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Jim Turner Mad Punx

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Posts posted by Jim Turner Mad Punx

  1. My old dentist was a Japanese woman. The other male dentist there was a Japanese man.


    I liked getting work done because she would lean over me and put her breasts in my face. I always regretted not asking her to ride me. Did not have to worry one iota about the Japanese dentist man playing in my garden...


    do you know how small their snakes are?


    ba dump bum bum...

  2. It's 10 baht. Always pay in exact change or some will take the 20.


    had one drive off with 40 (two people) in patts. First time it happened anywhere with a baht bus. Exact change anywhere in patts seems to be a good rule of thumb.


    lots of scumbags everywhere you don't get in other parts of the country.

  3. On August 2, 2017 at 7:17 AM, mlmcleod said:

    In the USA, the Chinese are always so quiet and respectful that you would hardly notice them.  Sadly, The Asian Chinese have never been exposed to the rest of the world so they will have to learn the hard way.  I remember the Ugly American and I do hope we learned.  The Chinese will too!


    It's just my opinion, please don't get mad!:smile:

    That's because they are isolated. Get a couple anywhere or a solo and they get real meek and keep to themselves. Put them in a group and they change.


    its because they are afraid of being alone.


    something I have noticed with other Asians, including thai as we'll, but to a lesser extent then Chinese.


    other Asians in the USA as we'll, very meek and quiet if not in a group of their own ethnicity.

  4. I hated patts after a month and left. Seems exciting at first but the feeling soon wears off.


    towards the end I would look up at empty condos along the beach at jomtien and hope I would never end up there without other options.


    why did I leave?


    Was not fun anymore

    tired of being in bars

    drinking too much and was not getting work done

    tired of seeing old guys with prostitutes

    tired of emotional immaturity of ladies and no genuine relationships

    thai males were revolting and I was having trouble avoiding them

  5. Went to a breakfast Buffett at a hotel during a layover. Industrial city north of Hong Kong. 


    The chinese were rude, shoved their way around, and just made a mess. Hotel staff had to linger around to make sure they did not go ape at the self serve buffet.


    i was happy to get out of there and continue my flight. If you ever go to china go high society as much as possible. Not a great place for the budget minded.

  6. 16 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

    Stop it with the common sense. Folks here want to hear from the guy living a great life on 10K bht/mo. so they can bash the guy spending 100K bht/mo. If the wife isn't bringing home a paycheck she must be a golddigger.


    But, these threads made for good reading and entertainment, that's all.





    well putting people down for being dull and/or immature is what i find entertaining. that's what i like to do.
    and i don't care what you reputation is here or what fancy nicknames you  have or posting numbers or what you want to see. i will still put you and your posts down like a dog anyway.


    that's what i like.

  7. The problem with these constant income questions is that it's all subjective.


    there is no required amount. Incomes range from a couple dollars a day to highly compensated politicians.


    theres always someone above or below you.


    these questions are really about what "you" are comfortable with, not what "they" make.


    when you have figured that one out you have figured out everything.

  8. seems like these machines are independently operated like a franchise on private property.

    i used to think they were operated by some sort of central water authority, but now just get bottled water. the one near my home in cm was always ok, but the guy whose house it was in front of was pretty affulent so I suspect he maintained it and changed the filters regularly. some of the machines in front of stores in bkk the water tasted weird. in bkk i just get bottled water. i like to lick wet bushes.

  9. 21 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    Having said that, and I don't fault the girl, I don't really expect her to try and get the guy down.

    Not only expected, but required.


    in Thailand suicide means there is no time or resources to investigate a crime or potential crime.


    real detectives like u see in the movies are far and few in less affluent countries and takes a lot of intelligence and training which low paid occupations can't secure unless it's a high profile crime. 


    I think the thais figure foreigners know it's just saving face, but of course most just read the surface word suicide and figure what??

  10. On July 14, 2017 at 6:40 PM, notamember said:

    been away for 2 months working, so knowing things change fast in Pattaya i called hooters to see if all was the same

    spoke in Thai to a lady who answered

    Happy hour, ribs, wings, beers etc until 6pm? same deal as three months ago?

    yes says voice, all same same 

    ok see you later


    so i drive through the hurricane that arrived late afternoon yesterday from Kao talo , park in royal garden , pass the new foodland (when did that happen)  walk to hooters in the now not so driving rain but still wet


    so sit at my usual table with my family, met by my usual girl, order our usual drinks

    drinks come , order same same as always, she knows what i mean and she says not happy hour now, not same before

    really i say, i call 2 hours ago, they say same same, i show her call on my phone

    she is embarrassed but i try to lighten the mood and say ok, whats the promotion now?

    she says Friday special is fish and chips and a chang, ok i say how much?

    she shows me on menu rather than say

    its 699 baht!

    i say really and thats a special item at a special price?

    she does not answer


    she says have new boss, everything change,

    i can see that i say

    she says have lady boss here as lady walks past , can talk with her?

    so grabs her like  a drowning person clinging to a liferaft and brings her  to us, i talk, she listens, she clearly has no idea what i am banging on about, even in thai, ( i bet she is the one who answered the phone earlier) so she is little to no use and quickly gets new boss


    she brings him over , i can tell straight away from his confrontational tone he is no stranger to argument


    i ask him about the prices and whether he thinks 699 baht is a fair price for fish and chips that can be bought at a specialist retailer of fish and chips ;like jolly friar for 175 baht with a 45 baht chang

    so a little over 200 baht there


    he defends himself as best he can by saying a number of times''but this is Hooters!'' as though that a mere mention of the name will explain the prices as though Hooters is synonymous with price gouging

    he says that all the promotions are drink related now not food related

    i expect that would be seem normal and what he thinks is required for Pattaya punters from an Ozzie

    he says he has not changed the prices since he came but i pointed out the ribs list price on the menu has increased from 1/2 rack at 499 baht to 599 baht and the full rack from 699 to 799 since i was last here

    so someone increased them, although he says it was not him


    i say you are like a Thai, you increase prices in low season to maintain profits from a smaller turnover


    he is not nearly as amiable as his predecessor, he liked an argument as much as me, so it was best left before it came to fisticuffs

    he was pretty dismissive and laize-faire as i say we won't be staying now or coming back again

    i can find other places to spend the 3-4-5000 we usually do even in happy hour at Hooters

    so we left, saddened that one of our favorite early start places has been ruined by the greed of a new manager 

    so we went to cherries,

    guess what was on the menu?

    all you can eat ribs for 350 baht and very nice too

    spent about 2500 total to a place that deserved our money


    Hooters , i am very sad to hear about your demise...........










    Not sure what your ranting on about. Paying for ambiance is nothing new.


    Hooters has always been overpriced your paying to see hooters. Just like a Gogo bar, if the beers too expensive there drink at the 7-11. The manager was correct and they probably can afford to not care about your gripe.

    • Like 1
  11. On January 26, 2015 at 7:18 AM, chickenslegs said:

    Unfortunately, I have more chance of qualifying for a job at "Hooters" than most Thai girls do.

    We're Gitting a little bit older now and Some times we git wat we ask for, bit it was not wat weez wus expecting.

  12. On July 11, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Chiangmai Foxy said:

    Yes apparently so, as i indicated in my original post...
    He was taken from his room over a week ago by medical personnel in their chosen apparatus shall we say!!!..He didn't just leave his place and avoid posting on 'Thai Visa' or take a trip!!!
    Reefs were laid by his motorcycle, from many people living in his condo...
    chatted and had a beer with him a week ago, he seemed perfectly fine and healthy to me, exercising and having a few beers..
    For those who need further information you can ask at his apartment..

    *** removed****


    Sounds like he was either very ill or worse. You could check with the local hospital. There aren't that many in cm.

  13. I like the more sketchy aspect with spooks and Nigerians. Makes me feel more at home (USA). 


    For or the average tourist I imagine they feel safer at a bar then walking down the street, but then bars are not really my scene.


    sometimes the grit can have that added excitement that I just don't get in a bar. Pat pong, Chinatown, I guess lower sukhumvit late at night.


    A nice change from the bar scene for anyone who's looking for a change in a very safe city where your unlikely to be in any real danger. Get out of your tourist comfort zone and try something real.

  14. On June 30, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Lumbini said:

    Could they make one long area in Jomtien and have it NEVER HAVE VENDERS AND CHAIR RENTALS , and large fines to anyone leaving any trash

    Then the other sections could be for those who prefer less nature and natural beauty where they can sit in old chairs out of the sun and have people trying to sell them things every few minutes

    Nope. Thais don't understand the concept of affluent beach locations like that. They grew up around crowds and trash and rarely care about other locations. That's actually what they are comfortable with because that's what they grew up with and they assume you are as we'll.


    if you want upscale your going to have to upsize. Either by moving away or paying off a high end resort from an internationally recognized hotel chain that has experience with what foreigners like.


    im a little jaded about the whole Thai beach scene as we'll. never really found what I was looking for. The was an isolated beach on koh tarutao that fit the bill but not really setup for long term accommodation (park authorities dissuaded me from venturing there but I went anyhow FYI. They did not think there was anything there worth seeing).

  15. 15 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    The calculations in the OP sound like a truly dismal existence.  And to be honest, your calculations don't even truly cover survival. What about health insurance?  Utilities?  Visa [runs]? Drinking something other than water once in a while?  New clothes from time to time?  Internet?  Cellphone (calls + data)?  Non-insurance medical expenses?  Travel within the city?  Wanting to get out of the city once in a while?  Emergency travel back to your country (relatives sick/funeral)?  Wanting to eat something other than Thai street food once in a while?  Everyone needs some form of entertainment/leisure: cable? Books? The occasional movie?

    Could be he is unemployable in home country and just trying to stretch savings? Or just stretching money on vacation?


    either way most people only live on a minimal budget by necessity, not by choice.


    On 6/1/2017 at 11:47 PM, heybruce said:

    On the other hand, anyone looking for a quiet place in Thailand should know it needs to be far from cities, and far from households that have chickens.  It's easier to get used to the noise.

    would have to agree with that one. if it was not the mall, it would be a neighbor or something else, i can almost guarantee it.
    you have to go way out to get peaceful silence. quiet is just not in the culture.

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