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Posts posted by XBroker

  1. 8 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    It means nothing other than -- in this case -- inheritance might not work as leverage.

    Who's looking for leverage? Leverage is used when trying to fix or move something. She made her move. The assumption here is I'd be looking back, if this were me? naw dog.


    You don't know fee-males if you think this is based in any way on morality or spirituality.

  2. 15 hours ago, hobz said:

    I bet more lives are ruined by drunk driving and reckless driving than drugs and other crime combined in pattaya. just saying.

    A pet peeve of mine, though I think these 2 should fry. Meth is no joke from what I've seen. Never had a desire to try. Weed is my drug of choice over alcohol. They don't want us to have it bc it's actually beneficial in many ways.

  3. 52 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

    Thank "goodness" this isn't a nanny state ! :smile:  But prohibiting herbicides & pesticides would be a good thing.

    The test kit idea is a good one . There should be an app on your smartphone to examine the goods before buying them , so rejecting the sellers directly in their face. ... But of course testing for all the poisons is a difficult and time consuming thing.

    Cell phone radiation is a much faster killer than pesticides, IMO.

    This is unproven tech and most fail to even read the warnings in the literature that comes w/ their device.  Speaking of which, I wonder what the laws are there for the placement of cell towers. Probably just as lax. How close are you to one?


    Law enforcement, worldwide, is even more exposed than the general public. Check out the leukemia rates for them. Microwaving your brain turns it to mush. I've noticed increasingly irrational behavior (here in the U.S.)  since the roll out of cell phones, which I never use. But this has been the plan all along. It has little to do w/ helping you to communicate w/ anyone. It has more to do w/ getting the sheeple to fund the control/extermination grid (Agenda 21).

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  4. 1 hour ago, nausea said:

    Gruesome. The main article says the poor guy was stuck on those railings for over an hour. He paid a heavy price for a momentary lapse of judgement. Hopefully, some good might come out of this tragedy -  it might prove a lesson to others; you won't catch me jumping any balconies for a while that's for sure, sober or not.


    Sounds more like alcohol impaired judgment; but alcohol is legal and worshiped by a lot of clowns, while marijuana is illegal and doesn't even come CLOSE to killing the number of people alcohol does. Sick, upside down world.

  5. 3 hours ago, BudRight said:

    Thais criticize stuff all the time. They just don't like when YOU do it, so they tell you its rude. Really there are pretty different expectations of westerner vs Thai social behavior. 

    That seems to be a theme is Asia in general. I think there is more racism involved than we'd like to admit. 

  6. 7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    If anybody knows how to criticize people without criticizing them please let me know...


    Not paying your rent is one way.


  7. 1 hour ago, tandor said:

    ..these days nobody is on the same page.

    The difference being, when they were done reading their paper, they spoke to each other.

    I don't own a cell phone and never have. Trying to figure out how I can avoid one when I travel and more importantly, how I can avoid everyone else's  radiation emitting devices.

  8. On 10/16/2017 at 10:19 AM, Jack james said:

    I owned a Tundra in the US and my friend is on his 3rd. They are great! Had a ranger, fuel pump went out in no time. Chevy same thing. Known for losing fuel pumps. Ford early brake pad wear. Not a fan.

    Could not believe when I found out Ford puts non ceramic brakes on their new Mustangs. Prolly the case w/ the rest as well. Cheap F###S

  9. On 10/12/2017 at 12:01 AM, rojaron said:

    If you check the weather maps,for example passageweather.com it shows that next week Thailand could get hit by 3 different typhoons.This is not a joke,check the weather forecast for yourself.

    Here is a good site as well... The date needs to be changed to October. Plus you can see forward. Usually pretty accurate.


  10. On 10/12/2017 at 12:10 AM, smotherb said:

    Gee, poor management, poor enforcement, poor planning, poor implementation, poor zoning, poor construction, poor operation, poor training and you wonder if problems will occur.

    Considering Agenda 21 (or Agenda 2030 if you must), I don't think these types of things are random 'anywhere'. It's weather warfare. The elite have tech that is 50 or more years beyond what we are aware of. 9 out of 10 ppl you see everyday must go. The rest will be turned into robot hybrids. I 'wish' this was a conspiracy theory.

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