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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    So, basically . People with any wealth or a vagina should avoid at all circumstances, any places were people have little wealth and a penis ?


    Well your comment is quite surprising!!.....I am tempted to resume a sentence in seven (7) words!....."don't be stupid - take care of yourself"....


    And, you will be fine, with reference to the initial post #182, even in a full moon party surrounded with gold digging bling bling vaginas!!:cheesy:

  2. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

      Yes, but cannot you really not see the difference, old wise one ?

    If I choose to have sex without a condom with a bar girl hooker and I caught HIV , I would accept the blame

       If , I was walking home at night, and got attacked, gang raped , by a bunch of ladyboys and caught HIV . I would blame them, and not myself

       Its all relative , rather than just blaming the victim 


    sure my smart fellow I do get your point with your limpid explainations!! ...but do you not see the common denominator in all of this, inherent from well intended thoughts?....how about prevention and having neither of the issues happen...by avoiding walking late, and not having unprotected interactions?...does it not seem a better alternative that calls on our deepest instincts of survival, that carry more value then "relativity" notions?...and you did not read fully a previous post that states that in victimization, the victim is never stigmatized! (blamed that is my friend)

  3. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Who are we talking about here ?

    Who was "drunk, alone in a deserted place with some drunk stoned and fishy guys" ?

       As we are talking hypothetically , I do agree that a person putting themselves in that position , would be unwise , BUT, whoever carries out any rape or murder is entirely responsible for their own actions 

    well you know better what you are arguing about my dear chap, and "what" and "how" you did (or did not understand) my post #182,  that have urged a series of amusing reactions from your behalf!..but as you seem eager to understand, we were obviously talking of victimization purely put, and not debating on notions of guilt from the perpetrators!

  4. The Chinese are into the project...it won't fail, hopefully....and soon another track will go southbound from Bangkok to Hua Hin hopefully...and the skeptical are urged to kindly consult the link below that will refer to an array of global train mishaps, no country is spared, be it in the East or the West.

    C'mon people, stop twerking towards this country...


    ref.:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rail_accidents_(2010–present)



  5. 9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    All the above situations that you state.

    Are you saying that this is the reason why so many people have been killed on KT?

    If girls want to twerk at  3 AM (who has done this BTW), thats no excuse for attacking, raping or killing them

    Obviously no problem on twerking and if you did not get the point, sorry for you. But if the girl is drunk, alone, and the place deserted with just some fishy types around, drunk or high....if you would consider it safe to act such, allow me to consider it unsafe and increasing one's chances of getting into trouble.....


    If one was to follow your thought dear fellow poster, it's like you suggest that you have every right to be free, enjoy life and have sex with a bar hooker,  without a condom. :cheesy:...You may or may not get HIV but you increase your chances to contract the virus and thus become a victim by solely your own fault!

  6. 17 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Blame the victim for being there in the first place ?

    Obviously not of course -  that would be totally outrageous.....


    But I am sure a smart guy/gal like you get's the picture without me having to give a few basic, rudimentary, kindergarten  clichés??,


    Like "don't stroll in the dark unlit street, late at night,  with your fake (or genuine) Audemars Piguet well displayed on your wrist for instance??....


    Or if you are a girl, "avoid twerking and rubbing your chest simultaneously at 03:00 am and carry on staring at a bunch of drunks on a deserted beach?"..


    Or avoid leaving your Gen. Xxx,  MacBook Pro well visible on the dashboard of your car, and naturally consider it not necessary to lock your car either...etc. etc. etc.


    Get the picture my friend?.....


    Criminology research refers to this as "victimization",  with absolutely no stigmatisation of the victim!


    Now I would tend to agree with the contradictors, that no empirical research gives any correlation between carelessness and becoming a victim...


    To keep things silly, simple and stupid, why not just avoid the odds and use some common sense?????...

  7. 36 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    I got a taxi last night from down town to the suburbs, clean and likely only a few months old, seat belts, nice polite driver and didn't speed, used the meter - everything fine thanks. Never have a problem at either airport now I have sussed out the mafia.

    I guess you frequent some of the more sleazy districts where some of the cabs like to rip you off, or live in Pattaya where they rip off as part of the job. That's a government sanctioned problem you find in Thailand, even at the National Parks and monuments etc. Getting rogue (or mafia) taxi drivers under control is just part of the reform desperately needed here. There are plenty of good taxi guys though, if you look for them.

    These "app" services are illegal still and you are not insured don't forget.

    Uber etc is just another fad making millions for some jerk in the US or wherever.

    Try using your brain, not an "app".


    Thanks for the precious recommendations.....would you mind sharing how...how can you get hold of decent taxi chaps in Bangkok for instance?

  8. Are you Special Branch Officers of the Bureau that gives a knock on the heavy tongued in Social Media? 


    Or undercover immigration boys checking out long term overstays? :cheesy:..


    C'mon just kidding?...enjoy folks!:partytime2:

  9. hum...on seeing her picture, guess some boys dressed in brown with their golden para wings, got hot under their pants and also wanted their piece of cake, despite being uninvited!!!


    Looks like the rotten apples in the force do not only target on farangs.....


    In the meantime this should serve as a good lesson to all....have ready a good CCTV taking footage of your entrance door in case of such unwanted visits .... you never know!

  10. Strange...am I missing something here?....since I have being going to BKK Airport, never took a bus?.....Dubai transit is far worse with certain areas needing to climb stairs...


    Not to mention certain European Airports either in England, Germany or Switzerland that believe me are a million times worse then Suvarnabhumi, with endless steps to climb, neverending queues at immigration long walks, and regular need to take a bus at the boarding gate, to board the plane...


    So why whim constantly against the Suvarnabhumi Airport?...Is it just to make it even with Sumchai who ripped you off on the last paint or plumber job at home?:cheesy::post-4641-1156693976:.....One can understand that the never ending attempts from a certain proportion of local Thais to rip off farangs can get exasperating to hateful....but is that a reason to stigmatise a whole nation and it's infrastructures?

  11. 7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    Oh dear.....increase the fine...yeah...


    Do you clowns have any idea what 3,000 baht is?....No I didn't think so.


    To you it is a short/long time with a bar girl.


    In Thai reality it is a substantial fine.  10 days at minimum wage...do the maths

    Kindly allow me to raise that the taxis who come to the residence here and take you to town  (about 10 to 15 min. drive), the charge per journey is THB 300,-- ..


    Thus 3000,- THB would mean perhaps the cost for only 10 such journeys....perhaps a bit less then a day's work, depending...


    I agree that for some it may be a half month's salary or 10 days as you point out.....but for those who drive people around, and many other occupations, I may be a bit more merciless in assessing their assets!!



  12. Usually as per customs regulations in many parts of the world, the seller is required to include a commercial invoice inside the package.


    And if there is no invoice or declared value in the parcel, why not ask the seller to email you one?





  13. The best bank would be a bank not taking a banking fee, that is not making you pay just to give them your money!!...in other words, no annual banking fee just to have an account, with a , monthly or annual statements, and provide basic writing skills to write the immigration letter to justify funds for the visas!!!...


    Second, no fee to have an ATM card or a Debit and/or Credit Card...


    Third, hassle free reception of funds from abroad without exorbitant banking fees for receiving the funds...


    Fourth, english online banking available with easy steps to pay bills or transfer money to other accounts in Thailand...free of charge if possible?


    I doubt that such a bank would exist in Thailand?...


    Proving me wrong, would be my pleasure....so in the meantime, the big part of the grub remains in the bank here that does all of the above for free !!!...


    Pity...if the Thai banks woke up a bit, they would get substantial cash flow  in offering such services without the regular ripoff hidden fees and hassles....



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