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Posts posted by XBroker

  1. One of the side effects I'm witnessing in "humans"  (acting inhumane) who have fallen for this pet rock on steroids (never tested for safety, by the way), is diminished to no empathy.???? So, I'm no surprised at this comment and people upvoting it either.  Other side effects include, brain and other cancers, premature aging. diminished emotional maturity, high blood pressure, bloating and weight gain, diabetes, sterilization,  mind control type behaviors,  and irritability...  among others. 


    Thank you for your input mr sheeperson.

    Here is a channel by a biologist who also has a degree in chemistry. Sorry though, he's not on the main stream media. I know those with the follower, sheep mentality only beLIEve what is promoted and approved by the main stream.

  2. On 10/11/2018 at 2:19 AM, greenbottle555 said:

     These immigration officer interrogations are just very misplaced power tripping.






    TSA here acts like that. It's the policy that comes from above that allows these types to flourish. This is all by design. We are entering a dark time. If you think things are bad now, if 5G gets rolled out in earnest in places like Thailand, it's game over.


    5G can already be there, covertly. That is how it was rolled out in these England cities where people are being genocided. Yes, you read that right.

    • Confused 1
  3. Is there a cell tower locator I can use to see where cell towers are located in Thailand (and dare I ask beyond)? I'm EMF radiation sensitive. Yes, basically living in this modern world has been a nightmare the last 20 years. I'd like to learn all I can about the networks & regs in places I'm interested in traveling, dare I attempt such a thing. It's difficult going to the grocery store here and staying at a US hotel one night leaves me sick and tired; but I'm getting up there in age, so the what do I have to lose aspect is coming into play. I might even find a place in the world where less EMF is their hard line preference as well (a man can dream????).


    As a side note. The VA says should I need overnight care, I don't exist in their world. There will be no special accommodations. Of course, the person I spoke to told me that had to rub it in and tell me what I already knew and that is neither will any private hospital. I was mostly trying to get them to put it in writing so I have something tangible to show people. Oddly, they won't put it in writing and higher ups never call me back. I even asked a class action atty I'm working with to file a suit on my behalf (against the telecoms). The paralegal passed my message on to them and I never heard back from them. They too are bought off, it would appear. You know you're in deep when a US class action atty is given a slam dunk case and doesn't ring you back.


    I lived in Germany w/ my rich uncle sam before cell phones and towers. Living outside the US was wonderful (outside of the barracks) and I often dream of it. Now that I'm retired and can afford it, there is this new challenge. I would have no problem navigating the world sans cell phone. Yes, it would end up costing more, but so has my life the last 30 years, minus what I saved never having owned a cellular phone.  In the US, I use this site to find and avoid towers.


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. The U.S. should charge Thai's more to get into parks and places like Disneyland. They also should fingerprint them if they want to marry non Thai's. Every racist policy of insert name of country should be implemented in the country of the targeted citizens.


    I can't just go to Mexico (or anywhere really) and have a child and consider that child to be my anchor baby, etc.

  5. 9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Maybe you should study the UK system- he would get some pension if he only had 10 years NI contributions, it's very likely he has 20 years and is entitled to receive it every 4 weeks already at his age. As he has not bothered to claim apparently it seems to be another indication of his own irresponsibility and lack of awareness, not really a case for 'compassion' IMO.

    I don't see how he'd have 20 years in if he left at 35. Often, when young,  people have gaps in their employment as well. If he hasn't applied, it's could very well be because he knows he does not qualify.


    As an aside, I've donated (in the past) to ppl who I saw as down on their luck. I learned it will never satisfy the giver if they rely solely the later reactions of the recipient. I found it better  to give because it makes me feel better. Relying on their reaction or outcome often left me with regret, so I stopped even looking for it.  One particular year, I gave away turkeys to families around the holidays. Not 100's. A handful. In one family, the husband later murdered the wife.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    My fear is that it is this sort of lewd behaviour that will be the death of the girlie bar scene.  Places like Facebook are the public domain and simple rules of decency apply. Idiots.

    Probably the first time FB and decency have been used in the same sentence. They conduct psychological experiments on their users. There is nothing decent about them. 

  7. On 1/12/2018 at 11:00 AM, speedtripler said:

    They also buy the top spec priced mini Cooper for 3.6M....

    And around bkk I see a lot of vespa scooters now which cost between 120-220k when they could have a super reliable Honda click or yamaha mio for less than a quarter of the price





    100,000 U.S. Dollars for a Mini? :shock1:

    Then there's the VAT tax on top of that right?

    I don't see how it's cheaper to live there outside of the lower cost of trim.

  8. 39 minutes ago, toughlove said:
    49 minutes ago, Wake Up said:
    Good lord two kids. No big deal. All the advice about no eye contact and what if they accuse you of hitting them? Relax and enjoy life. Danger Will Rogers Danger. What kind of life do you have if you live constantly afraid of others especially kids? Peace

    Good lord what a drama queen lol

    Maybe he missed the rocks part.

  9. On 12/16/2017 at 7:53 AM, Wake Up said:

    Can you imagine the headlines —USA pays Supplemental Security Income benefits to world traveler—


     Personally I hope you get caught as I help pay the taxes for your benefits and I hope the USA enforces the law and it sounds like you are trying or abusing the system. 

    SSI is supposed to be for people who have little to no income or assests and cannot work, and who don't qualify for SSDI if I remember correctly. So,  how does someone who's supposed to be broke afford to go to Thailand.

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