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Jim Turner Mad Punx

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Posts posted by Jim Turner Mad Punx

  1. for me its not the fact of what they are doing that spoils it for me, its having others around at all. if its not a chair problem or a vendor its going to be something else. same old problem, either go to the trouble to go to an isolated area and have a great day, or watch fat guys fart and be with skinny thai ladies, your choice.


    question is why do you keep going tot he crowded areas when its not working and never will, just laziness or hoping to find an exception one day? probably wont happen.


    to sit in a chair btw is usually 40 baht or whatever it happens to be that day and the charge is not posted or on the food menu, for anyone listening who is a newbie.

  2. On 6/30/2017 at 0:55 AM, morrobay said:

    Ethno-centric. Like management at 3 star + and  other upscale locations being obliveous to the effect of loads of motor and other taxi related Thai males lying around  the entrence, on their business.

    Yes, taxi scum would be included, as would be seedy bars, street prostitutes, dumping sewage into the ocean, stray dogs and a bunch of other things people in more affulent countries take for granted they don't have to live around and especially dont have to vacation around.


    On 6/21/2017 at 0:48 AM, Seismic said:

    Pattaya can never be a family friendly resort as long as there is so little parking, polluted beaches and water, terrible traffic, flooding , constant road works, scams and rip-offs. While they are trying to paper over the 'farang visited' bars, they dont seem to have done much about the numerous karaoke and thai bars that also feature prostitution.

    They are right that western family friendly is where the real money is. But that's not going to happen until they bring in expensive attractions or world class resort hotels, not just clean up seedy areas.

    The Thais are so ethno-centric (look the word up if you have to) that seedy and trashy look relatively normal to the majority of Thais and international travel to quality vacation spots for families did not seem big on the list for most Thais I know. Thus the difficulty. Lack of cash is also a problem, you need to build it first and the money will follow.

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