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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. With regards to the Thai government rolling towards xenophobia and all the 'supposed' people leaving in droves because of police checks, fingerprinting, immigration raids, incompetent and corrupt officials with upturned palms,, has anyone tried out the www.mm2h.com' 10 year visa?

    Apparently, you need 300,000 ringgit (B3 million) in the bank which can be spent as long as it is on reasonable things (house, hospital, education, car....) and you are given a 10 yr visa with tax free incentives.

    Is this too good to be true, or is Thailand too bad to be true!!! :o

  2. Boycott King Power - buy at LHR

    Boycott King Power - buy at JFK

    Boycott King Power - buy at SYD

    Boycott King Power - buy at SIN

    Boycott King Power - buy at LAX

    Boycott King Power - buy at CDG

    Boycott King Power - buy at SFO

    Boycott King Power - buy at KUL

    Boycott King Power - buy at FRA

    get my drift?!! :o

  3. Yes, there is a Re Entry application desk AFTER you go through the "International Departures" entry (whereas in DM, it was on this side of the departure entries). Note that as there are several international departure entries, go through the one where you can see the Re Entry Permit sticker on the glass and the Re Entry Permit desk behind the frosted glass. Apparently it is manned 24 hours a day and takes 20 minutes to process (or is it manned 20 mins a day and takes 24 hrs to process??!!). :o

    All this was according to a security guard checking boarding passes at the International Departures entry. :D

  4. Note that the long term parking is an open car park with no shade from the elements. Not too good for the paintwork methinks :o .

    Security seems extremely lax and may be an open invite to tea leaves as from what I saw, cars may be driven over the grass onto the road as there were no barriers and Johnny Traveller may be away for some time!! :D .

  5. Yes, there is a RE Entry application desk AFTER you go through the "International Departures" entry (whereas in DM, it was on this side of the departure entries). Note that as there are several international departure entries, go through the one where you can see the Re Entry Permit sticker on the glass and the Re entry Permit desk behind the frosted glass. Apparently it is manned 24 hours a day and takes 20 minutes to process (or is it manned 20 mins a day and takes 24 hrs to process??!!. :D

    All this was according to a security guard checking boarding passes at the International Departures entry. :o

  6. Just last week, my Thai wife & I entered Heathrow T4 immigration, and the official seeing a Thai passport jumped on us. The strange thing was, he kept on asking me why my missus applied for a 6 month tourist visa (!) I was tempted to say that she was there to shoplift, bomb, claim benefit and then stay illegally, but thought better of it. I was a wee bit puzzled by this question until he told me that, as a UK citizen travelling on an Irish passport, she was entitled to a FREE permit of some kind (it sounded along the lines of a residence permit) and why had she not applied at the Brit Embassy in BKK for a freebie instead of the 70 quid one. Well, I told him that the embassy staff in good ole Bangers wasn't exactly qualified to open a charm and etiquette college and manners weren't high on their priority list!! :o He then viewed her as suspicious and kept on asking about the tourist visa in her passport. Eventually we got thru and on our way, after his reminding us that next time, she should apply for this so-called (free) permit.

    In my books, that's 1 up for the immigration in Blighty, and a(nother) entrance in the book of shame for the trollops in the Br Emb in Bangers :D

  7. It should be sourced overseas and brought in via wire transfer so it does not look like you may be working here without a work permit but it should not be any problem - just have the account above 400k when your apply for extension (and during review period of 45 days or so to be sure). Many people have investments and such which they use for this.

    Thanx, Lop.

    Yes, it is sourced from UK and was wired to my a/c here.

  8. With the recent thread about having B4K in the bank when applying for a yearly extension, I thought this'd be a good opportunity to ask a wee bit more!! :o

    For the yearly extension to a 3 month Non Imm 'O' entry visa, do you have to be working to obtain the year's extension? Or, if you have sufficient funds to support yourself and the missus (but with no overseas pension), will the boys in brown be happy with this ? I have well in excess of B400K in the bank. If I were over 50, I'd apply for the Non Imm 'O/A' retirement visa.

    Thanx, playmates :D

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