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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. I presume that if in England, a pensioner would receive the cost of living allowance that is not available for British pensioners in Thailand.
  2. Wonder it it has a tick tock sound from its tummy as it wanders around?
  3. Was the driver's nickname "Boss" by any chance? A souped up car sound like the modus operandi of the infamous Red Bull rich kid. Will this driver be apprehended and be punished?
  4. Not sure how to deny he removed documents when there is a photo. As Trump was not known to read anything, it cannot be his library.
  5. Curious story. So this guy either came to Thailand with a fishing rod or acquired one here from a Thai shop without the Thai owner pointing to local Thai laws about fishing. He then asked around where he could hire a Thai fishing boat. A Thai must have told him to talk to the Thai captain of a Thai boat. They reached an agreement on the price of the fishing expedition in Thai waters (which is is common tourist activity around the world). The Thai captain takes him to a place in a Thai national park without hesitation where he could fish without the Thai captail explaining that fishing in a Thai national park is illegal. Thais expected the foreigner to know something he had not been told by anyone. The only reason I can think for Thai ire is that they know he knew it was illegal and did it anyway because it is legal in his country. Do we know that they know that he knew that he knowingly broke the law?
  6. Doesn't anyone wonder why, with all the foreigners being condescending towards Thais here, they all prefer living here than living in their safe, developed nations? It wasn't until the Vietnam war that Thailand's economy started to pick up and poor Thais began to make some money besides in agriculture. They found shortcuts to making money and people still want that laissez faire freedom to get rich like the American soldiers they saw based here. The difference is the soldiers have been replaced by tourists. The police also want to be rich and ethics don't come into it. Every time a foreigner says that dangerous sentence "where I come from..." Thais think "why can't I have some of that?." Every country has laws, so why do we have prisons if everyone respects the law?
  7. Not disagreeing but find Thailand far better for a holiday than Singapore. Bali is a place I love due to its culture and atmosphere.
  8. As an adult who has been perhaps 20 times now on business, I find it fake, lacking history and culture. All the old buildings have been knocked down and there is no charm about the place. Maybe good for kids but I never enjoyed it. Just my experience of course.
  9. When front seatbelts became mandatory I remember there was an interim period where officers would give a warning (please correct me if I have misremembered). Like all things Thai, people need to be made aware and many simply don't know when new laws are introduced. It says something that not everyone reads newspapers. No doubt rear seatbelts will catch on as they are fitted on new cars already. Expect Bangkok to wear seatbelts, then word will spread
  10. Good news. Good luck to the boy. Hope he can avoid the people who will offer to manage his career, tell him which races to throw etc. There’s a reason we don’t have many famous, international athletes.
  11. Thais really have better things to worry about so this is unlikely to cause a fuss. What’s the point of submarines with no engines? Get some cheap and at least look glorious before the fuel price rises to the level that they can’t refill them.
  12. I noticed that Singapore is the only country that doesn’t care what you want, in terms of visa length, but gives what they think you deserve. Clearly they are not dependent on tourists as one of the region’s most boring destinations (never understand why people go there except for business). They have developed their business without much heavy manufacturing. If Thailand could get its act together, investing in education and business, perhaps this would not make the length of stay such an issue.
  13. No one could reject wearing seatbelts if they are fitted. No excuse.
  14. I once understood that Thai Airways was to be dissolved as for decades it has proven to be inefficient. This cycle of bailouts by the public just extends the problem but doesn't solve it. Not sure how many remember the disappeance of an airplane engine and the parts being sold back to the airline by their own staff? Better to sell it to the private sector and end the idea of a national airline.
  15. The trial may bring up some witnesses to her abuse, or not. No one should guess at this stage as she can say what she likes to defend herself.
  16. Clearly an accident so not surprised the police are hesitant to add to the family's grief. The boy will have to live with this.
  17. Usually an allegation must be prosecuted if there is evidence. That may take up to the next election.
  18. While the country needs to defend its borders against Burma, Cambodia and Malaysia, for who else is likely to invade, if these vehicles are based in Bangkok it does give the wrong messaging. The USA must know the Thai military may use them against students so it is also accountable should civilians be injured by these beasts of war.
  19. Why does the RTP focus on victimless crime? So many murders and robberies you'd think they already have their hands full (pun intended).
  20. The FBI is the last agency that I would want to receive advice from. The FBI is a total failure at preventing shooting deaths. They are not the first responders to mass shootings anyway. That would be local police and the local SWAT team. Like in Texas. Thailand shouldn't be taking any advice from The Mild Bunch.
  21. Quite surprised that some are against the US showing China that Taiwan is a friend and that the US supports it. I suppose she could have kowtowed to Xi, gushed about Putin or saluted Kim Jong-un. But that would have been cowardly.
  22. Who on earth gives ganja brownies to kids? Must have been a relative. While it isn't poisonous, it is highly irresponsible to give a child even mild drugs even as a joke.
  23. By chance, I was in a meeting yesterday with the deputy minister for public health and he spent a couple of minutes explaining that Monkeypox was mainly spread by MSM (men who have sex with men). This is roughly what I had heard when the first outbreaks began in Africa. The medical council person has basically tarred everyone who is here or who was planning to visit Thailand with a big brush. Shooting oneself in the foot seems to be a popular Thai game.
  24. Killing in self defense is usually the verdict where police still have to have a reason for shooting someone, or not in Thailand?
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