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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. Funny  Rusky logic....Obama makes the mess and Trump (whom I a not a fan) gets the check?


    To make it simple,  it is "you took my toys, so I'll take yours unless you give back mine"....I used to play this in kindergarten but did not have a black presidential limo carriage!!....:post-4641-1156694572:


    Childish on both sides....and the most scary is that both have the bomb and rule large nations!:post-4641-1156694606:

  2. 17 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    I might advocate continuing to allow Children and Single Women as immigrants, but close the doors to Muslim Men. They are the ones causing all the trouble all over the free world......

    Think it over.......... It would cut the percentages drastically...........

    How can a sane mind advocate such ideas, dear fellow?  ... amazing!....And how would you go about to prevent terrorist acts from the high number of westerners who have joined terrorist groups thus who would not fall under your senseless biased racial profiling?

  3. 2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    Good point. Many fangs hang out with aging bar girls and think that represents the norm. Tip them 20 baht and your a hero

    Even middle class white collar professionals are easily doubling the meagre pensions that many desperate leo happy hour farang drinkers earn

    Very true what you say, pal. It just gets quite annoying to read many big mouths all around being catty and rudly spitting on Thai's for no justified reason instead of cleaning their own barns.

  4. Maybe it was the boyfriend, the investigation will perhaps say?


    Or perhaps it was another admirer, who had the key to the appartment, either Thai or farang, as she was attractive and had many admirers?


    Once again only the investigation could yield truth (and not the usual baiting off-topic contradictors of TV forums)


    In the meantime, before some dirty arguments arise, RIP to the poor girl and deepest sympathy to her family.

  5. 17 hours ago, mikebell said:

    A photo of police salivating at getting their mitts on all that loot.  My wife used to sell counterfeit shirts on Pattaya Night market.  Never a month went by when a policeman would help himself to clothing in his size.

    Should consider fixing a well visible large angle CCTV camera on the stand and take footage of the rotten apples in brown outfits who loot and help theselves to the counterfeit goods.

  6. 9 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Re read my original response and try to be a bit more honest in future , or are cheap laughs your only refuge ?

    Please read mine too, and you could understand that farang is something general and not a specific nationality. Do not attempt to discredit others just because you lack argumentation .And stop being rude at the lovely emoticons:cheesy: of this amazing website.


    p.s. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  7. 0 beers....


    I prefer upscale Scotch or Bourbon whisky that I enjoy topping up  with either coke, ginger ale or pepsi... and ice....it drives the self-proclaimes whisky purists totally hysterical and mad!!!...and that's even more fun then actually drinking it:cheesy:

  8. 35 minutes ago, TheLobster said:

    5 is Ha or Haa in Thai hence it means ha ha ha, (laughing). New here?


    I wanted to add this to my previous post:

    Forgot to add that the UK autopsy report in the above case was presented to the Thai court by Andy Hall but was ruled not acceptable evidence (by the Thai Judges) as Andy Hall is not a Forensic Scientist and could not answer the prosecutions questions. So if you prosecute a person over here for killing your loved one be prepared to fly the person who performed the autopsy over. 

    ok for once a decent explaination, and politely put by yourself... carry on, you are on the right track!


    too keep it simple and concise, if a victims family has money, obviously they can call for justice and the counter expertises (and fly over the concerned as you suggest), if not....guess?....nothing new here, pal...that's how the whole Criminal Justice system  works actually in Thailand.....new here?...byebye

  9. 9 minutes ago, TheLobster said:

    3 posts in a row observer90210, my pet hate, and it would suggest you have a vested interest in discrediting the possibility of death island & co. striking again.




    It has taken 2 months to report this. Two <deleted> months.


    A final point, never let your loved ones be cremated in Thailand, get them home for a real autopsy.

    Hello Lobster, my dinner hate:cheesy:...., the cult issue could also be part of the plot!!...I am not ruling out or discrediting anything.....but perhaps I am the wrong person to attempt to convince, despite my 3 posts that you have so kindly "read" and leaves me so honoured....maybe you should try to convince a well placed boy dressed in brown with parachute wings!?!


    As for cremating my loved ones, well I'll keep that in mind if necessary and so kind of you for the precious advice. But sometimes, if the local customs or rules call for cremating before hand, what can the person claiming the body do against that?...Looks that a few high level strings would need to be pushed and fast!


    p.s. as you have become my personnal accountant in counting my posts, this would thus be my IVth post in the row?..:cheesy:

  10. Very good idea...the gambling addicts will leave good money for the country...that money will be used honestly, wisely and to improve infrastructures for all, better salaries for police and immigration officials and not just be used as "liqueur money" for a privileged few................and all of a sudden the alarm near the bed rings,  and I woke up!!:saai:...something happened?

  11. 57 minutes ago, Bigdogfarang said:

    Is there a serial killer on koh toa? So many  suspicious hangings and deaths - rhetorical question I guess 

    serial killer?

    drug consumption?

    drug trafficking?

    booze topped with GHb?

    sex with the wrong people that turns nasty?

    rash or unsafe patterns with unknown people?

    neither of all above?


    One thing for sure is that it is those who survive the deceased, who will suffer most.


  12. 2 hours ago, baboon said:

    I meet / have met a fair few on their way there. You would be astonished by the number who are aware of the killings but simply couldn't care less, I'm afraid. Nor could they care less about lining the pockets of any mafia figures - It's all about them and their enjoyment.


    Those of you who think that travel warnings will make the slightest difference to Ko Tao's tourist demographic are very sorely mistaken, in my opinion. That is not to say they should not be issued...

    Very sad for this girl deceased and the others and full respect and sympathy to the family,


    But you are very true....people act often in patterns that just attract trouble...and when challenged, they tend to respond that it is their right to have fun, their right to wear a (fake) golden Rolex well visible in a dark lit street and to act ostentatiously as it is their right and thus if they are in trouble it's not their fault, they did nothing to attract it and it's the whole world to blame but not them....I exaggerate a bit but that is the general  dynamics, unfortunately......Do agree of course it is not their fault, but at some point it can attract trouble..

  13. The culprits came from a close border, swam across and committed the crime - case closed.


    More seriously, time to purchase some good CSI approved DNA investigation equipment and training, rather then spend billions the the US Made military crap...could save far more lives.


    Maybe the European Union could wake up and walk down from it's throne in Bruxelles and ask Thailand for some clarifications?


    In the meantime, girls, especially those travelling alone, should take extra caution and even avoid the area if possible....but that is IMHO... I'm sure the parents of this poor girl would think the same if they could travel back in time...


    Deepest sympathy to her familiy and close ties.


    Requiescant in pace©

  14. 4 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

    When I was about 14 years old I would walk down the street smoking a cigarette and imagine how people probably thought I was one cool guy.?  The more likely reality is almost no one noticed, and those who did probably thought I was a just another stupid kid. It's ok....I was just a stupid kid....but I've matured since then. What I see here with the internet know-it-alls on this site is eerily similar. I see so many people obviously quoting what they've heard on false news, and have obviously done little to no real research, yet they hope to somehow impress us with their vast knowledge of every topic. The more likely reality is no one really cares. 

    Let's try to remember why we joined this forum. Did we really come here to argue and name call like adolescents, or was the original intent for knowledge and conversing with people that share our common interest? 

    Sometimes I read the comments here and can only shake my head and smile, because even a sincere response in opposition to such immaturity would surely only be met with denial, hatred and anger. 

    very true!!...spending time here makes one younger....reminds us of the playground scuffs in kindergarten school and the sand pitts!!:cheesy:..sometimes it's amusing...sometimes it's really disturbing and worrying on reading certain extremists who pollute the world...

  15. Culprits came from across some obscure border, swam upto the island and manipulated the girl(?) to suicide...case closed, next!


    More seriously, looks like it's a majority of women?


    Is it not about time to start purchasing decent "CSI Crime Scene Approved", DNA  Investigative equipment and training, instead of US Made Military crap?

  16. 7 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

    Where did you see 100? It says 400 to a 1000 which is one to two days wages. Sounds fair to me

    100 is usually...usually the amount accepted by our friends in brown outfits, should one pay through the more informal channels of "tea money", my friend!...that is if you are riding on a cheap looking bike and have left your Lamborghini back at home in the garage of the pool villa...:cheesy:...but then consider inflation and costs of living, that may require a different amount of safe conduct passage, depending on the area...:post-4641-1156694572:

  17. Such issues will needlessly flare xenophobia, hate, racism against the British in Thailand.


    With no intent to debate on the veracity or the credibility of the figures of the OP's statistics, it's once again the proportion of those who misbehave, who give a disastrous image to the whole community.....


    A bit like in Britain, where terror attacks regularly flame up xenophobia, racism, stigmatization and extremist comments towards the entire muslim communities....I'm sure you get the picture....


    This should be taken as a lesson of life and not to indulge in racism,  or xenophobia that follow, after incidents occur or statistics are published, no matter where you live or  where you come from...

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