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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. From thai-language.com: เปรี้ยว bpriaao[is] fermented; sour; acidic; tart; [of taste] sharp
  2. It might feel insulted being called an insect. Arachnid might be better.
  3. Megahard???? (Megahard Technology development. Megahard helps companies develop prototypes and products. Do you want to bring your idea to life? We can help.)
  4. That is two words wiv a -....So... Dismiss.... I beg to differ: Megahard https://www.megahard.pro Megahard helps companies develop prototypes and products. ... Megahard engineers have the ability and experience to design analog and digital circuitry.
  5. I'm 'oretty' thinking you should just stick to Thai and avoid English altogether.????
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