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Posts posted by 0815

  1. 9 hours ago, clash said:

    they seem too. a lot of africans working as english teachers in the sticks. really dodgy but i guess they only have to pay them 25k and that's pretty much impossible to live on so they must be up to something else

    These guys entered the country illegal.
    I wonder how a school can employ somebody without the right visa.
    Does any official check anything about this business ?

  2. 9 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Poor unfortunate woman, traveling along then bang shes dead.

    All because phone/ internet companies employees are too damn lazy to set the cables at the correct height, wich is a minimum of 5 mtrs.

    R.I.P. young lady too young to die.

    Cables should be up 5 meters and freights should be lower then 5 meters.
    "dawn lazy" AND stupid employees at work, just watch them for some minutes... 

  3. 13 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "Also if the so called medics where probly trained  they could have resusitated the person with just better training.Nobody needs to die from drowning if caught quickly enough."

    And here is the reason the victim died............

    The member of the public had decided to take the victim in his own transport and meet the ambulance at an agreed spot. But due to the delayed ambulance the meeting was not kept - and the victim died before the ambulance could get to there to give help.

    No blame to the ambulance crew, medics, they never even got close to the victim.....until they were dead.

    Go to a waterfall.
    There is always somebody to collect an entrance fee, collect money for parking...
    But i have never seen medics or an ambulance car set up there for the safety of the paying guests.
    Maybe they could spend some of the collected money for this ?

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, balo said:


    Well too late now , he got away according to the FB-group this was reported in . He is on his way back to India. 


    He is a US citizen but lives in India and his visa expired today . So they just sent him back to India.  Not sure if he paid the police or not





    Looks like you are one of a few here that read the whole story before spitting poison.
    Thank you.

  5. 15 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    Looks like a drunk, senile, obnoxious low-life. Plenty of them around. Lock him up a few months, make him pay a massive fine to a kids-charity and deport him with full report sent to authorities in his homeland. Pai is quite a nice and quiet place. Wonder if he is a known resident? MS>

    Pai seems to be a magnet for strange individuals of any kind as well ...

  6. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Seems to have more of an alcoholism and mental health problem than a pedo problem. Of course he has invited police attention but don't jump to conclusions about how dangerous he is. He seems more dangerous to himself than anything. 

    It's anything then ok what he did, but:
    For my oppinion not fair to the drunk and probably a bit mentaly disordered guy to shout out that he's a pedo.
    As I read in daddy's post on fb, he left the country already bcoz his visa was finished.
    Daddy started a "hang him high"- campaign ! A bit over the top ???

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Mate, she needs flogging at the post!

    How? I mean, How can you not see a motorbike in the middle of your path?

    It's not like it came in from an obscure angle. It was sat there the whole time, in clear view of all but the totally blind.

    Maybe her guide dog was at the wheel?

    Might even have been him who came running to the scene, to see if he should leave town quickly. :smile:

    How cannot see:
    1. eyes on her mobile phone - others can stop and get out of her way (If she doesn't come from behind)
    2. too short for this big car - cannot see what happens aroud
    3. stupid and careless - pockets full of money, so no need to care about a motorbike anyway
    Just my thoughts so far...

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Do the other staff have any other work options?


    Are some of them Thai and therefore difficult to move to other jobs?


    Can the local staff fairly easily find jobs in other restaurants?


    Why? Try to carefully calm her down to ensure the staff stay until the deal is totally finished, from there every man for himself.



    Do you really think such a dragon will care about this when she's the boss ?

    Not until she's alone without staff !
    SHE is the BOSS !!!

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    The emphasis on culture in my far north village included such impressive bucket throwing that I witnessed 3 motorbikes downed, a girl in her underwear dancing provocatively on the back of a pick-up in the parade to the temple and inebriation to the point of speechless. Many will wake up clueless about what they did yesterday. 

    Which yesterday ?
    They are only looking forward !

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, joeyg said:

    There was some scumbag Brit in front of the Corner Bar today who started taking peoples hats from them and wearing them. That didn't go over well.  Then he started stopping scooters turning off the engines and calling on the crowd to throw water at them.  This went on for a good while.  Then he started stopping scooters, turning the engine off and taking the keys out.  There were some very pissed off people then.  I decided to leave at that point.  Low life scumbag...

    Is he still alive ?

  11. 24 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    What blows me away is the paltry number of vehicles and licenses confiscated! Is this becuse most people don't have a license?

    How do they let the drunk drivers off?  Surely, if they are guilty of drunk driving, they should be immediately charged, fined and, in some caes, jailed?

    Typical anaemic response from the slly little generals corrupts legions of bully boys in brown and green.

    I applaud the effort to catch them but, once caught, the idea should be to punish them severely otherwise where is the deterrent?

    It's clearly not acting as such when the second day produces even more drunks drivers (and road kill) than the first highly publicised day.


    Maybe it's the same procedure like when get stopped without a helmet ?
    Pay your fine, keep the receipt and you are allowed to drink/drive for 24 hours...

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