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Bim Smith

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Everything posted by Bim Smith

  1. Yes. They were made of chocolate
  2. two years of closing the country to destroy the economy I doubt it can be fixed in 90 days. Thais seem obsessed with 90 days. Is it a lucky number by chance
  3. remember buying a camera at king power "duty free" some years ago. Found the exact same camera at Tesco lotus for half the price. Yep get rid of the rip off king power
  4. Why don't you quote exactly the whole of what I said instead of this out of context snippet. You must work for CNN
  5. How many years has a blind eye been turned to this. I find it hard to believe they didnt know this was happening. How would one hide a tiger farm? Impossible. Note it says after legal action. You mean its been tied up in the courts because brown envelopes stopped coming. Whats does that even mean. Note this. If this were foreigners running this farm then action would be swift. Because its some thai criminals action is slow. Something needs changing in this country and it wont happen in my lifetime. Shameful.
  6. All of their own making. Should never have closed the country for two years where they fear mongered about a flu and didn't give one jot about tourism. Its coming home roost. No longer teflon thailand. Cheaper and better alternatives where scams and rip offs don't exist. Is that rip off jewelers still open in bangkok who pays tuk tuk drivers to rip off tourists and when they do a documentary on him the journalist was threatened with arrest for exposing him. Of course he is. Welcome to corrupt thailand. No sympathy whatsoever.
  7. Thailand damages its own reputation not those exposing it. From its treatment of street dogs to the exploitation of cheap labor to its insane driving death statistics to prostitution. Its not just Thailand where you can go to jail for speaking the truth. Japan has similar laws. Its called losing face. Suck it up.
  8. highest foreign currency reserves these last three years in history. It can weather closing the country it can weather anything. Its scare tactics to bring on the 10 thousand baht scheme to normalize the cashless society
  9. Sorry not a teacher nor a tourist as I have lived here ten years. Met my Thai wife in the UK not some street in Pattaya which is where people like you frequent and troll others to help them feel better
  10. Best English speakers in Thailand are bar girls. All I get is "you you" and "what's Ur name". And we have a dedicated English teacher at our local school. Make all games on the phone and a computer in English they will soon pick it up. That's all I see kids doing
  11. Yep some are missing the guy for sure. These billionaires dont know when enough is enough.
  12. They did that already. Prayuts gone now.
  13. The few bars in our little village stay open way past 2am. The many police as it's patrons helps am sure
  14. Same empty word every year. Still my neighbours burn relentlessly without a care in the world poisoning their family and the wider community and no one says a thing. Thailand will never have proper law enforcement. Too Mai pen Rai. The sad thing is they have trash bins available right outside their property. I asked my brother in law once why he burns stuff and doesn't put it in the bin outside his house. His reply? We have always done it this way.
  15. In Thailand there is a third gender called ladyboys. Stop the western trans nonsense. Does go to show though that you can't take the man out of the transwomen. Sorry ladyboy. Oppsssss
  16. Stop taking the brown envelopes from them and actually enforce the law maybe a good move.
  17. In a country where you can't get your dying suffering pet euthanized because there religion dictates they cannot take a life but they eat meat and have a death penalty. Buddhism Thai style.
  18. Well done. It will go well side by side on the government office mantle piece with world most dangerous roads award, one they have won for the 20th year in a row.
  19. The nation's financial state is something you didn't give a jot about when you closed the country for two years over a flu. Coming home to roost is it?
  20. It is the bosses daughter. He should bow. 😂🤣
  21. Will he exit through the elite quick immigration lane or is his membership withdrawn also 😂 Hope the blacklist stands. Violence against any official should be zero tolerance.
  22. Foreigners should stop copying the Thais to fit into their culture. You will never be Thai. You no understand Thai culture.
  23. Including North Korea. Anyone remember the NK restaurant in Bangkok. Not sure of it's still there
  24. 😂.... my dad used to say if someone is ignoring you they are cockin a deafen
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