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Bim Smith

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Everything posted by Bim Smith

  1. I suppose a retirement watch is on the cards. Hope it comes with a snooze function. This post was sponsored by Seiko
  2. Being lectured by a country that has over thrown some 50 government's since 1945, many of the democratically elected, incitement of numerous illegal invasions, continues to provoke many more by having some 800 military bases around the world and whose own elections are open to massive Fraud with mail in ballots and no voter ID it's laughable he can even comment at all. Or is it really to do with the fact that Thailand announced last year it's dumping it's dollar dept by half by 2016 and applied to join BRICS that will see an end to the dollar as the reserve currency sending there own country into a depression not seen in 100 years and bring an end to US imperialism. The world will be a safer place when it does.
  3. "214 cows, 132 buffalos"? The man can leave the village but you can't take the village out of the man.
  4. Selling fruits to the public is right up there with threats to wider society. 100 lashes and a life time ban and a pedal cycle back to his own country I say.
  5. Wow you really have been red pilled mopping up that western propaganda like a sponge.
  6. What are they going to do. Sue 70 percent of the population who voted for him.
  7. Of proof were needed men can indeed get pregnant.
  8. The dinasours would rather see the country burn to ashes than concede control. Like all dictatorships.
  9. Well I didn't see this announcement coming ????????????
  10. Well it keeps the baht low while the circus continues. They are already preparing for mass civil unrest so I think the outcome is already pre decided.
  11. I am sure his visa applications are going in as I type for when he hopefully lives in exile. I am glad to see the back of him. His whole time was based on arrogance and the love of of power rather than the betterment of the people. He could never take criticism and his disastrous decision to close the country for nearly three years and sucking up to the WHO and the devastation for the Thai people economically I hope will never be forgiven. There is no welfare state here. If you don't work you don't eat. He has instilled so much fear in some they are still needlessly wearing masks.
  12. And take the entire family with them including the pet dog in the back of a pick up. Never understood that.
  13. So five cases and it only reports two one of which is an IP pirate, hardly a criminal in my eyes and the other has been operating freely since 2016 between borders on is only just been caught. I will sleep soundly tonight and retire my baseball bat.
  14. Well this comment should win the ASEAN Now award of the month.
  15. Do those expensive watches not come with an alarm?
  16. I would add an element to this often discussed topic that few if any mention. Law enforcement and lack of government will to solve the problem all have their merit. However lack of personal responsibility is one I never see mentioned. One thing I constantly see in my little neighborhood is going round blind corners at speed, while beeping their horn. They don't stop and look it's just foot on the pedal. And that includes motorcyclists. Excessive speeding. Children and dogs playing in the small sois but never slowing down. Not right of way, no give way. I'm coming through f*** everyone else. Now I love living here and I love the people. But something changes when behind the wheel of a car. They become these demons running amok with no regard for life. It maybe a collective cultural thing but they never like being told they are in the wrong and when caught, will lie to the extreme to defend the indefensible. That I am afraid will never change. And that's sad indeed.
  17. It was a joke and one that clearly went over your head
  18. You need a committee for this. Will the conclusion be that no one was to blame as all others where examined and deemed fit for purpose therefore no one to blame just an accident and no one lose face. Truth is that airport is on its last legs and no amount face-lifting will change that without major investment.
  19. I find this story hard to believe. Iron bar or not it proves that the driver isn't Thai as he was on his own with no back up gang. Must be a foreigner working illegally ????
  20. Nope. The Thai central bank like many countries around the world have signed up to digital currency. It's not far now unless people insist on using cash
  21. On the worlds most dangerous roads and 12 grand for the privilege of increasing your chances of dying. They don't even slow down for children playing in the sois.
  22. Just don't ask him what time it is.
  23. So it's a lease they are not buying. It doesn't mention wether it's a wet or dry lease. In addition what is happening to almost new 6 A380 sitting there rusting away without being used. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of them and lower your fares.
  24. If it was alcohol I would agree. Cannabis? Never. It's impossible to even be motivated on the stuff to do anything. As taking personal responsibility? I don't know of one Thai who does.
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