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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. jet ski mafia - corrupt officials - bribes, and you have the answer to your question!


    considering the large scale jet ski scams mainly in Phuket or Pattaya, never....never...never rent a jet ski in Thailand or do so at your own risk to get badly ripped off by the renter who will falsely accuse you of damage when you return the vehicle.. Of course some will come up with the usual .."I never had a problem"....but the scam is well established so beware...

  2. I initially planned to make all my furniture puchases in Bangkok as Hua Hin prices seemed above the norm.


    But definately, I would never...never purchase if a starting price is not displayed!!


    Also planned to hire a university girlie to translate and get quotes (with me waiting outside the store)  as strangely when a locals ask for a quotes, the price miracuously drops significantly!!

  3. 6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    It may not annoy you so much when you realize its 'anyone' who is targeted, not just Johnny Foreigner.


    It almost seems as though there is an angle for someone everywhere, and, if there isn't an angle they will try and find one until the realization that its futile.

    Thanks for your comments, Corruption to the common man be it farang or a local is disappointing. I was aiming at situations of Thai Police roadblocks that only stopped farangs and generously let pass the locals without helmets or seat belts etc...

  4. 1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

    My uncle is boss of police in my city, my cousin is a policeman, another cousin is a policeman down South. My wife is a Director within the municipality portfolio so her project funding comes from these very budgets. So if it was propaganda like you claim, she would not have a job. If that 50% didn't get distributed then your community parks grass wouldn't be cut, your roads wouldn't be built, your rubbish wouldn't be collected etc etc. Really believe a copper in Pattaya? Pattaya, people probably just pay the illegal fine, but we are talking about the 'legal' fine. 

    Within the 45% the policemen also gets 60% of that for catching the guy. The 5% of the fine that goes to the central accounting department pays the police lol. Every government officer is paid by that 5%, as well as other taxes that come in. A Mayor, soldiers, nurses etc. I think the 10 level thing you speak of is actually C3 to C11 or 12 (whatever it is). Levels all government officials go by. Within those levels there are different salary sub-levels also. 

    Look, I know we all think Thailand is 100% corrupt, but think about it logically. Even though there is 67 million people in the country, grounds are still watered, rubbish is still collected, government officials are still paid, roads are still built...so if we were to take your line then what is paying for all these things? How is my wife, father, uncles, aunties, cousins all getting paid (they work for government). Not a whole lot of people pay tax so where is the money magically appearing from? It is appearing from 50% of legal fines people pay. 

    I know it doesn't fit into peoples line of thinking of the country, but just look at it logically lol. Not what people say, as its less than 10% of the population who actually ever get any sort of benefit from these sorts of things. So the ones who do not, just spread a lot of crap. For example, the fine/tax truck drivers have to pay in rural areas. People think that is corrupt money, it isn't, it is the tax that goes to fix the pot holes the trucks cause. Thailand is incredibly corrupt, I am not disputing that, however, they do still have your usual systems all countries have also....that is helped funded by LEGAL fines. 

    A majority of farangs who live and have invested money in property in Thailand love the country and are respectful of it's culture. But it just gets very annoying when a farang is regularly targetted by corrupt officials on the road or within the counters of Thai bureaucracy and are asked for tea money to get the job done. If people get fed up and start to leave the country, no one will benefit.

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  5. One simple solution - use UBER...taxi drivers all across the world have a very decent proportion of cheats...Bangkok drivers are no exception and the taxi cowboys at Suvarnabhumi are getting bad to worse when trying to cheat tourists on refusing to turn on the meter or to cheat on the highway toll fare...why otherwise did Uber become a billion dollar venture practically overnight?

  6. 3 minutes ago, grollies said:

    Mazuma filters from HomePro, installation done by local contractor. Very good and he'll offer to visit you and clean filters every few weeks for a fee.


    eSpring bought from Amway separately.

    ok thanks a lot. Once installed, the first glass of water will be drunk to your health!!!

  7. 3 hours ago, grollies said:

    We have Mazuma carbon and resin filters to the house.


    Drinking water is further filtered using an eSpring water filter, bought from Amway.


    The Mazuma filters need backwashing weekly and I recharge the resin filter with brine every two weeks (anyone - is this right?).


    The eSpring filters are changed annually.


    We initially had a Mazuma RO filter for drinking water but the waste water produced was too much. Missus complained to HomePro who gave a full refund. Pretty good service from them.


    Find the eSpring very good.

    Hi, thanks for the advice. You bought these filters from Home Pro?  - Would you recommend installation from Home Pro people or to try elsewhere?

  8. Look at it this way. If you as a farang make say US$ 6'000,-- or US$ 7'000,-- a month in pension or whatever and your new thai girlie makes US$ 100,-- or US$ 200,-- per month, definately make her participate in expenses, but obviously make it proportionate and symbolic!!


    If she asks money to support the family, put on your Nikies, turn your heels up and flee!

    If each time you walk in a Bankgkok Mall she pulls you into every shop and expects you to finance her shopping spree - flee!!!

    If she already has kids - flee!

    Make sure she cooks, cleans and gives you good sex!

    Never...never put any property or possessions in her name...never!!

    Do not forger to make a STD/HIV medical tests before deeper explorations, uncovered!!!!

    Make sure she does not have a hidden husband, kids in some lovely, wonderful remote village!

    If her family gets over intruisive and starts practically to squat in your home, treat the family with respect, but make it clear to your girlie that you also need your intimate moments with her. If she cares for you, this should not be a problem!

    Respect her Thai culture, food and country and see that she also respect's yours!

    Never tell her really how much you earn each month!!

    Make it clear that if you pass away, your notorised will with a thai attortney stipulates all your possessions/money will go to a member of your family. This will avoid temptations to bump you off in order to hit the jackpot. Never take life insurance in your name, making her the beneficiairy in case you pass away!


    And btw, such rules do not apply only for Thai ladies but for any woman from any country in the world. Use common sense pal!!...if you're paying your way to keep the girl, there is definately something wrong. Now, many folks would say it's normal to pay for her family...Am I paranoid with all the above precautions? Who am I to make judgement?....You are free to accept or not, but on the whole, any relationship involving money to finance the girl or her family (your money that is), is a fishy and risky venture! ...Good luck on your quest and enjoy Thailand!

  9. I would keep swiss francs as a reserve currency...stable, strong and not subject to extreme fluctuations. The Euro is predicted to rise during 2017 if one was to belive the financial gurus of the EU, they claim that the economical situation has improved and thus the European Central Bank will not lower it's interest rates any more. Consequently, if one was to belive the magic phrases of the European Central Bank, the Euro is expected to get a bit stronger during 2017....but considering that none of these glamorous financial superstar's predicted the americain financal disaster a few years ago, god knows if they are worth to trust????

  10. On 13/5/2017 at 7:56 AM, keeniau96 said:

    At my house have our water well, drilled down 57 m, large tank 10k liters, filter from tank output to house. Then kitchen has another filter. I trust this water. Outside I trust the bottled from throw-away bottles, not hard, refillable ones. Just because I am paranoid does not mean there are not bacteria out to get me.


    Good idea for the filter as I was planing to put filter the water for the kitchen and the bathroom. Kindly allow me to ask what brand of filter you have and where did you purchase and did you get one of the local superhero's to fix it or did you fix it yourself??

  11. 9 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Thanks for your thoughts.  I live in Loei province, Isaan, and unfortunately, right on the Loei river. Absolutely magnificent when there is no flooding, a great view and lush gardens but now it will take a little time for them to recover.  The home, my wife built about 30 years ago, before I met her.


    The main section is up two metres above ground level so no water got in but the area that was flooded is only about a foot above ground level, thus allowing the water to flow through from one side to the other.  It came up so quick that I had no time to get sand bags.  Bit of a fright as have never experienced such a water flow before but one does live and learn even at my old age.:wai:

    Sounds a great place!...pardon my ignorance on the issue, but in the areas of your house that got the flood, why not use a pump to push it out?

  12. 7 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    One has to appreciate your thoughts but when I have three recovery tanks and the water keeps coming and coming and ends up knee deep around the house and actually gets into three rooms, is brown and muddy, hardly anything sustainable about it I can assure you. But one good thing did come of it, it brought some very good top soil with it and now my grass is lush, thick and greener than green.:wai: 

    My god, poor chap!..sorry for what's happening!...allow me to ask which area do you live and who built your house?

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