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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 1 hour ago, JamJar said:


    You are missing a trick not exchanging at the Airport, as you'll find some of the best rates there, at the Airport Link. 



    ok for sure I'll compare the SuperRich rates with the MBK rates on my next trip....and if your deal is better, I'll get you some beers and booze for sure!!!!!...thanks for the link!

  2. If you are purchasing property,  you must have the funds wired from abroad in order to get the specific form, from the receiving bank, that will enable you to repatriate the funds in case of a future sale..


    If not, I found the best option with the inherent risks of course, was to carry cash with me. Depending on your currency, look out for which bills give you the best rates, as a 50,-- bill wont give as good a rate as a 100 bill (either un US$ or €uros).


    Having cash can also avoid issues of being refused entry, if Immigration challenges you to show your cash and means of living during your sojourn in Thailand.  (as read on a previous thread here today),


    I never use the exchange counters at Suvar airport, if so only a bit of cash to pay the driver. I found the best rates at MBK Shopping Mall - Bangkok money exchange booths. Last but not least, remember to always have your passport with you when you want to change foreign exchange in Thailand.


    Currency upto US$ 19'000,-- /per entry, does not need to be declared at customs, unless the rules have changed!


    If you bring more, declare it, or take the risk of extra hassle or even confiscation. A few of the boys with uniforms and parachute wings, seem to be on the hunt on how to harass or ripoff expats or tourists, so play fully by the book and all will go smooth......have a nice trip, stay safe when crossing the road or driving and most of all.....have lot's of fun!!!!!!!:partytime2:

  3. 2 minutes ago, fishbrando said:

    These taxi drivers don't yet seem to realize that they have competition now.


    I won't be shedding much of a tear for them when they lose their business.

    absolutely, and the tuk tuk crooks, as well!!!

  4. Kindly allow me to share a small story.....


    The other night in a lovely seaside town in the French Riviera, south of France,  where  official taxis make a very good living as they charge exorbitant rates...a late night customer first want's to take UBER for a 15 min. drive  around 6 kms, around 01h30 am to go to a downtown club....the UBER cost is usually the equivalent in US$ between 20 and 22 US$... there was heavy rain and obviously heavy demand. The UBER app  quoted on that night a price between US$ 35 and 45!!!!...Needless to say a regular taxi was taken and paid the equivalent of around US$ 30,--


    Morality, if you are familiar with rates and if possible, always compare, as UBER is not always the cheapest option....no matter where in the world!!

  5. They would be better off to investigate with sting operations all the jet ski mafia criminals, who rip off tourists under falacious vehicle damage charges....


    Water soluble paint is often used to hide previous marks on the vessel...after use, obviously the paint goes off and the marks appear.....the unsuspecting tourist is threathned and has to pay huge amounts of cash to get out of the mess....sometimes around US$ 1'000,-- ....


    Everybody has heard of these scams and even embassies abroad warn tourists not to fall into the trap...but still guilable and candide tourists get trapped and ripped off!!!..

  6. 5 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:

    At the same time, you are an old man who parked too long for what you bought and then wanted to leave by the entrance.


    Then you are wondering why problems happen ?


    At your age on a motorbike you will also wonder why a car killed you maybe ? But let me tell you a secret: it will be too late to wonder !



    but was it reason enough to punch a guy who could be your father?????????

  7. 7 hours ago, Broken Record said:

    I doubt that very much, most of the women I see Farangs with wouldn't be very high on the desirability scale to most Thai men

    Then perhaps we don't go the same hooker bars in Pattaya:cheesy: or the same social venues in Bangkok, either on the lower or upper scale socially speaking...


    I've seen quite a lot of real hotties....hot by any country's standards!!!!....but then it's all a matter of taste, obviously....no hard feelings and have fun...!!

  8. Very true....we all see often locals giving their gals a nasty lesson in public....consequently, when controverse arrises, many expats claim,  why "them" and not "us"?...


    Two ideas come to mind.....first, it is not because others are jerks or a**h***s or worse,  that it should validate one's own temptation to do same?


    Second, wheather the Thai on the video is right or wrong...one thing is for sure, he is in his country, whereas the drunk guy bashing the Thai girl, is a guest in this country....


    It may be a hard perception for some, but the local does have a point in attempting to educate a foreigner giving a trashing to a local lady, despite the fact that some locals probably do worse....


    On a more human and civilised approach, the gal was obviously jealous or angry and cought her boy redhanded?  .. whatever but still...


    No excuse to puch a lady as badly as described.  At most he could have just pinned her down to stop her frenzy assaults....:post-4641-1156693976:

  9. 6 minutes ago, samuijimmy said:

    My last purchases from Apple came by Thai Post, no problems... it may depend on where you live as to whether they pass it on to a courier... or even visa versa.


    You might want to look at this recent thread if you are planning on using a foreign credit card, they in their wisdom will no longer allow that...:sad:





    perhaps they want foreign credit card bearers to order from their homelands, as the prices on the Thai Apple webstore are slightly cheaper??....but I will keep this in mind and perhaps try to get hold of a Thai credit card, if I'm lucky and the bank teller is in a good mood!!!...thanks for the tip!

  10. ...and there is also the skytrain option, if available nearby...


    the whole Bangkok taxi issue would be a lesson of life to these boys....they will ultimately get what they deserve by sawing off their own branch on the tree!!:vampire:


    on the other hand, the Bangkok taxi chaps seem to be confident on their scams...maybe due to the numerous tourists or expats who either don't bother to argue or just ignore the cheating ripoff scheme, and just pay the wrong prices...

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