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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    There's usually lots of traffic in CW whenever I'm in there.  It's the kind of appearance that almost makes me think Central came along with some kind of big rent/lease fees hike, and it pushed folks out.


    I had one restaurant I liked quite a bit that opened there for a few months, and then disappeared a month or so back. In that case, they relocated to Silom Complex. Dunno why, or if it was related to now what appears to be a much broader changing of occupancy there.


    Ok...if it is the rent hikes then prices could then increase with time when the new merchants set up....

  2. 57 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    I agree with most of your points. But the unusual factors in these cases is that all the victims have all been young persons, I have not read of any mysterious deaths of over 50s tourists being reported on that island. So it does seem there is something sinister is going on.

    50+ tourists could be more cautious and less gullible?

    50+ tourists perhaps do not go to this island as they did not find it on google maps?

    50+ tourists have bodies and/or dynamics that do not attract the local sex gurus?

    50+ tourists have purchased their condos or pool villas and thus do not cater to highly inflammable guesthouses?

    50+ tourists are too stingy to pawn their cash to some religious cult?

    50+ tourists perhaps prefer high rise condos in Pattaya to commit "suicide?"

    50+ tourists, so hansum,  prefer young busty cutie healthy Thai girls and do not mix in places with farang ladies?

    50+ tourists were too drunk at the moment the serial killer(s)  tried to artificially hang them on a coconut tree to claim death from excessive coconut fall on their heads??

  3. 6 minutes ago, jethro69 said:

    Agree, and it seems this time they really focus on the employers what is correct, rather to but all the blame on the migrants. Wondering how all this schools want get away with this, probably tuitions will go up for your kids.

    On the second note, why not hire local, it's probably more about reliability and/or quality than the wages.

    Yes why not, more quality with local manpower., but it would depend perhaps on which type of jobs? Some jobs not requiring qualifications were perfectly well fit with the migrants, but on the other hand people can be taught and learn fast. But if prices raise, it may not benefit the local community economies in populated areas, as customers would tend to either do the job themselves or to push the research for the cheapest labour, deeper into the country.


    Nevertheless,  better have some good negotiating skills as a farang dealing with Thai contractors/sales persons etc......just my opinion from a bit of experience here and there!

  4. 27 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Why is it a rip off? They charge a fee for their service. Do you work for free?

    :cheesy:..well if it is for a friend, have done it before for free!!....

    But more seriously, many banks in the world do not charge if you use their own ATM machines, do not charge for the ATM card and service if your account is, say, "healthy"...and some even don't charge if it is the neighbouring bank's ATM.


    As for exhange rates, banks usually give a less favourable when buying local currency in comparison to a good money changer. I agree it's all part of the game or service, whatever you would call it, but if one can outwit these expenses here and there, my point would be "why not?":smile:...


    And allow me to confess, that banks would be the last people on earth to benfit from any form of philanthrophy on my behalf:cheesy:

  5. 4 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    Other than listening to it in some parts of the states blasting hip hop & hate rap out of their cars for intimidation + cover the sounds of drive by shootings, car thefts, & breaking and entering Thailand is the loudest I've heard....

    Use to have one neighbor 400 meters away that would shake the slab flooring & could be heard over a kilometer away on the back side of the speakers... Finally had him removed, with some help....


    They can be excessively loud here with no regard for any type of curfew times....

    I'm curious...what was the nature of the help obtained, to evacuate DJ Noisy Neighbour?

  6. Well to speak with my modest experience, European Dance Clubs do tend to "pump up the volume" a bit...but usually the bass pumpin' starts around 02:00 am when the club patrons are well heated up and boozed!!:cheesy:.....Some open air concerts of festivals do the same bass pumpin', usually when the band plays it's hits that made the charts!!...but many a local law, puts the maxim output noise in public establishments to a max of around 95 dB, if I'm not mistaken....:guitar:


    As for private homes, many european countries have local  laws that restrict use of excessive noise after 10pm...those who infringe get a knock on their door from the local boys in blue with badges, plus a fine!

  7. Just now, sawadeeken said:

    I'm pleased that you finally understood my intent about it being mostly the 'men'......... If you look at all the unruly protests (videos in the news) in Europe you see mostly or all 'Men'.... ISIS mostly Men although they do get a few 'Comfort women' volunteers...........

    Yes....... Close our 'US' doors to Muslim Men and we will probably avoid what Spain and Holland and Germany and England are dealing with today......... Cheers from a Yank........

    Cannot say if the majority are men, but if you do, I will not contradict...


    The point is that not all....not all muslims are terrorists...and stigmatizing all muslims seems irrelevant should they be men, women, boys, girls, ladyboys whatever....


    Cheers from the Old Continent.

  8. Try convincing the young busty cutie service ladies to accept credit cards instead of cash for your ST or LT, and you may realise if plastic is going to work or not!!:post-4641-1156694572:

    Besides, the chances of getting one's card skimmed are to high with all those Ali Express skimming toys sold for 5 €uros (with free shipping please)...not worth it...always spend what you have and not what you are lent (through a credit card).


    Your privacy is also at stake and plastic pay will enable snoops all over, to spook on your expenses....

    There was this central credit card payment processing firm, where once introduced, for around US$ 100,-- (this was 20 years ago), the corrupt fellow gave you all the payment details you needed on your target...and btw, this was located somwehere in Europe.....so immagine elsewhere!!!!!!

  9. 14 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    For you and observer90210..........

    NO WAY did I overlook the women and maybe kids as having been bombers in some cases (percentage wise)........ But try to contradict me on the fact that Men are the greatest percent of Muslim Jihadists...... Then please re-read my final line..... Re-read it several times....... Until you understand what I am saying......

    Edited to add........ No need to apologise ..........

    Whatever you say, sir!  But there is a difference in this post of yours that says "men are the greatest % of Mslm Jihad.".....and your initial post calling to "close the door to Muslim Men as they are causing all the trouble".....kindly read this and your previous post as many times you suggest others to do so,  and I am sure you would catch the subtlety of a message conveyed through different lexical and syntax choices....No need to feel bad or get upset.....

  10. Okay, everybody here will agree that there is something really suspicious and wrong in these incidents..


    But can we directly change any thing? how the investagions are carried? If they will go on etc.? Yes and No....Directly, obviously not...


    But indirectly, if tourists just plainly stop flocking the island, spending their money, it may cut off the dragons head out of lack of revenue? Then, then perhaps some tongues would loosen and some serious investigation would re-open. But in the meantime, all those who ignore the issue who and continue spending their money on the island are indirectly contributing for no change to occur.

  11. To the lame excuse list, one could add "no meter" against the indecent proportion of cabbie crooks who refuse the meter to farangs!


    But as nobody seems to care on such scams, UBER, the BTS, MRT have a bright future...i


    It's about time the Bangkok cabbie crooks/TukTuk mafias, learn a lesson through subsequent loss of revenue, and should plainly be boycotted by commuters.....if everybody boycotts, the Bangkok cabbies will learn the lesson .....with some types, no point in trying to reason them as you would with nornal people...they need to learn the hard way....the pity is that as usual, it will be the honest cabbie chaps in cabs who will also get the check...

  12. 11 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

    We were in Samui last month and planning to visit Koh Tao but were put off by these mysterious deaths and other rumours. In the end we stayed on for an extra week in Samui. Just a simple example of how this affects the island's economy. I of course tell anyone else that might be planning to visit and on it goes. I am sure the powerful person that is controlling all this does not give a damn about tourists but those depending on Tourism for a living should !  

    I'm curious, don't you think that the powerful families who rule over most of the island, owe a large part of their financial power to the revenues of tourism?

  13. 4 minutes ago, smedly said:

    The problem in Thailand is that police can claim something happened a certain way and that is generally believed.


    Where corruption exists - add the inclusion of some unverifiable evidence (like DNA)  coupled with the possibility of a medical examiner who is told what to include/exclude in a report and a forensic scientist told to produce test results a certain way and "wham" case closed.

    Not saying that is what happens in Thailand - only where corruption exists in the world.


    In the west evidence can be challenged, but more importantly it must also be handled in a certain way to make sure that it is genuine and can be verified, a fine example would be the DNA evidence used to convict the B2, police claim it was a match and defence challenged them and wanted to carry out their own tests on the original samples (which is normal procedure by any world standard) but the "original samples" were described as exhausted or used up.......in other words at that moment they no longer existed and could not be produced - that is a massive red flag right there., that means that any such DNA test results submitted as evidence are in fact no longer valid because they cannot be verified by the defence.


    However they did offer already processed (extracted DNA) to be retested but that is quite useless for verification simply because there is no way to prove where it came from, it could simply be an extracted saliva sample from the accused and not the claimed sperm sample taken from the victim, additionally for such a DNA sample type to be exhausted is quite frankly ridiculous, the samples would have been huge by DNA standards and would have been first taken at the crime scene and then by the medical examiner - to suggest such samples were exhausted or used up is quite frankly extremely problematic no matter how you look at it,  the presentation of extracted processed DNA being absolutely useless simply because there is no way to tell what the original sample was, this is very obvious - logical and very simple to follow.


    But ultimately the best way to cover up a crime of murder is to have no evidence at all to investigate - either you don't have a body or it is destroyed - burning is a good way to accomplish this


    This young girl could have been sexually assaulted in her bungalow and then disabled and the bungalow set on fire but she managed to escape and run, there is no way to disprove what we are being told so there is no evidence to prove otherwise  

    A well documented post. This reminds me of the recent re-opening in the murder case of a young boy, Gregory Marchal, murdered in France 33 years ago. At that moment, by turn, practically the entire family went to jail, including the parents, and were later cleared of guilt. The investation went on for years was closed and recently re-opened with for new DNA analysis inherent to recent scientific progress.  Another issue would be of the painter Picasso, whose remains were recently exhumed with a court order for DNA testing, following a paternity dispute. The point here is reminds us of the maxim  "where there is a will, there is a way"....so hopefully, one day the truth may arise?...or not....god knows....

  14. This Thai Police officer is new..still brave, honest and did a good job!!....just hope for him that the very, very,  very  rare and few corrupt officers of the force do not spoil such policing talent and do not make him corrupt or lazy...The Police need more boys like this one!


    Full congrats and respect to the young officer for the risks and for doing a good job.


    Wish him a long, successful, safe and honest career!!

  15. On 26.06.2017 at 10:06 AM, timkeen08 said:

    Sometimes those little fleas make a swelling infection over a minor detail leading to an unrelated thread that is rarely funny, is usually iritating, is usually distracting, is usually meant to be sarcastically degrading, and sometimes just so hard to stop scratching. They seem to gather in groups and jump at you one after another at any and every opportunity.

    I will not comment on what I think about the way that some moderators moderate or themselves troll. Some moderators seem to be very good and very fair at what they do.

    Why doesn't TVF make a forum just for fleas to jump around on each other and leave the rest of us alone? If you want a laugh just click on that forum.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

    Very true and well said.


    One could also tend to believe the little fellas who jump and bait on posts like a bunch of farm dung flies either with rude catty comments, racism, quotes taken out of their context or not fully cited or questions aimed to discredit posters........., these chaps perhaps just despicate that others had something to say, and themselves not as they did not think of it first????

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