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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. The danger with vasectomy is that after,  one feels free and safe. A bit too safe.


    Yes, safe from getting trapped with an unwanted pregnancy, for sure.


    But not safe enough to start going all around having unprotected intercourse.

  2. I'm no specialist but I would go for something that has extra BTU rather the opposite.


    An undersized unit with regard to the space may constantly be on max power to attain the required temperature and by what other more knowledgealbe then myself have said here, it's not a good choice to have a under rated BTU unit.


    The site below has a chart that references the surface area,  with the required BTU and explains.




    To make it short, the calculation should be as follows (cf. Google)  :

    1. Measure the square footage or area in square meters of the room. For that, multiply its length by its width. If using meters, multiply the result by 0.092903.
    2. Multiply this by 25 BTU to get your air conditioner size.



  3. What one could call a "daily interaction violence" (just made it up), seems to be a global hit.


    All started with mental issues getting enhanced during the Covid for many.


    Just when the COVID mess was supposed to be over, came up that horrible war in eastern europe, that is having collateral effects globally, due to the absurd sanctions, no matter what the ranters may argue.


    When spending power is subdued, future perspectives put to doubt etc...not matter where, Europe or Asia, it affects people, creates a domino effect that ends up in violent reactions. Obviously such tragedies or anger existed long before COVID or the war.


    But these situations increased the issues and made it all worse by breaking a fragile global balance that kept people more or less afloat.

  4. 7 hours ago, retarius said:

    I cannot believe all the comments on this board. The US are clearly warmongers and start almost all the wars in the world. They are itching to start a war with China because China is threatening economic superiority sometime this century. Why on earth would Thailand want a US base here? It would only make them a target in a war. Let the US fight its own war and leave Thailand out of it. The US has 800 military bases around the world. China has one. 

    The other thing is that once you have a military base here you can never get rid of it? You can't expel than or ask them to leave. Look at Okinawa if you don't believe me. Or Diego Garcia, where the supposed upholders of rules based world order, have had two judgements of the International Court against them, but they still won't leave and let the Chagossians have return to their homes (the US kicked the local population off the island when they built the base). The island is actually owned (stolen) by the other world warmonger, the UK.

    Sinful, lawless and shameless, stealing an indigenous people's land in this day and age.

    why would they want a US base ? Simple, like many other backword east european countries....for the money it brings.

  5. Just now, OneMoreFarang said:



    Quote from that page:

    Can I wear glasses in my Thailand visa photo?
    For applicants wearing glasses daily, it is compulsory to take pictures with glasses without tinted glasses. The frame of the glasses must not cover the eyes.


    My glasses are slightly tinted. So I guess just that is reason enough to remove them.

    I guess in the future I will have all official pictures without glasses to keep it consistent.


    Yes easier to remove them infront of any zealous immigration chap then having to do it the other way.

  6. Regarding the OP's initial topic I too would give this simple advise that other distinguished posters have also suggested....r u n !! man...run !!!  before some other jealous boyfriend or husband shows up under Yaba and before you start shelling out cash and ending up broke.


    I may also suggest to get tested for any Hiv or STD...one can never know and hope you did all the bunga bunga with appropriate protection.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    I arrive in bkk--get my visa exempt STAMP for free 30 days...i fly to CM and extend it another 30 for 1800 bt....then i go to burma and exit and walk back in----and extend that one...and am allowed this 2x a year.....so 30 at bkk--extend....30 in burma and extend and repeat=6 months


    im actually riding my mbike to laos -chiang khong this week as burma border are closed for my 2nd land exit---extend that and go work back to work......6  months home and 6 months here

    Great plan and thanks for the tips.  But during the extensions of the 30day exempt at the immigration office, do they ask for any specific bank statements etc ?



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