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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. If you can ask a question but then not understand the reply in Thai, maybe you need to work specifically on your listening skills. There have been threads here related to that and plenty of material on You Tube and other sources. Hours and hours of listening, beginning at your appropriate level, will tune your ears and brain to the language.
  2. Close Encounters: My own father was a shoulder clapper, and a hand holder. When he shook anyone's hand, male or female, he did not let go for the rest of the conversation, and he placed his other arm around their shoulder the entire time. He was just being friendly. But I felt uncomfortable as I could see the other person squirming to get away and he was oblivious. I hate it when people do that to me. I asked a close-talker once why she does that. Her face was always about four inches from the other person. Her first response was to ask if it was a problem because her breath stunk. I said no, I just don't like it, and you're so close my eyes cannot focus on you. She explained that she really loves to be close enough to see details in the other person's face, individual eyelashes, pores in the skin, feel the other person's breath on her face and inhale their breath. Sounded pretty freaky to me. That's the last thing I want.
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