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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 14 hours ago, jcmj said:

    Why would anyone want to invest in a country that hates foreigners and treats them like 3rd class citizens. If the US treated the Thais like they treat us here, they would be up in arms. Same, same, but different. 

    i think humain nature being maybe a bit masochistic, closes an eye on such facts that are pertinent and relevant.


    In fact most of us ranting here,  neverthelss regularly go back to Thailand or are staying on due to other obligations.

  2. Ironically it's the US the top official "humanitarian" donor that gives indirectly hundreds of millions to Palestine throught the UN funded UNWR. Germany and the UK come next...just for your kind information.


    Feel free to fast check the fact with due diligence,  on the net.


    Indirectly the money gets back in the hands of the Palestinian authorities through different underground channels,  as it happens in many other cases. But that's another story.


    As for the Saudi,s there are many reports that they plan to resume funding shortly following the normalisation of relations with Israel.


    A bit hard to follow politics and mainly politicians who are often a bunch of cheats, liars or corrupt clowns - no matter on which side of the world map.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Fab5BKK said:

    Please compare "like for like"...


    A good bespoke shirt made in London (Savile Row) will cost you a minimum of GBP 200 = THB 8,900.


    While a nice bespoke shirt from a good tailor in Bangkok (e.g.: Tailor on Ten) will cost you THB 2,800...


    Same kind of difference for suits...


    I live and work in Bangkok. For business use (suits, shirts), I go for bespoke. For something more casual, I go for the "off the shelves" (Levi's, M & S, Uniqlo, etc.)

    You are comparing a Bugatti Veyron with a Toyota.


    Both are individually and respectively efficient, get the job done,  but absolutely not comparable.


    Most expats who live in BKK,  travel a lot and are more and nore getting the business apparel tailored or purchased ready made abroad, as they know the prices and want to get a extra mile for the money.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, SingAPorn said:

    Currently in Bangkok, many tailors on Sukhumvit are charging absurd rates ranging from 1300 to 2000 THB, some even more,  to make a decent bespoke shirt.


    These prices are close or similar to prices for good quality, italian cut shirts, one can purchase in Milan or elsewhere in Europe for 50 Euros or even less during the sales.


    So what's the point ?


    Why spend in Bangkok at prices that are same as in Europe ? Really not worth the trip anymore.


    Are we westerners so foolish not to compare and realise the overcharged prices all over Bangkok ?

    The quality and cuts on upper scale retail garment brands all over Bangkok malls,  have highly improved. At highly competitive prices. Far better value for money now in the Bangkok malls with the top garment brands.


    I'm definately not going back to any tailor chop shop on Sukhumvit,  considering their current inflated price tags.

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  5. Emotionnal intelligence is far more an asset in a relationship then all the degrees hung on the wall.


    I would by far prefer a nice young girlie who is street smart, kind and caring working at my 7/11, rather then a microscope tooting cold blodded genius who would not have any idea on how to make a decent Pad Kra Pao !!

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  6. Nothing to do with being a Thai, a tax driver i, a hi-so or anything else.


    It's plainly the madness related to drug consumption.


    Climate change may not destroy the world as fast as drug use, drug abuse and all the madness it creates.


    When a doomsday scenario unfolds with mad and violent junkies  all over the streets like a "B" rated movie, then all the money in the world won't help those who are making colossal money by closing their eyes on drug use, traficking within their nations or juristictions.

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  7. 55 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Every attack in the UK has been committed by Muslim Extremists or converted to Islam in Prison. One of the London underground bombers fled in a Burkah. 

    I do not mean to say you are wrong and you definately must be having valid reasons. (or not).

    As not to waste your time (and mine) I won't argue.


    But just to give you some material for thought, how many mass shootings have been conducted in the USA by white extremists and how many have been done by blacks or muslims ?


    No need to agree with me openly, but if you think deep inside and honestly just with yourself,  your conclusions may be a bit different from your comment that seems somewhat hasty.


    If not, well what to say ? You are right and I am wrong...ok ?


    Good night.

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