b fine.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Yes.  A family member had been communicating with "a US Soldier on leave" coming to Bangkok to meet her and her two children and take them away to a life of luxury in the USA with him.  Somehow,  when he claimed out of the blue, to be stuck at Phuket Immigration, urgently needing  her to deposit money into an account so he could get to Bangkok to be with her, she figured out that he was a con artist still residing in Ghana.  There is a lot of this about!!!   She never sent the money and so had a lucky escape.  Although the Thai police message may have missed something in the translation I feel it is this type of "romantic farang" they refer to.  Not you or me.  Well, not me, at least, anyway!!!!    Our Bar Surfer correspondents in Pattaya are not the romantic Falang the RTP are warning the girlies about.  It is the unverified internet romancer that they are telling you to be careful of.   If she is able to actually meet the  "Hansum Man" personally here and have a beer with him, then he is obviously not some suntanned trickster still in West Africa needing her urgently to send him money.

    Another story:
    A friend (Thai female) got a message of a guy she was chatting with since a while.
    He "sent" gifts for her as 2 Samsung phones, shoes, jewellry and so on. The parcel would contain as well 50000THB in cash.
    Now the parcel would stuck at the Thai customs...
    As she didn't react on this bullsh*t she got a call from a Thai girl "working" for an agency that now takes care on her case.
    Her advice: Send 20000THB to the bank account of the "agency" in BKK to pay for the import fees.
    All was confirmed with an airbill of the "sender's" company in UK, sent from his branch in Poland.(!)
    She showed me all this nonsense AFTER she sent the money and did not receive anything. OH WONDER! WHY HER GIFTS DID NOT ARRIVE?
    True story of a brainless girl who even borrowed the 20000 from her friends and family ...

    • Haha 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    What does this have to do with the tourist Police or tourists? The romance scams are not done by tourists or against tourists. Nothing to do with tourists or the branch of the police that deals with tourists, tourist police dont investigate or prosecute these crimes. If police are trying to get a message out to Thai people why put it on the tourist police facebook page, thats not visited by Thais.

    Why is the website of the Thai consulate in Savannaketh in Thai language ?

    • Haha 1
  12. 3 hours ago, hansnl said:

    This was just a couple of environmental enthousiasts drawing attention to the sewage pipe running into the sea where families are invited to enjoy the diluted refuse.

    It would be better if all those getting angry at the couple were projecting their "anger" at the fact sewage is pumped into the sea thereby destroying the idea these beaches are fit for families.

    In real the big pipe was installed there to suck the sewage of bad dirty tourists out of the sea to keep the beaches clean  ;)

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