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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. Hi...Every one...

    Me and my family had nice ten days holidays in Bangkok and Pattya.We never had any problem with Taxi either in the Airport or out side in the city.As suggested my Forum member I requested for Big taxi and after waiting for a while I got it.

    While coming back to Air port Luggage has almost doubled, Still Station wagon type Taxi could transport all..

    Nice Country & Nice people.

    Thank u.....

    'A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed'.

    Basil Fawlty

  2. senior Thai police as saying, "We were asked by British authorities to look for this man suspected of being involved in the London attack. We found him, brought him to the airport and put him on the plane to England."

    All within the space of a few days, eh? I remember the days when trying to extradite a Provo (IRA) from 300 yards inside the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland (UK) took an eternity, and even then wasn't cast iron!! Isn't Danny Morrison (P Sinn Fein) still on the wanted list and on the run in Co Donegal?

  3. Hi all up there

    I am planning to do a visa run to Mae Sai soon. I know that buses leave the bus station for Mae Sai every 30 mins or so, but is there a taxi service from the airport to Mae Sai, wait for my border crossing, and return to Jet Yod Rd area. If so, how much would it be?

    Thanx in advance

    Big A

    (ex Chiang Raier)

  4. Hi all

    I am a British citizen amd my wife is Thai. We are thinking of taking a short holiday (and my border run) later this year to either Rangoon, Vientiane or Hanoi.

    Does anyone have first hand info about VISAS ON ARRIVAL (VoA) for Brits and Thais to each country? It is easier that traipsing to the respective embassy here in BKK


    VoA for Brit?

    VoA for Thai?

    Do you still have to convert into FECs anymore at Rangoon airport?


    VoA for Brit?

    VoA for Thai?


    VoA for Brit?

    VoA for Thai?

    Thanks to all for help.

    Big A

  5. TAT launches Keeping Thailand Beautiful project

    Maybe a good starting point would be to fine Thais as well as foreigners for littering around the Siam Square and Sukhumvit areas?

    Or am I asking too much to be treated fairly?

    and stop those ###### buses from belching out black, toxic fumes!!

  6. After he swerved his car into the crowd and ran over three victims, witnesses attacked him. As of yesterday, Kan-anek said his son was crying all the time and was depressed.

    Yes, I would cry all day and would be depressed if MY father couldn't get me out of a 25 year sentence either!!! Throw the book at the piece of sh1t!! :o

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