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Posts posted by 0815

  1. 4 hours ago, HLover said:

    Seems fair.......

    She was naked at a public place= 1,000

    Tourist (possibly unwittingly) sitting on a ledge at a place of worship fully clothed, (possible panty shot) = 10,000


    Yes, we need more of these police on the streets to look out and protect the tourists as they definitely have foreigners safety and well being in mind.


    Just fair.
    Same at national parks. Thai = 40b / Alien = 400b

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  2. 2 hours ago, nahkit said:

    My grandson still has his water pistol from last year, will the police be organising an amnesty so he can go round and hand it in? Of course, he'll have to turn up with his mother as at 5 years old he's not quite old enough to ride a motorcycle.

    Hide it for another 3 years.
    Then he can ride to the police station alone  ;) (in the afternoon even without mom's helmet)

  3. 4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    I wouldn`t want to be on the receiving end of one of those high powered water guns if on my motorbike. Those water guns are capable of causing serious damage or blinding someone if aimed directly at the eyes. Glad the police are getting them off the streets.

    Wear goggles during Songkran !  ;)
    And your helmet! Roads might be slippery...

  4. 16 hours ago, Bullie said:

    Ben Harington's death was at 4 oclock in the morning. The lad was drunk, and driving a motocy without licence or experience. 50% of Thai drivers on Koh Tao don't have working headlights, and maybe even the rental motocy didn't , either. A frontal collision on a narrow road at night can happen anytime, especially in Thailand where they tend to cut into the corners.

    Driver fled, maybe even after checking for a pulse. Since the wallet and watch were no longer needed by poor mr. Harington, some poor Thai helped himself to it, after the fact.


    Why do families always want to have the satisfaction that a death is treated assuspicious, rather than just foolish behaviour, ignorance or just rotten luck  on the part of their loved one?

    Some parents should see how their "beloved good kids" behave when boozed up and in 24hours party modus !
    Watch them at the islands, Pai, Vang Vieng...
    Maybe some would be surprised !?

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    There are going to be many shocked partyer's when they find out this will be enforced. The Thai's will fall inline quickly like good sheep lets see how the foreigners will react.

      This year the PM said he wanted people to wear traditional clothes for songkran. It appears the Thai's will do as told. Sales of traditional clothes has rocketed. 

      So I think Thai;s will do as told about this too.

    Sales of traditional clothes started already !


    • Haha 1
  6. On 10.4.2018 at 9:29 AM, Thian said:

    Mostly it's the ones without helmets who don't give a duck about safety of themselves or others.


    I don't care if they kill themselves but they show very clearly how they think about the law. Also it's the first thing tourists in Thailand see, so they think there's no rule of law in this country.

    Western tourists...
    Some don't need to see locals braking the laws!
    SE Asia seems to be the spot where no laws exist for them and where the brain (if there is brain) is on holidays too.
    Yesterday I met a young couple 50km north of CM at a gas station, riding a rental scooter. In shorts, bikini and flip flops, no helmets, no shirt...
    After a short smalltalk I mentioned it would be better to wear their helmets and shirts or even jackets and long pants.
    The answer of the US-boy was: <deleted> off ! We came here to enjoy our freedom. We give a shit on your safety warnings.
    Next time I will see a bleeding idiot again, will make me just smile...

  7. 2 hours ago, namatjira said:

    All jokes aside, stabbing somebody is a serious crime......this is not a minor offense....I would recommend a penalty of at least 800 baht.....

    she will think twice next time 

    She will ask him(as they still have a relationship) for the money to pay the fine and not return the 200b change from 1000.
    Was his mistake to make her angry, so HE has to pay for her.  ;)

  8. 6 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

    Long ago, I asked some Thai friends why this happens. I was told that it was common knowledge that ambulance drivers ALWAYs have their sirens and light on because they want to get through traffic quicker. Even if they aren’t travelling to/from an emergency. In other words, they are not responsible ambulance drivers so people think they are cheating and then just ignore them on the road.


    There is always an excuse for anything they do...

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